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BlackBaldwin Blog

Writing a novel

What is it that makes a good writer? Is it a quality that is taught to you by others orisit a talent somebody is born with.Lately I've been thinking extensively on this subject trying todetermine to myself if a dream I have dreamt for so long might bea dream that I couldreachout and make possible.

I find that we live in a time whereborders are set up to prevent undesireables to reach levels that othershave.I understand that a person can't walk in off the street and become a doctor on a whim or fly an airplane if that person asks somebody else for permission to borrow one.I just find that soo many people live their lives accepting that they can't do thingsbecause somebody else says they can't.I accept theres many things that are beyond me like building a car from random scrapes you find in a junk yard orinventinga machine that willlet astronaugtshave artifical gravity on the space station. But can someone write anovel and get it published withoutobtainning a fancy university degree?

Eitherway I've been writing astory and thats just something that I've been thinking about for awhile now.Anyways there you go my ponderation for today nothing important just random thoughts...

P.S IF you see alot of errors in this post its due to this site screwing with my paragraphs its soo annoying sorry...


Heres a lil tid bit for all my readers my pc recently took a nose dive to the inactive reserve listing soo my usual 5 or so hours I'm usually online with my pc a day is now cut down to fifteen minutes if I'm lucky a day. So yes I didn't forget any of you I'll be back hopefully by the fourth or fifth of octeber which blows but oh well...

Btw, got my hands on Front Mission Evolved on release day and tell you what its a pretty solid game! Online multiplayer features however I hate but the single player campaign is very good better then I expected coming from ol square enix... But to just to prewarn you the campaign mode is short like possibly ten hours short even shorter soo its not a game for the hardcore gamer market really... Why I say this is because I'm pretty good at games and I gotta admit it seemed FME was pretty easy right off the bat; it alsohandled very easy and If I had to measure myself against other hardcore gamers Id say I'm probably about forty percent as good or better then some. So if your hardcore rent the game because sixty bux isn't really worth shoveling out for this title in my view unless your a Front Mission supporter like me then buy fools buy lol!

Remembering Them Good Ol Times...

So here I am laying on my bed day dreaming of things listening to the radio when a song I haven't heard since my childhood came over on the air waves. Its odd but I felt a tear roll down my cheek while memories of my past started flowing through my mind. Memories of days when my father was a peaceful and good man; days where my ex girlfriend and I held hands and walked around my town on a nice fall day. Also memories of my Grandfather teaching me how to shoot my first .243 before he contracted cancer and looked like the living dead.

I gotta make this post short but I just wanted to say theres plenty of distractions out there that has the ability to take your attention from the ones that you love. My advice to you my friends don't forget those you love you never know when they are gone...

Super Street Fighter IV

Its offical I actually went out and picked up two fighters the other day that alot of people have been telling me to try out for the longest time which is Super Street Fighter IV and BlazeBlue Continuum Shift. Each game has its amazing points and minuses. But if I had to compare them both I would say I like BlazeBlue alot better then the new street fighter... Why? That question is easy to answer actually BlueBlue has so much more features not to mention the combat is a hell of a lot better.... Seriously on street fighter everything seems soo freaken slow and forced nothing about the game seems smooth and player friendly its rather disappointing. I usually can pick up a arcade fighter and five to six hours into the game I can go online and give some people a run for their money but not this time. I suck completely, its not that I don't know the moves which I do, the only thing I don't like about it is that when you use a ultimate combo most of the time it can't be stopped unless you block it. You can't counter it no matter what you do which is freaken lame its the most stupidest thing a developer could do to a game... Not to mention the moves you want to use are hard to pull off... super combos and ultra combos are your golden ticket to victory inwhich I hate soo very much....

BlazeBlue is the opposite... Street Fighter has a large roster to choose from blaze only has a few to pick from (10 characters I think)but even through a limited roster everything about the game is pretty amazing. Combat can be ridiculiously fast paced, controls are smooth and responsive, special abilities can be a blast to pull off. Ending ultimate attacks very exciting, its just a game soo much better then the other that its shocking really.... Maybe its because even when I played street fighter in the arcade when I was growing up at the time I just didn't really like it that much. Oh well, comments anyone always happy to hear a different view thanks for reading later mates!

Tough Decisions..

So I got a letter a few days ago telling me from date x to date y I was entitled to recieve a surplus of funds. Inwhich is awesome since to tell you the truth my job right now covers all my bills and then a little some soo these additional funds could really give me some cushion to buy a few things I've been wanting to buy. I got a junk car I've been repairing here and there buying parts for it and pluging them into it inwhich I found out very quickly is a very expensive endeavor... I also bought a Asus desktop pc that I love the looks of but found out a little too late that the sales person who convinced me to buy it was a complete idoit... I pretty much bought the thing to play pc games on it... Sadly the graphic's card in it is pretty darn lame and I'm not satified with a four gig ram either soo yeah I guess you buy what you can afford and let me tell you five hundred bux isn't much I guess...

Here's my paradox... Should I invest the money into my car or upgrading my pc or just buying a new rig all together? Sadly I have fallen behind on computer tech so I'm not too sure whats good or not any longer. I've had people tell me just don't even try pc gaming since its just super expensive and it will just leave me annoyed because of the lack of good games. So any advice is upgrading the pc manual ****cheaper then buying a new rig altogether or should I just stick to console gaming and stick to upgrading my ride? Comments welcome thanks!!!

Dragon Age 2 impressions....

Hello one and all its once again time for thoughts and concerns on upcoming titles coming near you! My newest and latest love interest via video game form has to be Dragon Age Two! If your not a rpg fan then well my friend its your loss let me tell you! The orginal game that blessed both 360 and ps3 consoles a year and a couple of months ago was a Jewel among an ocean of fps games. If your not too familar with the story look it up because sadly I don't have the time nor the energy to waste bringing you up to speed but I will address problems the orginal had that I believe developers are trying to fix with the second title of the series.

Those of us who loved the first game should be happy to hear that the second game of the series will have a newfresh vibrant look and feel to it. Thats whatsites and mags inform us gamers that is... The truth of the matter is yet to be seen through. Other then a few tidbits of pictures released from bioware and a new trailer of the main character doing battle with a qunari I haven't seen anything to truely tell me if I'm going to like the new direction bioware is taking the franchise. Also I'm not too sure if I like the idea of the game being based on a single character either... Did they forget all the work they did with the orginal game oh so not too long ago? I personally enjoyed the experence of witnessing the story told from all the characters involved in the quest. So many developers base the story through the eyes of a single character or maybe two main characters with a few minor characters thrown in to suck up the dull moments inbetween quests.

So truely would a rpg gamer want to sacrifice quality storytelling for a little bling bling eye candy? Better graphics is nice but I play these games not for pretty looking pixels on a telvision screen but for the emotional attachment I get witnessing a live or death struggle in a epic story driven game... Truely the game industry has changed greatly since the years of psone and super nintendo and the rpg games of that era...

So in conclusion I shall keep my eye on how this game pans out... Pretty graphics are nice but look at the new FF game just released not too long ago... Personally the story plot in my mind was crap... Just like the last three games square has put out in the ff franchise on the playstation console... Are we doomed to play nice looking games with just second rate plotlines anymore... Comments got any love to hear them later days mates!!!

Found my login!!!

Its been awhile but I've finally decided to make a reappearence here on gamespot. Truthfully I've been very busy with my personal life of late to have any free time to log back onto this site and type up anything sadly. Truthfully nothing really major has happened since I logged on last besides getting back together with my ex gf and mending some broken fences with her family which has been rather tough. When they say time will heal all wounds I guess a little bit of wisdom lies hidden in that little nugget after all. I wont go into great detail about it but pretty much to sum everything up I ran into my ex inwhich I haven't seen or talked too in three years and pretty much got lucky and got her number and well pretty much got super lucky and got her interested in me again. We are still very split about things and have a hard time getting comfy with each other but things are getting better with more time we spend together which is pretty cool I'm actually rather happy which is very different then I'm use to being.

Anyways I'll try to get back on sometime this week to type up some stuff and thoughts on some video gaming I've been up too. Later days yall...

Three Weeks into the ps3 slim universe...

Hello ladies and gents boy has the last three weeks flown by. Anyways to get you all updated on my thoughts soo far with the ps3 I'll begin with the console in itself.

What to say what to say; to truely start off I was thinking about comparing my previous experence with the numorious years of owning a xbox360 to my newly bought ps3 slim... But if I did that omg it would take me forever to truely give justice to any justification I come up with to truely say which console in my own personal view is better then the other. So I wont even try comparing the two but I will give a few brief words on the P VS X console battle through. Being a techno freak I was purely impressed with the slim, there isn't anything about it that a gamer wouldn't be impressed with by either picking up the light weight wireless/corded controller that came with the unit itself or even tracing the hardlines of the ps3 even gives the mind a slight hazy feeling. Being the first time I got the chance to truely handle a ps3 controller without any store restrictions I couldn't believe how easy my hands fit the little lady. Truely I thought to myself that this is what a consoles game pad should feel like. To compare the xbox's pad to the ps3 would be like comparing a cadiallic to a bmw; both cars have their own personality but damn it you can tell which one has more bang for its buck. Not to mention the consoles individually pretty much speaks for themselves. The slim, pretty much oozes high tech stealth fighter looks. Compared to the usual microsoft's trademark tower of power fashion microsoft's pc's have been sporting for ages now...

If by judging from a glance at both systems you have to decide which one is better I would sadly say the ps3 would be and I would be mistaken as well. I'm not a xbox fan by any means but I'm a gamer by nature and damnit once more the console with all the games at the moment is the xbox. Not too mention the stupid lengthy updates the ps3 tends to get alot as well. I wish it isn't true but it is... Xbox's hardware is pretty crappy but that thing sure has alot of games in its librarey and darn it I truely miss my quality rpg games. I know yes both consoles almost get the same games but there are some exclusives that the xbox got that the ps3 didn't that I absolutely loved. Mass effect for one was a huge reason why I got a xbox in the first place and yes I wasn't disappointed what so ever by the title. Sadly I will miss out on the second game in the serious which is a total bummer. Also I really liked section 8 that just recently came out for the xbox as well.

Truely in my view I think the xbox has the edge soo far in the war, to me that system has the games I want which ps3 doesn't. But I'm happy that borderlands and alpha protocal is being a multiplatform release whichmakes the sting not hurt quite as bit. Anyways my minds tired I gotta get some sleep I'll type some more later about the games I picked up for the ps3....

The wait...

So now it begins, the wait till the ps3 slim arrives at my local gamestop store is beginning to become a very tough ardious one. I've tried everything I could to get my mind off of the wait truely, I've tried to continue my everyday life like I usually do but still that uneasy feeling of tension is still present within me. So likeanyother day I found myself getting off working the night shift at walmart and going home at 6:30am and trying to sleep off my tired zombie persona I usually get workingmy mind numbing job. Sadly I only slept a few hours and waking up at 9:30 only made my craving for my ps3 seem that much worse. So I ended up getting dressed and driving up to gamestop to pick out a few games for my ps3 which could of been a mistake really because I ended up buying three games and spending maybe a hour in the store trying to decide what I wanted. Seriously as a picky gamer I knew I had to pick something that would draw my interest for awhile because if not I knew I would be in a foul mood over my choosen games for weeks if I picked wrong. I ended up leaving the store with uncharted, resistence1, Valkirye Chronicles. An adventure game, fps, rpg tactical was what I ended up with which isn't a bad thing but even now when I ponder about the selection I'm not too happy over what I ended up with.

Truely I wanted a epic rpg which I really couldn't find since I guess ps3 doesn't have any really at the moment which is a damn shame if you ask me. Also the fps portion I choosen I'm pretty certain will satify me because of the reviews I have read about the game but I really don't know yet until I sit down and play it. I like a challenge with my fps games and I hate being disappointed really. Anything thats half life fps style I tend to shine away from and that can be also said about halo style fps as well. Resistence I can see some elements that remind me of halo weaponary in it but hopefully I'm wrong completely and the gameplay will just keep me on my toes for the entire thing but again I'm not too sure if it will. Also the wild card in the three has to be uncharted, I heard the gun play can be rather challenging in it and the ai tends to flank you if you stay in a certain place for too long which makes me crave busting out the game and testing out the mechanics of it. The storyline I'm not too concerned about because its a adventure game really soo even if I expect what might happen in the game I won't mind it too much really as long as the cut scenes aren't too long and the voice acting is rather decent. The only thing that might be a turn off is the whole prince of persia travel in the game; sure its cool to see some acrobatics once in awhile but doing it over and over again just gets bloody annoying and if I gotta do it ninety percent of the game I'll be rather pissed five hours into it if I don't get a good balance between gunplay and traveling around. My runner ups were killzone 2, resistence 2, and gran turismo 5 but that sorta game never really kept me interested very long through soo yeah I decided that wouldn't be a good idea at all. Killzone 2 is suppose to be awesome but since I didn't play the first one I decided to wait on it cus heck it probably would just annoy me that I don't know what really was happening in the game. That can be also said about resistance 2 as well soo for the most part I guess I'm sorta happy with my game selection for the most part.

Now I just have the wait ahead of me which is terrible really, I know its just that whole first date butterfly feeling I have. I mean buying a console or a computer for anyone makes them nervious, you tend to ask yourself a huge number of questions before you actually get the item in your hands. Such as,"am I gonna like it? Or is it truely what I expect and want?" sorta thing you know? But I'm positive once I finally get to place my hands on the item it will be like holding your first baby in your arms and you will have that satified feeling settle inside of you. Then again it could be the opposite and you feel like you just been drugged and date raped... Hopefully it would be the former and not the latter in my case. Oh well I've flapped my gums long enough later days peeps.

Welcome back to myself...

I've finally returned to my pc with a refound creative spirit and well mostly my sainity really. Tell you all the truth I had a nervious break down and had to go away for awhile. Somethings have happened in my life that has left some wounds that really never healed fully and well my younger brother was shot by some gangsters infront of his apartment two months ago and well I just fell to pieces really. But well I've came back to the world of the living and well I'm mostly back together for the most part anyways.

Besides all of that I've decided to pwn off all of my xbox stuff to get my hands on the new ps3 slim thats coming out this tuesday. It was a tough decision really to see all my treasures go bye bye but I'll find new ones I hope through. Anyways if there is anyone still out there that remembers me send me a holla and a few game title ideas I should pick up for my new shiny toy I'm getting this tuesday ehehehe laters...