@PeterDuck Except for all the console games where that isn't an issue...But hey, you just stay sitting on the PC-superiority chair all you want. Don't let reality get in the way.
It's pretty funny seeing all the comments from people posting about their "super uber combo", yet all the posts are providing different things.I used a rocket launcher through almost my entire second 1999 playthrough. Why yes pretty lady, I WILL take that extra ammo... KABOOOOM.
@Dredcrumb9 This game doesn't demonize the founding fathers. It demonizes the wackjob that co-opted the founding fathers "brand" for his own insane purposes.
It's taken them this long to find a way to turn it into a cash grab like Diablo III?Just slap on an RMAH and call it a day.
@FarginIcehole That's a wildly ridiculous stretch just to tack on $600 to your total cost equation. Doesn't pass a sniff test even a little bit.
@FarginIcehole Riiight, because people wouldn't pay for internet unless they had a console that requires always-on...
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