In my next few blog postings I plan on discussing my experences with Mass Effect two and my opinions on the title in general. I guess I've been planning on doing something like this for awhile now, just taking the time to fully exaime titles that I've purchased in the recent past and giving them a full run down and opinions on what I thought would've made the game better in my own view. Most games that I'll look at are games that I've enjoyed but felt that the dev teams could've took in a different direction to make the game stand out more to the audiances they try to reachout too and sometimes alienate in some cases.
So feel free to comment on what your thoughts are in my in-depth look at this title; even to the accord on what you yourself felt should've been placed in the game. As always thank you for taking the time to read my postings much appreciated.
Part One: the Introduction to the new ME2
To begin I would like to say that this will be my second time playing this title. My first play through I believe took me about seven days to beat by playing 7 to 8 hours at a time. By no means will I post every little detail that I'll do in the game on my blog posting. But instead I'll discuss in stages a run down of my experences with a mission or traveling around a main staging area in the game such as a visit to Omega etc.
I'll begin with the intro to the game. I don't know how many of you played Mass Effect Two but the sequel begins just like the orginal; two characters talking about you and how important it is that you are on board to see this mission through to the end. In the orginal; that game begins with captain anderson saying that you are the best humanity has to offer and it would be wise to send you to this colony just in case something super bad goes down. But anyways; personally I felt that this scene wasn't really necessary to begin the game. Most of the fanbase that followed this game was large enough that they could've left out this scene completely and just skipped to the next cinematic. In which most of the fans of the first gamealready knew was coming because a trailer was released that showed the entire cinematic that displays the normandy getting attacked by an unknown cruiser and getting destroyed and you that is sherpard floating out in the deep dark space to your death or leaves you wondering if he dies at the end of the preview trailer.
With that in mind, humor me here before thinking I'm a nut job ok. Picture in your mind that your about to begin playing mass effect 2, your at the title screen you select begin new game and the screen goes dark. After a brief intoleable pause the trailer that showed the normandy getting pwned plays and your character being flown out into the deep uncaring vacuum we call space passes before your eyes and the next thing you see is a another sudden but omg black screen pops up before your eyes and sorrowful but moving music begins playing. Next thing you see is a feature of that annoying but cute reporter from me1 doing a news broadcast of you (shepard) being killed in action all the while still that sorrowful but moving music is playing in the background pulling your thoughts closer to the introduction of the game. Next thing you know a sequence pops up talking about the council being all humans other races being upset about it followed by they saying that the reaper rumor was just sherpard being delusional and the real enemy is the geth. Followed by the disappearence of a entire human colony! Crazy obsurd thing right and then comes the sequence with someones voice calling to you waking you up from your deep deep sleep in the med lab and the game begins.
That my friends is how they should of started the game. In a mere three minutes thirty seconds they could've cut nearly all of that back log junk that is in me2 out of the game and made room for some pretty intense and incredible stuff. I could be wrong and a lot of you will probably say it but seriously a true sequel shouldn't start out with a low and not build throughout the entire story. Just my opinion but with my beginning the entire game could of shot to the stars with their basic plot still intact. Of course more can be added to the news part with the reporter but I think I got my idea across for now. So I'll stop right there for today and begin with talking about what happens in the station later in my post I hope you enjoyed my view and heck flame me if you like or post something that you thought should be added onto my thoughts or a idea of your own. Happy journeys till next time..
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