four days until I get my 360 back from getting it repaired... Wow its been sooo freaken long since I have had that beautiful jewel heck I can't even remember what it feels like to sit down in front of it. So my question to all of u is...dum dum DUM...what game should I get to help me kick back and blow a few nights away with? I was thinking about picking up mass effect but I'm not sure yet I mean assains creed is out now, so is cod4 so give me a holla and tell me what game I should buy would ya thanks!!!!!
BlackBaldwin Blog
Noooooooooooooooooo!!!!! Three rings of doom...
by BlackBaldwin on Comments
Mass Effect is coming Mass Effect is coming...
by BlackBaldwin on Comments
Mwhahahahaha... Gosh I've waited two long years for this game and we only have 5 days til its out and gosh those five days seem like a eternity. I preordered this gem from EB so I don't have anything to worry about not getting a copy but since I work that day I got a friend of mine to drive up to the next town for me to pick it up for me. I was thinking about calling in sick that day but I thought that was a mistake since I'm pretty freaken poor at the moment soo I guess waiting I must do until the day of days arrives and I find myself with it in my hands... Funny thing is the game comes out a day after my bday too bad it didn't come out on my bday since I'm off then...
Break Ups are the saddest things...
by BlackBaldwin on Comments
What genre of gaming do you enjoy the most?
by BlackBaldwin on Comments
After Playing years upon years of gaming what genre holds a special meaning to you or you enjoy the most. Mine by far has to be RPG's they for a lil while help me forget all the problems in my life and lets me focus on something that really doesn't have aeffect on what I do..Biggest RPGs that had the most effect on me while growing up had to be FF8 and FF9.. FF8 gave me a love story that had me yearning for it myself and FF9 gave me unforgettable characters I will remember for all of my life..
Banner Wanted throw this poor stupid dog a bone...
by BlackBaldwin on Comments
My top ten random Fav game list of right now...
by BlackBaldwin on Comments
Heres my list, I seen a friend post his soo I thought hey why not do it myself soo here ya go...
1. Its a tie between Final Fantasy 8 and Final fantasy tactics on psx
2. Loaded on psx...can't get enough of that blasting
3. Parasite Eve on psx...gosh awesome story and even hotter main charactor what can a guy ask for?
4. Vagrant Story on psx...don't know what I like about it but I do
5. Fire emblem path of radiance on gamecube...Gotta love this game if not your pretty weird...
6. Skies of Arcadia on gc...addictive game that I wished they made a sequal for...
7. Battletoads and Double Dragons on sega genesis...loved that quality backside kicking...
8. Super Mario Brothers 3 on nintendo...Hey gotta show love for my very first game...
9. Blaster Master on nintendo...Loved this game could never beat it through...
10. Rockin Roll Racing on Sega genesis...Quality brother time when everything didn't make sense...
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