Have you ever found something that at first you didn't think you would like very much or you heard bad reviews from friends about so you didn't watch that movie or play that game due to the negative rumors floating around about it. Only too get curious and watch that movie or play that game sometime laterwhich resulted in you becoming mindlessly addicted too it? Well that darn bug has bitten me of late and I just can't shake that mindless zombie I must do what thee master tells me to do feeling.
My current two addictions are a mmo game I found on the web thats for free which is suprisingly entertainning called DarkOrbit. Also I'm a Anime/Manga frantic and I have fallen under the spell that soo many others have fallen under before me which is only possiblely could be known as I call the Bleach syndrome. The Bleach series is a super atom bomb of sorts for the anime fan world due to the fact that after it came on air for the first time pretty much every anime freak out there heard about it and well the show just became completely huge and loved by all that likes anime and manga. I might be a little over the top on everyone loving it but its hard to find someone who hasn't heard of it or likes it thats into the anime scene anyways. But yeah anyways I bought the first two seasons of the show andyeah I just can't go a day without watching a episode or counting down the days until the third season collection comes out. I swear its crazy how dim witted I am to be this hopelessly drawn into these types of things. Seriously since in the back of my mind I can pretty much guess whats going to happen next before the episode I am currently watching is over and yet I'm trapped into staring and wanting to see more of the series. Oh well its a great series and I'm really glad I get a chance to watch it so yeah I have noo regrets about being addicted to it.
As for my other addiction, its quite a bit different feeling then the anime film addiction through. The mmo addiction is pretty much based around the age olhunger of mine for space exploration, trade, and conquer games. Ever since I got a taste for star wars back when I was 6 I've always been looking forward to what the future may hold for humanity when it involved the nasa space program. Sadly through I won't be alive to really see human space exploration or colonation of a different planet I think. Which is totally saddening really because I would love to get a chance to live on a different planet or travel in space. But the space travel age is a very long ways away through, like most things we humans won't look to space until we have no choice but have too I fear. Everyday we destroy our environment by pumping tons of carbon up into the atmosphere. I listened to a public forum once on a government funded channel like BBC with a professor from the Unversity of California speaking about globel warming to a conference of some kind I forget what the conference was called. But anyways this professor said that even if we changed today to clean burning energy and stopped the total emissons of Carbonthat it would take a million years or something likethat for thecarbon in the atmosphere to reduce enough for our planet to start to return to normal climate degrees in all areas of the ecosystems that are on the planet. Do you realize that our sun could possibly cook all of us alive one day due to all the carbon thats trapped in the atmosphere or super bad weather conditions that even if we wanted too survive might kill all of us off. It's pretty scarely when I think about it. And the only answer would be to leave the planet and live up in space but of course we humans are too darn concerned with fighting each other to actually try to achieve at least inter-system space travel. Oh well, the more I think about our country leaders arrogence and blindness to everything the more upset I become.
Truely I have idea's and theories on how to fix our problems, I truely believe the way to go is through solar power for our energy needs. But the way we are collecting solar energy now is ok for an amature lopsided start with houses putting roof solar panels on and everything. But to truely get the most bang for our buck is to collect the energy before it hits our earths atmosphere since most of the energy is displaced and obsorbed. I think the professor said that earth's atmosphere only lets 4% of the energy the sun puts off touch the lands and the oceans. I think the estimated amount of energy earth recieves is more then thermal, wind energy, and water energy all combined times some. Its crazy, he evengave pretty sure firenumbers to back it up withso many facts that I really wished I could've saved the show on a dvd or video casset. Oh well I've talked on on I'll type somemore about darkorbit later unless you readers just wanna check out the site heres the address to it see for yourselves what the game is like..
Thanks for reading later days..
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