@DrPhartPounder im not sure whether you are being ironic or sarcastic. Gearbox didnt ruin Duke Nukem Forever, that game would never have seen the light of day without them. I dont fault Gearbox for taking the paycheck, keeps the lights on and people employed, there arent that many independent third party console developers left.
I was on the side of the D3 developers, its sour grapes to bash something because you dont think you get enough credit. Then two and a half hours ago i tried to log in and got an error. It still isnt fixed and blizzard has no eta. Its not the game balancing issues that I have a problem with, they will patch those and the last patch adding paragon levels was a big change....but the endless bugs, the error messages, the awful launch....this game was put out earlier than it should have been. We all wanted d3, but i would rather have waited a few more months for a more polished release with none of these crippling bugs.
@williebazerka I try. I think gaming has already hit a point where it is very hard to compare games from twenty years ago. Graphics and sound are such an important part of the medium that I dont know how well a lot the 8-bit and 16-bit classics hold up. Ive been trying to get into Super Mario Rpg on the SNES, but I never actually played it back in the day and thus have no nostalgia for it so Im finding it hard to deal with. I assume gamers who grew up on ps2 and maybe the n64/psx as kids have a hard time playing NES games. Due to life getting busier Ive only been able to play through a few games more than once since the N64 era: RE4, RE5 (not nearly as good but I was trophy hunting once I got a PS3), UC, UC2 (trophy hunting again), I think that's it. I loved Bioshock, but dont know how compelled to play through it again I feel. Honorable mention goes to Red Dead Redemption, played it, then watched my GF play the whole game. How do you compare Bioshock to say Crystallis on the NES (im avoiding the standard classic "classics" like SMB, SMB3, Metroid, and Zelda). For its time Crystallis was amazing, but 20 years later without the nostalgia and personal attachments most gamers have, how does it hold up? Likewise, how will future gamers feel about Bioshock....just some musings. I didnt play through Bioshock till fall 2011 and id put it in my top 5 of this gen (in no particular order Uncharted 2, Red Dead, Bioshock, Arkham Asylum, and Mass Effect).
OMG a game is having staff leave and is getting delayed...this means it must be terrible lets all complain about it and how its now the worst game ever....cmon internets....NERD RAGE
@edgewalker16 VH1 isnt exactly a pinnacle of the gaming community. I love Bioshock, but 3rd best game of all time? Sorry no dice. I dont think it would make my top 10, but then its hard to evaluate how a first person shooter/adventure rates against an 8bit 2d platformer, except i still see the simple brilliance in SMB or Megaman 2, and the games are over 20 years old.
@pszone .....or you could wait for reviews, if Irrational hadnt announced a release date until three months out then no one would know otherwise, Rockstar does that so no one can complain about delays.
@Ronaldo27 I think its going to be a gimick for most multiplatform releases. Like Wii, companies will put their B teams on it (if that). Nintendo will sell more than the Gamecube, but they arent going to repeat their success. How many controllers do i need to buy to play things? Ive got two wii motes...but no motion plus....i just dont see it working. I hope I am wrong, but i think the tablet gimmick wont hold up. A lot of hardcore gamers got burned on the wii, the Virtual Console could have been used to hold over gamers in the dry spells, but they never properly supported it...some games never came out and some came out after many of us had stopped caring. Are their some great games for the Wii? Most certainly, but they lost all non-nintendo fanboys. Launching a gimmicky console which will be underpowered the minute the next gen consoles come out....bad move. I hope I am wrong, but I think Pachter is right on this, even if he doesnt properly articulate it.
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