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BlackBaldwin Blog

Currently Playing...

So just as the title says I've recentlypurchased WWE All Stars and I'm currently toying around with it. I must say in reguards to the game that its pretty good probably the best WWE game I've played for sometime now truthfully. The WWE games in general are pretty poor in quality due to the yearly releases so I guess it was only a matter of time beforeTHQ put enough pieces together to make a decent game with WWE posted on thebox as an endorsement. I won't say go out and pick it up just because I find that the gameplayablity is very limitedand paying sixty bux for it isn't really worth it just wait for the price to dropon the game and try it out later.

Other then that game I still find myself playing Dynasty Warrior 7 and infamous when I get bored with the other two. I love Dynasty Warriors so I'll be probably playing that game for a couple more months to come and I recently started to play infamous again due to watching a trailer of infamous 2 which just rekindled my desire to complete it. Other then that I don't really have much to say I find myself suffering from a head cold so I can't really think straight at the moment. Anyways I'm off to try to get some sleep so hopefully I'll start to feel better I hope you are have a great week I'll try to post something decent next monday hopefully I'll feel better then so later days yall!!!


Dragonaut -The Resonance-

Well it seems everyone I know is into anime on gamespot so I felt like mentioning a word or two about a anime I recently picked up called dragonaut. Its made by gonzo who I think is a studio owned by funimations. To say the least since I live in the middle of United States in part of the country where cows are more plentiful then people the choices I get for japanese features are very limited. True as rain most of the animes I see are at either best buy or walmart and yeah the selections to choose from are pretty horrible but I feel that dragonaut even through considered mainstream japanese to most anime watchers was a pretty good buy.

The story is based around a young man who loses his family in a tragic shuttle accident named Jin and around a mysterious young woman who one day saves him from a rampaging beast named Toa. Jin instantly feels a connection towards Toa who he knows nothing about and well before you know it he finds himself beingchased by a government organization called I.S.D.A who wants to capture Toa because shes the sole life-form that they believe can save their planet.

The series is a typical funimations piece which is about twenty six episodes long. There was many plot twists and character developement changes that I found myself surprised that I enjoyed alot. But I did find a few aspects of the series that I hated. For example they have some character designs that I hated such as over developed woman chest sizes on three different female characters that I felt just took away from my experence from this piece. Also another quality I hated was that they had a power ranger morphing thing where the dragonauts would merge with their dragon counter parts that I also felt they could've did another way as well.

Anyhow if you like anime and are looking for something thats different and entertaining try Dragonauts if you can get past what I said above I think you probably end up liking this feature alot like I did.

If you wanna know more heres a link to the show not trying to advertise or nothing I swear lol!

United Nations Riot Afghanistan ... (RANT!)

I'm not too sure how many of you pay any attention to the news but I've recently learned about the riot that happened in Afghanistan at the United States embassy that turned violent. To some people this isn't really any surprise this sorta thing happens alot in foreign countries. I on the other hand find myself pondering over events such as these and ask myself, "Why is this happening?" True as rain my readers do you yourselves ponder about these things as well? I know that there are many people on gamespot that live in other countries some of us live in the countries known as the "super powers" and some in the othercountries that well don't belong in that grouping... Anyways,my question to anyone who reads this is how do you feel about what happened and if you could correct it what would you do?

I guess in general you could label me as a ponderer, I think over stupid things sometimes simple and other times complex. For example; I remember once when I was 11 I stole my fathers model spanish gallion that he made when he stationed in korea and I went to my local park that wasn't too far from my house and well tried to float it in the duck pond and well it didn't. I'm not too sure why I did it I was just curious if it would. Common sense told me it wouldn't since it was soo small but it was made out of wood so I couldn't fully decide if it would or not. Gosh did I get a beating for that mistake but hey sometimes the truth hurts right? (lol)

Anyways; back to the subject at hand. I was pretty mad when I watched the news about the riot; I personally hate it when I see things such as these happen and I hate feeling powerless and not being able to do anything about it. Whenever someone asks me what I think about United States being in some foreign country I ususally reply that I don't think we should be over there. Kinda like the Lybria incident thats going on I don't think its any of our business let their country deal with it. Is it wrong that I feel this way? Honestly I'm just soo tired of watching the news and seeing foreign countries burn our flags and tell us that they don't want us and when we do help they say that we didn't help them soon enough and they always want more and more. Personally if I had power I would pull all our forces back to our country and focus on our own domestic affairs. Let the savages kill each other I say, I know its harsh to read that sort of thing but if you know anything about history you will see a pattern. Inner country civil war horrible bloodshed yes but later on peace.... Sometimes peace takes maybe a hundred years sometimes longer but it just seems when foreign powers interfer peace always seems to take longer to come...

Anyways I could write more about this subject but I won't I'm done but if you wanna throw in your two cents I would love to hear your opinions thanks for reading...

S u c k e r P u n c h... Worst movie ever...

Just returned from watching this movie in the theature and well let me be the first to tell you my noble friends that if you haven't gone to see this feature yet don't! Usually I enjoy seeing over the top action mixed with amazing special effects and beautiful women; but this film did absolutely nothing for me. I arrived at the theature with only a small idea what this film was about by watching some movie trailers before hand and I thought I had a slight idea how the film would end. I was correct on most of my assumptions; which were that the four chicks that played in the film would be uber hot to behold on the big screen and yes I am that type of guy that goes and sees a movie mostly based on what woman actor plays in it. Also I already knew that the computer special effects would be on the same level as past movies I seen such as Scott Pilgrim vs the world mixed with some action like the matrix with a lil blade mixed within it. But other then the skimpy outfits they wear throughout the movie I pretty much came to the conclusion after twenty minutes watching this horrible movie that I was going to hate it.

What was the main factor why I hated the movie was a very simple matter. Whats the most basic thing in any story that if you mess it up everything after that mistakes blows every detail to pieces? The plot of course! Sucker Punches plot was soo dull that I am still surprised that the exectives at Legendary studios even let this film be created. (spoiler!!!) Check it out the plot was like this.... The movie starts with the main characters mother dieing, Mothers willl and last testiment states that everything the mother owned was left to her two daughters. Well Her husband was left with nothing upon reading the will gets drunk and decides to go take matters into his own hands. The main character escapes the fathers wraith through and gets locked into a another room unfortuneately which then prompts good ol dad to take his rage upon the younger daughter inwhich he kills her. Well cops come and dad somehow convinces the cops that the older sister did it and well the next scene opens up with her dad taking her to the mental hospital and he pretty much has a conversation with the lead male nurse about having him getting her turned into a human veggi and pretty much paying the guy to get this girl so jacked up that she can't testify againts him ever.

So thats when the main half of the movie starts.... Shes drugged promptly after arrival and she imagins everything there after. The last thing the main character sees before her illusion starts was the doctor lowering a needle towards her eye to pretty much turn her into a emotionless broken shell of a human. So yeah pretty much after ten minutes or so in the movie you already know what the last scene was going to be about. So you ask yourselves is the doctor actually going to brain mash this chick? I picked yes which I shouldn't of because after I made the decision everything else that happened meant nothing to me. The action scenes lasted 15 minutes each and their was 5 of them which took up most of the film. The fight scenes were sorta impressive but were subpar compared to other films that I seen. The drama between the action scenes that were suppose to draw you in was just horrible no idea what they were thinking. I guess in this illusionallyworld she dreamt that she was being held captive in a forty ish dancing girl/prositue ring sorta thing. She knew she had to get out and she could only do this by falling into a trance before she starts to dance for her male captors which when the action scenes took place. Thers alot of S-e-x en u endo during these supposely drama filledscenes which just lead me to not like the movie anymore then what I did.

I won't tell you how it ends but lets just say it wont surprise you and after it does end your just shake your head and just feel like you wasted 2 hours of your life soo yeah just do yourself a favor and avoid this film its not worth shelling out money to see...

NGP Brought and paid for...

I'm not too sure how many of you out there are into portable gaming but I think the year 2011 will be a great and exciting year for gamers around the world due to the releases of the 3ds and the NGP. I recently went to gamestop and preordered myself a ngp which isn't going to be released until the holiday season. Normally I wouldn't be excited about portable gaming since hey everyone knows great graphics and great triple A titles are either on the home console or computer markets. Well thats how I use to feel about that anyways up till the moment I started to do some research into both of the new handhelds being released to the consumer markets this coming year.

I must say I was impressed by the 3ds and ngp both. Each handheld has their own unique points but at the end of the day I chose ngp just because well nintendo has a rep to go more down the causal gaming market rather then sony sliding more towards the hardcore. The only bad and most defining point of the ngp is its price tag which is.... 250 bones! Which isn't bad but its still plenty of pretty pennys you know? Now the only set back I'm facing now is trying to be patient enough to wait for all the game line up to be offically announced before making up my mind on what I want to pick up on game day. Oh well anyways I'm off to shoot my 243 I hope you all have a wonderful day.

Btw heres a link to sonys offical info on the NGP with video included enjoy!

Game Spotlight HDN

There's few games that hit the gaming communities anymore that I find myself impressed with. The reason could be is that in the last twenty years I have experienced truly great works of art put to video entertainment that I have grown to the point where there isn't really anything that seems original to me anymore.

That's until I got the chance to play HyperDimension Neptunia; I won't say that this game is orginal or ground breaking in anyway. But what I can say is this; everything the makers of this game claim to try to strive to achieve to make this game good they actually do it. That's a feat not many developers achieve by the time their game ships to market. I must say that I'm tired of picking up games this day and age and find that the game suffers horrible framerate issues, character interactions with each other are choppy or just bad all around voice acting for the characters. Not to mention horrible control schemes or bad target tracking. I mean I would understand if I'd buy a game for my pc and the controls were a bit off or it lagged in parts due to the whole deal that everyone's pc is different. But consoles I have no remorse for this late in the console generation most developing studios should know better by now in my view.

Besides that in regards to HDN I must say that the plot starts off slow. Mostly to the purpose to let the player get use to the unique features the game has to offer and also to let the player get acquainted with how the game will move forward. After all of the tutorials are said and done your journey will begin. Which personally most games I could guess what would happen next in the plot and such but with this one I had no idea what would happen next which I think was one of those things that made me like the game even more.

I could keep flapping my gums about this game forever but I won't; to keep this as short as possible the main points of this game are as follows; this game isn't for a person who is looking for a exciting explosive plot or battle system to entertain them. Its spot light is mostly on its goofy but cute character interactions between one another and if the fallen goddess (Neptune) can bring peace to the world of Gamindustri. Its character art ****is excellent, its character voice acting is pretty darn good, Dungeon design is ok but typical nis america **** To conclude you get what they told you that you were going to, HDN is a unique ride from beginning to ending and I personally give it the highest score I have ever gaven a game and that's probably a 9.0 so don't miss out and get a copy today!

Soo Many Games So little Time...

So my game librarey has grown by leaps and bounds. Not only do I have ps3 games but now I've been collecting psp games and computer games... Well the ones that I can find as physcial software anyways. Being on the subject of computer games omg its impossible to find games that are on disks nowadays. If you do find some on a disk you have to be darn careful since most likely the game you found is just utter crap that everyone else has avoided. Its pretty insaine how most pc games are just broken that I've found...

Anyways, My latest addictions video game based is as follows: Dungeons pc studio kalypso, Test Drive unlimited 2 ps3 Eden game studio (I think), Disgaea 1&2 and Z.H.P Unlosing Ranger Vs DarkDeath EvilMan nis america (Yeah gotta love them grind feasts). Oh I also have gotten a few games that I'm disappointed I brought after playing them. Marvel vs Capcom 3 ps3, Two Worlds 2 ps3, Resistance 2 ps3, Fear 2 ps3 (which isn't a bad game but seriously lacking something), Enslave: Oddessy To The West ps3, Alien vs Predator ps3, Darksiders ps3, Sengoku Barasa ps3 (horrible beat them up game), Dante's Enforneo (I know its misspelled sue me), Fight Night Round 4 ps3 (not bad game but replay value not much), Need For Speed Hot pursuit ps3, Left 4 Dead 2 pc.

I know a ton of games and after looking over them all gosh I think I need a intervention thats a lot of cash I spent on those games.... Oh well either way I've been very busy the last few months playing those games and also working out in anytime I wasn't glued too my tv lol. In the next coming weeks I have Dragon Age 2 preordered and Hyper Dimension Neptunia preordered as well inwhich I'm totally looking forwarded in getting my hands on both of them. Dragon Age 2 more for coming to gamespot and complainning on how Bioware has been corrupted by E.A more then anything but yeah. I guess after Mass Effect 2 was released and playing that crap game I've been looking forward to see what other franchise E.A's influence was going to ruin. Dragon Age is what I think will be next on my hate list but I'll wait to see if my gut feeling is right or not.

Oh well I got a lot to do today soo I'm off.... I hope everyone else out there in gamespot land is getting along well laters!

PsP Go... A new journey begins...

So I did it, I actually went out and picked me up a psp and yeah I'm thinking I'll probably kick myself later for it. I once upon a time owned a psp when they first came to the usa. Way back when I was foolish enough to believe that sony a amazing company that they are would support their device and show nintendo that they aren't the only company that can have a successful handheld.... Yeah that didn't turn out to well and two years later I got rid of the darn thing because well I was just tired of having that big ol paper weight laying around not doing a darn thing....

Which brings me back to today, I've been looiking at the playstation store time andagain and after seeing alot of titles on their that I really really wanted to get my hands on but couldn't due to the lack of a psp eventually broke my will power down enough that I couldn't resist any long and I forked out the cash to get another one. My psp is a pearl color and its a go... Yeah yeah I can already hear my friends saying something to the ends of that thing is for a girl dude what are you doing with it sorta thing but gosh darn it I just felt that the thing was just too attractive to avoid! The best feature I gotta admit is the digital storage for it, inwhich at first I felt and still feel to some degree that a physcial copy of the game makes it feel more offically mine then just a lil digital receipt that says that I've purchased a title does but seriously I have soo many disks chillin in my room nowadays that well its just annoying me.

So yeah let me just say I was almost out the front door of walmart with a dsi xl when my gamer sense pretty much told me that well the graphics on that thing was soo low quality that I just couldn't bare to look at that screen really without being annoyed at it... Nintendo might have a pretty impressive rpg librarey with its handheld but the darn looks of the graphic feel of their games are really really terrible...

Sooo if any readers out their have any suggestions on what game I should get first for my psp I would greatly appreciate the feedback since yeah I'm always open for ideas. Thanks for reading later days mates...

Raptr Help!!!

Hey peeps this is a quick shout out to all of you who use the raptr client. I've been having some major issues with the darn thing if anybody has any tips on using the program holla back at your boy aight!

In-depth look at Mass Effect 2... Part 1

In my next few blog postings I plan on discussing my experences with Mass Effect two and my opinions on the title in general. I guess I've been planning on doing something like this for awhile now, just taking the time to fully exaime titles that I've purchased in the recent past and giving them a full run down and opinions on what I thought would've made the game better in my own view. Most games that I'll look at are games that I've enjoyed but felt that the dev teams could've took in a different direction to make the game stand out more to the audiances they try to reachout too and sometimes alienate in some cases.

So feel free to comment on what your thoughts are in my in-depth look at this title; even to the accord on what you yourself felt should've been placed in the game. As always thank you for taking the time to read my postings much appreciated.


Part One: the Introduction to the new ME2

To begin I would like to say that this will be my second time playing this title. My first play through I believe took me about seven days to beat by playing 7 to 8 hours at a time. By no means will I post every little detail that I'll do in the game on my blog posting. But instead I'll discuss in stages a run down of my experences with a mission or traveling around a main staging area in the game such as a visit to Omega etc.

I'll begin with the intro to the game. I don't know how many of you played Mass Effect Two but the sequel begins just like the orginal; two characters talking about you and how important it is that you are on board to see this mission through to the end. In the orginal; that game begins with captain anderson saying that you are the best humanity has to offer and it would be wise to send you to this colony just in case something super bad goes down. But anyways; personally I felt that this scene wasn't really necessary to begin the game. Most of the fanbase that followed this game was large enough that they could've left out this scene completely and just skipped to the next cinematic. In which most of the fans of the first gamealready knew was coming because a trailer was released that showed the entire cinematic that displays the normandy getting attacked by an unknown cruiser and getting destroyed and you that is sherpard floating out in the deep dark space to your death or leaves you wondering if he dies at the end of the preview trailer.

With that in mind, humor me here before thinking I'm a nut job ok. Picture in your mind that your about to begin playing mass effect 2, your at the title screen you select begin new game and the screen goes dark. After a brief intoleable pause the trailer that showed the normandy getting pwned plays and your character being flown out into the deep uncaring vacuum we call space passes before your eyes and the next thing you see is a another sudden but omg black screen pops up before your eyes and sorrowful but moving music begins playing. Next thing you see is a feature of that annoying but cute reporter from me1 doing a news broadcast of you (shepard) being killed in action all the while still that sorrowful but moving music is playing in the background pulling your thoughts closer to the introduction of the game. Next thing you know a sequence pops up talking about the council being all humans other races being upset about it followed by they saying that the reaper rumor was just sherpard being delusional and the real enemy is the geth. Followed by the disappearence of a entire human colony! Crazy obsurd thing right and then comes the sequence with someones voice calling to you waking you up from your deep deep sleep in the med lab and the game begins.

That my friends is how they should of started the game. In a mere three minutes thirty seconds they could've cut nearly all of that back log junk that is in me2 out of the game and made room for some pretty intense and incredible stuff. I could be wrong and a lot of you will probably say it but seriously a true sequel shouldn't start out with a low and not build throughout the entire story. Just my opinion but with my beginning the entire game could of shot to the stars with their basic plot still intact. Of course more can be added to the news part with the reporter but I think I got my idea across for now. So I'll stop right there for today and begin with talking about what happens in the station later in my post I hope you enjoyed my view and heck flame me if you like or post something that you thought should be added onto my thoughts or a idea of your own. Happy journeys till next time..