Bozanimal's forum posts
I have a truck. So, no trunk to put speakers in. Even if I did, I wouldn't see the point anyway. If you want to listen to your music loud, that's fine. Roll up your windows and turn the speakers up. But is it really necessary to force everyone in a five block radius to listen to your ****ing bass for 15 minutes? I can't possibly count the number of times I've woken up in the middle of the night because some **** is blasting his system as he rides slowly down a road two or three streets away at four in the morning.masterchief2512Agreed, this is what Dynamat is designed for: those people obsessed with their car stereos so they don't disturb others. Dynamat rocks!
I do not recommend using a two-channel amp for DVC subs. Instead, I'm going to recommend that, "It depends." It has to do with the resistance of the voice coils. If your subs have two 4ohm voice coils, you will likely be better off with a two-channel amp. You would wire your subs in parallel (look this up) and put a 2-ohm load to each of the two channels. HOWEVER, you can also run the two subs in series, then in parallel (each sub would be 8ohms individually, than parallel the two 8-ohm loads, yielding a 4-ohm load). So there are lots of options. Whether your subs have dual 2-ohm, 4-ohm, or 8-ohm (unusual) coils will determine which type of amp you need.I just noticed something.
My Rockford subs say they are P2 DVC.
Dual Voice Coil.
On that site you showed me it recommened that for subs with DVC's to use a 2- channel amp.
So would that be better than a Mono Amp?
Thanks again for all your help.
This one was actually pretty easy for me:
- PC for alone gaming
- Wii for group gamingÂ
[QUOTE="ProudLarry"][QUOTE="sigphilwilson"][QUOTE="ProudLarry"]If she had the power to, she'd likely try and ban violent video games altogether. So I don't know why anyone on this forum would want to vote for her anyway.sigphilwilsonYou are assuming everyone here cares about violent games Well I'm not saying that I or anyone else should be a single-issue voter. But its the principle of the idea. I find it hard to respect anyone that believes in banning something in the name of moral righteousness, or "protecting the children". I can respect that At 28, I'm starting to consider how Video Games will affect my kids. Then I remember that I was playing Wolfenstein 3D at 13, and I feel okay. But GTA is another animal. You are rewarded for doing wrong, and I can see parents having an issue with this. I don't want to hijack the thread, and so let me go out with this: Of all the issues she could have picked during her time as Senator: poverty, education, hunger, the economy, genocide, international relations, state funding (I used to live in NY), racism, crime... she had time to focus on video games. Her lack of priority bothers me on a very basic level.
Just slip a knife into his backpack and then write a note to the office saying he has a deadly weapon and threatened to pull it on you. helium_flashWhile I cannot endorse this course of action, I do think it is the most impressive idea thus far. My advice? Put some nasty, nasty stuff in your hair, then have him touch it. Or respond with something sultry like, "I like it when you touch me like that." If you pick this route you need to commit to it, really go after him. "I've always felt this way, but just can't hold it back. Touch my head... yes! Yes! YES!" Make sure everyone can hear you. Continue to wink at him and make loud, flamboyant comments.
[QUOTE="Sharvie"]Unicorns are mythical, graceful creatures and could poop in the Death Star's engines and it would literally melt away...bt_the_great_78I take it you didn't read the thread before posting. I am literally crying with laughter. Unicorns!
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