[QUOTE="Apathetic-Irony"][QUOTE="Zhengi"][QUOTE="TheOwnerOner"][QUOTE="Zhengi"] So where's Dead Rising 2 or Lost Planet 2?
Isn't it funny that Capcom is reporting record profits not from Dead Rising or Lost Planet, but actually from RE 4 Wii? Seems like Tnasty11 was pretty accurate with that statement.
RE4 Wii has sold a total of 1.02 million
DR 360, 1.48 million
LP 360, 1.33 million
so yeah, Dead Rising and LP has made more money confirmed
Right, Capcom was expecting to sell only 400k copies of Resident Evil. They have sold 1.02 million. That means about 700k copies of it = profit. You figure out the math there.
I don't see how this gets around the fact that Dead Rising and Lost Planet both outsold anything on the PS3, being Japanese games on an American system and all.
capcom had to made a game thatappeals to NA and europe to make it sell it on the 360answer this if capcom made a game thatappeals to japan like Breath of fire would itsold over a million copies on the 360?
Possibly, Breath of Fire is a proven franchise with a large fan base.
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