BambooBanger's forum posts
[QUOTE="Video_Game_King"]If they're anything like the PC-RPG genre, then I really don't like Bioware RPG's apparently. Far too much open-endedness, no direction nor any sense of where to go/do.Noldorin2646
Well that whats roleplay is generally like, you are suppose to choose what to happen. You know you have to do this by the end of the game, but the way you do it is your choice.
No, compared to console RPG's, its really, really open-ended. I have no idea where to go, what to do, who to talk to, or what items I should get. Then again, I did try to start off with Ultima IV.
You pretty much given a small indication of where you suppose to head to, to get there you have to talk around, explore, etc. I really like games like Neverwinter Night and Baldur's Gate, because you can create your own character with abilities, feats, etc. of their own
Mind giving me an old school reccomendation on where to start? I thought Ultima IV would ease me in, but it just polarized me further. Same as Herzog Zwei.
If you don't mind reading a lot, I suggest TES III: Morrowind. It's kinda dated now (dated textures, no dynamic NPC), but it's still deep and fun. Baldur's Gate II was awesome, but I still think Morrowind was a bit more accessible (heaven forbid).
Neverwinter Nights!
The game that opened me up to WRPG's (before that I didn't like them).
I grew up on JRPG's, the first JRPG I ever played was Phantasy Star (also my favourite series) for the Master System. I really like JRPG's (I even bought Enchated Arms, Blue Dragon and Eternal Sonata), but I'm leaning towards WRPG's these days because they are just so much more involving and story-wise, theyre generally of a higher standard than their Japanese counterparts.
I love the art direction and melodramatic music of JRPG's, but I like to interactivity, battle systems and stories of WRPG's.
Mass Effect is the best RPG I have played since Grandia.
Just for the record I am now 7.5 hours in, barely even touched the main story :)
There is just SO much fun to be had, and even though the galaxy is populated with loads of alien species, there's not a JRPG Ladyboy in sight!
[QUOTE="Danm_999"][QUOTE="Bren128"][QUOTE="Verge_6"][QUOTE="Bren128"]Clears throat, i know some of you ms fans arent really used to playing good rpgs, but anything under 30 hours (sidequests included) in the rpg world is pretty much below average. Bren128
:lol: Congrats, you should have REALLY paid attention to this old saying; It's better to have everyone THINK you are a fool by keeping silent, rather than having people KNOW you are a fool by speaking.
if you think kotor is the best rpg of all time you have problems. FF7 Chrono Cross>>>KOTOR .....
Your basing that on an opinion which many would disagree with.
actually i think that the majorty of people would choose FF7, majority rules
Ugh, the Final Fantasy series is incredibly samey and cliched, and compared to Mass Effect, the FF series is like Babies Day Out - just with 40 hours of random battle level grinding.
Besides, alot of outlets gave Panzer Dragoon Saga a higher score than the overbloated FF7.
Im playing through it now, 17 hours in and its awesome.kevy619
Oh you must have finished the game 5 hours ago, then :P
[QUOTE="steegles"][QUOTE="Salvy41"][QUOTE="steegles"][QUOTE="Cali3350"]Im a little over 2 hours in and the main quest hasnt even really started yet. Id be surprised if its really only 12 hours.Newnab
haha mass failure
Even for a troll account, this is a terribly pathetic attempt..
Ok, well go play your little 12 hour game.
What, Halo 3? Well we could play that or one of the many other AAA quality titles on our system. Hell, he could probably even play Mass Effect if he has an early copy, it'll last him a long time.
What will you be enjoying? Lair on repeat? Or will you force yourself to attempt to enjoy "Heavenly Sword" again for a couple of sessions?
I'm suprised it wasn't renamed "Heavenly Short" to be honest :roll:
[QUOTE="Verge_6"]ME is one of the defining games of the decade, so those SOny fans have to CLING to whatever negative piece of news they can regarding it, even if it is questionable, at best.King_of_Sorrow
That's a bold statement.
Coming from someone else who has Mass Effect, I agree with Verge_6.
Don't get me wrong, there are some PS3 games, like Lair, that are definative of this generation also, just for all the wrong reasons.
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