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Really Rant

I'm annoyed. So I ranted.

Really? You're going to yell at me for some sh!t I didn't even do? Really? You're gonna tell me I'm the one that made that bathroom dirty when I don't even use that bathroom? Better yet, you're going to tell me I leave the toilet seat up with piss still in the toilet, cuz that's what the mess was. Really? I'm the one that's gonna have to clean it? F*ckin serious? No. Not really.

For real? You're gonna yell at me for not cleaning the kitchen when you saw me do it but when you woke up to get ready to go to work you saw dishes in the sink and its automatically my fault? Really? Like I wake up at 3 in the morning and make a four course meal when you know I go to sleep around that time. Really? You're gonna threaten to take my car keys, which by the way I pay the insurance for, because HE dirtied all the dishes. Really? Am I supposed to wait until five in the morning to clean the kitchen, after he eats? Really? For serious? Like on dot com status? I'm saying no.

Really? You're bored? So you call me? Am I supposed to amuse you or something? Do you want me to get a top hat and a cane and do a little dance for you? Is that what you were planning on accomplishing with this phone call? I hope not. F*ck you until further notice.

Really? You don't want me to move because you'll miss me? Really? F*ck you on so many levels right now.

Are you seriously being serious? You're gonna blame God, WHO YOU DON'T EVEN BELIEVE IN, about something that you got yourself into? Really? That is beyond stupid. You're gonna blame God for the SH*T you're in but you would make fun of me for believing in Him? Really? How does that work exactly, explain that to me. 'Do you believe in God' 'No but I blame Him for this mess I'm in. He hates me'. Right, because the decision you made is entirely His fault. You friggin idiot.

FOR REALS?! YOU'RE gonna ask ME when I'm gonna get a job? DOT COM SERIOUS???! Oh dear sir, dear sir. You have so much nerve. Wasn't it you that JUST lost YOUR job? Hm? Oh no it wasn't? No? You sure? Because I heard you got terminated, and from a very reliable source. Like, you lost your job so hard. And don't even claim that economy bullsh!t. You just f*cked up. Oh, but you have the night off? Did you seriously just tell me that? Do you think I'm stupid? Do I look retarded to you? You think I didn't notice that you were 'off work' all week? No? Right. Sure. You're a f*cking idiot. Stop smoking weed and get another job, you f*ck up.

Really? I'm antisocial? Like, you never see me? Right. Didn't we hang out all the time? Watching movies and tv and going to dinner? No? That wasn't us? I'm hallucinating? Really? You mean to tell me that before he moved in we didn't get along just fine? Seriously? You and you're selective memory can go kick rocks.

Dot com dot org serious? You're gonna stare SUPER hard at my friends for no reason? Really? You're gonna be all up in our conversation when you honestly have no idea what we're talking about? Who invited you into the conversation, cuz it certainly wasn't me. And then you're gonna tell us that WE need counseling because you think we're crazy when you weren't even supposed to be in our mix anyway? REALLY?! FOR SERIOUS?!?! Ok, how about this: go rape yourself with a 4x4 wrapped in barbed wire. How about that?

I'm done. Happy hunting ;)

Dear Mere Mortals...POINTS!!!

MKay, remember the point system I have? For those who don't know/remember, if you make me laugh or have done something worthy of points I give them to you. Well I tallied up last years points. Yes, I've been keeping track.











Now, those with a hundred or more may request something from me as long as it's within reason. Some of you may be wondering why you're not on the list. If I have not known you for more than 6 months I haven't been keeping track of your points but I will this year. For those who are like 'I KNOW I have more points than that' you used some already. Like Jenne and her two RaVe fics and Heather with her Greather. I'm looking forward to the requests and new players ;)

Happy hunting ;)

Dude, WTF?

I swear I checked like yesterday and now today it completely flipped up on me. You know those random ass websites that come up when a web page has expired and they try and sell you a bullsh!t education and crap? I thought that's what was. I was like 'aw dammit, now I gotta go through movietome'. But it changed again. WTF?

Anyway that's not why I'm here. I'm here to say MSN conversations have forever changed. Some of you may already know what took place a few days ago. Probably the greatest msn convo in history. Like half TWB (Heather, Lil, Ellen, myself) chatted with...wait for're not ready...BooMoo. Yes. *waits for others to get over the jealousy*...*waits some more* Get it all out...cuz there's more...*waits* CHECK IT OUT THOUGH, Gwen and Jordina joined the random later on. It was awesome. We got to see Heather Feather dance. *is upset that Heather deleted the vid* Boo you ma'am. And then later on, Clo logged on. Yes! Mama Clo joined the crazy. Sadly only myself got to enjoy the crazy that is BM and Clo's randomness. Lawl. Pricelessness I tell ya, pricelessness.

That's not all folks. A couple hours after BM called it quits, Loki came by. Mama Clo and Loki chatted. Friggin hilarious. Loki was trying to get with Clo but her excuse was that she had to wash her hair. Lawl. After that, Loki went home...and then the three of us had a convo. I wish I had saved it. *giggles on the inside*

Oh, I have some pretty big news but I don't think it would be appropriate to mention in this particular blog. So I'll check you guys later. I'm off to write fanfiction.

Happy hunting. ;)

Where do we go when we die? EOTM BLOG B!TCHES

Yes I know this is a bit late. Sue me.


-I so forgot what I was gonna say

-Can you really remember when you lost your mind.

-This is the part where you stop talking and watch the friggin movie.

-I wanna kiss your laugh lines. They're adorable.

-You are the reason that people like me go to jail for killing stupid people like you

-Let me get this straight: You want me to apologize for something I had no hand in doing? And even then I still get punished, again, for something I did do? Go do something with your life.

-I don't have to be politically correct. There is no law that says I have to be.

-I'm beginning to lose faith in 'Young America'

-If someone ever tells you that you don't have mannerisms like an American, say thank you


It's because I'm random and I feel like we've been laggin on the scenario tip

If I were to call TWB:

Charlie: Hello?

Lani: OMG it's Charlie.

Charlie: WTF? Who is this?

Lani: How many people do you know with an American accent? *gasp* ARE YOU CHEATING ON ME?!?!

Charlie: Lani?

Lani: Yes *hangs up and calls Heather*

Heather: Hello?

Lani: *growls*......No I'm kidding. Hey.

Heather: Um...hello?

Lani: Hey heather its Leilani. What is upeth?

Heather: Is this some kind of joke?

Lani: yes it is *hangs up* *calls Lil and gets voicemail*

Lil: *voicemail* You have just called the awesomest human being alive. Please leave an awesome message for the awesomest person alive and her awesome self will get back to you as soon as she awesomely can

Lani: *hangs up* *gets textmail

Heather: Dude, did you just call me?

Lani: I have no idea what you're talking about.

Heather: Someone called me like 'It's Leilani'

Lani: Well it wasn't me. Sick bastards playing with your mind *calls Ellen*

Ellen: *mumbles in Swedish*

Lani: Oh yeah talk dirty to me Ellen

Ellen: What the...hello?

Lani: Hello Silly Butt Ellen Goosey Bean Hawk Eyes.

Ellen: Leila?

Lani: yes ma'am.


Lani: Ya know Ellen, if that's the only thing you can say I think I'm gonna go. *hangs up**looks up all Kristen's in her state knowing full well she's not listed*

Random Kris 1: Hello?

Lani: Hi Kris I love you. *hangs up and calls another*

Random Kris 2: Hello

Lani: I'm kinda cheating on you with the other Kris I just called. Her 'hello' was a lot more enthusiastic *hangs up; calls Jenne*

Jenne: *voicemail* *laughter*........Crap, my voice mail....Oh, leave a's Jenne by the way...yeah, leave a message.

Lani: Yeah, your voicemail is almost as awesome as Lil's...*hangs up and calls Lottie*

Lottie's mom: hello?

Lani: Hey, um is Charlotte there?

Lottie's mom: Who is this?

Lani: This is a twenty year old woman calling for your '35 year old daughter with lots of cats'

Lottie's mom: *hangs up*

Lani: *gets textmail*

Heather: No really did you call me?

Lani: Yeah I did.

Heather: Really?

Lani: No.


Lani: Did you know that there is a bible section on
Loki: I saw that and wanted to take a look but figured that that would seal my place in hell
Lani: You're going to hell anyway
Loki: Hey, you shut up good.

Loki: No one has seen me angry. There's black man anger, then some other sh!t then some other sh!t then some other sh!t then some preacher going off and then there's me.

Loki: Makes me wanna slap someone. Like slap them so hard it f*cks up their jaw alignment. Their jaw clicks every time they talk.

Lani: *looks at car next to us* Why is he all in her seat like that?
Loki: He's all on the passenger side in her face
Lani: I know, like he's whispering that's he's gonna rape her and sh!t
Loki: That's f*cked up. If I were in a situation like that and he was like 'rape is inevitable' I would f*ck up his face.
Lani: I'd rather get in a car accident than raped.
Loki: I expect nothing less from you. I would lean back in the window and stomp his sh!t


My new nephew was born on November 21. His name is Baron which means free man in some language I don't remember. He looks like Yoda.

My uncle is a cry baby who is ultra sensitive and always in my face about some sh!t or another. He was offended when I told him that I don't think this business thing will work out. Then he got mad when I told him I was entitled to my opinion. Punk ass man.

My dad is pretty much made of awesome.


So my mom messed up and suggested that I put my tv back in my room. She edidn't know I had Loki's Xbox.

Apparently my house has a downstairs :roll: Like I didn't know. That's where the kitchen is.

My brother asked my nephew if we could keep the new baby. He smiled and was like "Yes we can keep him." Makes me wonder what would happen if he said no.

Have you ever seen a baby get squirted in the eye with breastmilk? I have. It's hilarious.

Song of the Month: Question by System of a Down. I don't know why.

Black Friday. Sadness. A woman miscarried at a WalMart and was trampled. I don't know which came first but the fact that both happened is pretty messed up. And then some guy get killed at another WalMart. Is it that effin serious?

I was gonna rant about tv...maybe another time.

I was also gonna do some of the best lyrics, IMO, but maybe another time. Yeah

Happy hunting. ;)

Oh crap. I messed up

I didn't mess up anything major or anything. No one died *shifty eyes* but I was feelin nostalgic *sigh* Yeah, that's right. Leilani listened to some of her old playlists. Rap, hip hop (when people were actually talking about something) and RnB (not this 'do you wanna get down' music these kids re listening to nowadays). Had a trip down memory lane and what not. It simply proved what my father says all the time. "Music is a time machine." That's all I wanted to say really.

Another useless blog brought to you by Lani, who reminds you 'TURN THAT SH!T DOWN! PEOPLE ARE TRYING TO SLEEP!!!'

Happy hunting. ;)

Election Day Text Messages (I assure you its funnier than you think)

I was working at the polls (the election polls you pervs) and one of the unlisted duties for us was to stay politically neutral. Yeah...try keeping a straight face when you read these and you'll understand my struggle.

From Mom: They have a sign up sheet for volunteers to help Bush pack his sh*t and get the f*ck out Nov 5th. I put us down for the 3-8 shift.


From Loki: They didn't want to give us forty acres and a mule, so dammit we'll take 50 States and a White House.

And then of course I had Heather giving me a play by play in true Heather fashion:

What the hell am I going to do with her :roll:

I'm gonna go have dinner with my friend for her birthday so see ya later and happy hunting ;)

Yes We Can

In case you've been under a rock for the past, what, two hours, Barack Obama is the president. For those of you that pray, now would be a good time to ask for a hedge of protection around him. For those of you that don't, keep your fingers eyes and toes crossed. I'm gonna go to sleep now.

Or not.

Happy Hunting :D

Better late then never eh?

Hey all. I know I'm late with the blog and you may be thinking 'well it was Halloween so Leilani must have had a good time.' Not so. I went to work and that went well I guess. Got paid *dances* and then I came home. No one was on msn which wasn't so shocking. :lol:. Anyway, I came home and stared at a wall, no really. Made dinner and such. Later on Loki came over dressed as a 'content clown' meaning he refused to smile. We raided Wal-Mart. Good times. Went home. Needless to say my day was just like any other day. So, I guess I was just being lazy about the blog :lol:


As yall may remember my sister came to town. There are quotes.

Pat (sister): I don't trust him
Lani: You don't trust McCain? You and like half the country.
Mum: Why don't you trust him?
Pat: he can't raise his hands above his shoulders. Can't trust a man like that.
Lani :lol::cry::lol:

Pat: *gets ready to toss me the remote*
Lani: *flinches*
Pat: why are you flinching like a battered woman?
Lani: :lol::cry::lol:

Obama: Greatest weakness, well maybe I'm a bit too awesome
Lani: That is so quotable.

Lani: *says something really fast*
Loki (on phone): Dude, I only heard 'are you coming over for dinner'

Lani: I've come to the conclusion that if my life doesn't go the way I want it to I'll just become a psychopathic killer
Loki: Works for me.

Gran: Why do you give your mom such a hard time?
Lani: She gives me a hard time.
Gran: That's no reason. There is no reason for it.
Lani: Actually that was the nicest way of putting it.

Lani: *gets gift from Heather and Kiera in the mail* MY FRIENDS FRIGGIN ROCK!
Random neighborhood kid: I have imaginary friends too. *rides away on his bike*
Lani: Congratulations Leilani, you look crazier now than before.

*at my granparents daycare*
Papa: G is for gas. You parents stop at the gas station and get gas for the car.
Little girl: and some cigarettes.
Lani: *QLMAO* (Quietly Laughing My Ass Off)

Lani: *makes a face on accident*
Dad: *makes a face*
Lani: what was that for?
Dad: I'm making a face at your face :|

*Huddy Kiss*
Mom: Hi Leilani.
Lani: *still clapping* Hel-lo mommy dearest.
Mom: Good day?
Lani: *points to tv screen* Heck yes.

Random Person: What are you going to be for Halloween?
Lani: Myself. Scary right?

Mom: Leilani didn't dress up Thomas (Loki)
Loki: *looks at me* You're that sarcastic person who doesn't care about other peoples' feelings?
Lani: Yes.
Loki: I love it.

LANISMS (not very many)

-I still haven't voted. Shame on me :lol:

-I'm sarcastic because everyone around me is an idiot.

-Anything that comes easy isn't worth having

-The man that massages my head will most likely be my husband :lol:

-Lies sweeten with time.

I work at my grandparents (dad's side) daycare and its hard for me emotionally. My granny isn't well. She keeps falling and now her knee and ankle are swollen. But she is doing better. Before, she wasn't very coherent. We think it was the medication she was taking, so she's doing better now that she's cut down. My Papa is a champion, I see where my daddy gets it from. He's tired ya know? He runs the daycare basically alone and I can see what's happening to my Granny is wearing down on him. But he keeps going and he's strong for her too. It's redefined what I think love and romance really is.

Dad and Mum went on a cruise. They'll be back in a week. I'm going to miss them. :(

Right now, I'm so broke, everyone who's birthday passed will be getting those gifts Christmas two years. Yes, that bad. :lol:

It's something we say to each other after encouraging words and compliments and what not. But I just want to say thank you to all you guys. I know that this so called 'family' is like a sanctuary for just about all of us but its really special to me. We may joke and tease and all the fun stuff but we've also cried together and been each others shoulders to cry one so to speak. That means a lot to a troubled person like me. So, I just want to thank all of you for putting up with me and letting me into your lives. Love you guys.

Happy hunting ;)

For the misinformed

I don't even know if that's a word. :lol: ANYWAY, if you didn't know, TWB has their own creative journal and I did an icon post because my comp didn't hate me today. Yay! Here it is. You may now continue being awesome.


Happy hunting ;)