3-4 generations ago on nintendo final fantasy has 40 hour epics in 2d an had tons of side quests
yet a next generation game for 360 cannot make story longer then 12-15 hours that is friggin rediculous
if i play the game 3 hours a day i will beat it in a 3 days that is just pathetic for an rpg main story i dont care how much sidequests ther are in it or replay bein evil
i want a long meaty rpg with mechanics that will make the game last an want to keep playin for atleast a month straight
i got huge long epic rpg's on the nintendo super nintendo an playstation
i got small 10 hour fable on xbox and 12 hour massive flop effect on 360
any true rpg gamer should be shocked an appalled at the game length that is inexcusable its not even an action rpg like fable so its even more rediculous that its short cuz the combat system is a joke unlike fables
mass effect isn't an fps it should not be 12 hours from beigning to end in the main story line an thats just a fact if it is i feel it will get 8-8.5 but i wish it would get a 7 to tell bioware to learn to make longer rpg's cuz it what fans want
here we are we have all the power of a 360 huge dvd disc space, hey you can even use multiple discs like ff7 or baldur's gate yet u dont push any limits bioware u did nothin extra for ur game fans of bioware should not respect this title of theres cuz it is not liek there past ones
I'm tired of saying the same thing OVER and OVER - I am 9 hours into Mass Effect, I've barely touched the main story, this game looks set to be AT LEAST 30 hours long, if not more, because judging by what I've seen so far, there are an absolutely HUGE amount of side-quests to undertake, each entertaining, I've done about 4 so far and they've been brilliant.
Mass Effect has more content than any of the FF games have, the only reason FF games are so long are the ridiculous mini-games and constant level grinding.
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