I'm a bit excited for it as I used to be really into FFXI for quite some time. The one thing I'm a bit curious about is if you will be able to transfer your character from FFXI to FFXIV cause I got 3 lv.75 classes in FFXI and it would be cool if you could do that as I don't really wanna have to start a completely new character. Either way I'll probably be picking FFXIV up whenever the heck it comes out.
[QUOTE="XenogearsMaster"]Sony wins... FFXIV exclusive, Uncharted 2, That Racing Game, MAG, GOWIII, GT5, The Last Guardian... PS3 = Winner....sikanderahmed
Crackdown 2, SC Convcition, Forza 3, L4D, Alan Wake, Halo ODST....MUCH BETTER
It depends on each individuals personal preference. As for me I'll take a little bit from both plus some stuff from Nintendo.
Yeah I used to be really into FFXI and I wonder if its gonna be possible to transfer your characters from FFXI to FFXIV. I don't wanna have to start my character all over again LOL.
Yeah Sony had a good show this year. Starting off with Uncharted 2 was nice and MAG looks like it could be pretty cool. After that I thought they went on a bit too long with the PSP which bored meto death cause I'm not a fan of handheld platforms. Anyway after that they got back too the good stuff showing more stuff for the PS3. Final Fantasy XIII trailer is lookin good and news on another online FF is kinda nice. Ending the show off with God of War 3 was good I guess although I'm not much of a fan of hack-n-slashers I can say it did look good. Anyway all around good show from Sony and after seeing all 3 of the conferences I can say each company did a great job this year. Its a great time to be a manticore!!
Yeah, that was a pretty good show from Nintendo this year andwas certainly much better than last year thats for sure. Super Mario Galazy 2 looks awesome and the new Metroid looks interesting. But wheres my new Zelda for the Wii?!
I dunno if its an actual game really although I guess it could be. To me itseemed like itwas more of a tech demo for what the Natal camera could do. Anyway I think it could be pretty cool to have that kinda interaction with characters in a RPG though.
I think MS had a pretty great show this year and was a bit better than last years E3. We finally got to see some Alan Wake and SC:C gameplay and both looked awesome. Forza 3 also looked great soI'm pretty pumped for that. Plus they showed Crackdown 2, Halo 3: ODST and Halo: Reach and some other games.
The motion camera looks interesting and looks to have some potential if used well within the games. Like that Milo thing from Lionhead.While that demo itself wasn't all that interesting to me it showed what could be possible using the camera. Like I think it could bepretty coolto have that kinda interaction with game characters in a RPG maybe. Anyway I guess we will have to wait and see on if the Natal will be as good as they are hoping.
Really the only thing I was disappointed about was no new Rare game was shown as I was really hoping for a new Perfect Dark game. Oh well maybe we will see something from them later. Now its time for Sony and Nintendo's showings. I can't wait!
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