Ya thats what happens accord when someone posts the link to that forum on the CnC 3 forums, so surprising :/ Seriously that thread really means nothing, it all depends on who happens to see it, but yes CnC does really have much more wide appeal as it at heart is a very shallow simplistic game so it's not surprising. CnC 3 vs Supcom is like Ridge Racer Vs GTR2 I'll go with the later as I'm into deeper gaming experiences :) if you want a good tactical RTS Company of Heroes is a far, far better game.
It has a better art style then number 1 and it's just all around more fun then number 1, it has 3 different playable characters that all play the game rather differently to.
Sacrifice comes to mind, not the deepest game ever, but it has the best atmosphere of any game ever made and is a great deal of fun, on top of that it's pretty different in the fact that there are no other games like it.
How about the lowest scored game you played significantly? Who really cares if you played a game like big rigs for a minutes to be honest :P Planetside is the lowest scoring game I have played, it got a 7.6 here.
10 to 15 thousand? Actually more like 3 to 9 thousand :P their are 5800 on right now. The reason the 360 version is dead because number 3 is out for it.
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