I wonder how much MS had to give up to get the publishing license.PBSnipes
The fact that ME has already clocked in at 1 million sold and that EA generate more money on the 360 than every other platform available, and then some, would be incentive enough. It's a guaranteed hit.
I never played a Star Ocean game before but I have no problem with more JRPG's going to 360. =) They are what I want more of.I wouldn't be surprised if SE decides to port FFXIII...the already stated the White Engine is meant to be for multi-platforms and said the 360 owners buy a lot of games...I think theyre interested.killab2oo5
As enthusiastic about the 360's software sales SE has been recently, I think Sony will step in and move mountains too keep FF13 a PS3 exclusive.
GOTY for me hands down. Most impressive thing about the game is the story, and not just the main story arc but all the background information. Its like the background info in the Elder Scrolls games only interesting.PBSnipes
My GOTY as well, absolutely brilliant game that should be enjoyed by every RPG fan.
I agree with the backstory part too, it was just as enthralling as the actual story!
The part near the end where you encounter that A.I, I just wanted to stand there all day and ask it questions :D
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