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#1 Caer_Death
Member since 2006 • 231 Posts
Pretty much every boss battle in TP was cake, which took away from the epic feel of the game by A LOT. Same needs to be said of all of the fighting in the game, except for maybe trying to take on two Darknuts at the same time. They made the game as easy as Wind Waker, which was a little sad, because I wanted something a little more along the lines of Majora's Mask in difficulty overall, and even then, the boss battles in MM were.... meh. I mean, most were really intense and cool, but the final battle, against the epic mask... it was just... meh. If you don't even need to pull out a fairy or something to make it through, it feels kind of pointless to try so hard to get all of those bottles.
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#2 Caer_Death
Member since 2006 • 231 Posts

Judging games solely by scores is stupid, especially seeing as how GS hasn't been spot on lately. No More Heroes got a 9? I mean, I liked it, but Metroid Prime 3 was worlds better, and it got an 8.5! MP3 deserved a 9 or a 9.5, whereas NMH deserved more along the lines of a 7.5 or an 8. 7.5 isn't a bad game, but you have to put up with some faults to enjoy it fully, whereas a game that gets a 9 or a 9.5 should be thoroughly enjoyed by anyone who likes the genre, in MP3's case, a first person adventure. So going just off of scores is stupid.

Next... I don't think enough people have mentioned THE CONDUIT enough. I mean, seriously. Someone's gotta mention THE CONDUIT a whole bunch more. Seriously. That game looks freakin' sweet. Check out some of the textures on that one mini-boss if you can find a high-res video of it. And the Wii needs more FPS games, especially considering how well they would be able to optimize the controls. I've played Halo 3, and now I'm waiting for the better gaming experience, which, if no one's mentioned it enough already, is THE CONDUIT. Seriously. Check it out, and mark it on your calender if it's got a release date yet. That's T-H-E C-O-N-D-U-I-T. :P

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#3 Caer_Death
Member since 2006 • 231 Posts
I was going to say something, but the Haziqonfire already beat me to it. Metroid Prime games are First person ADVNETURE games, similar to Zelda being adventure games. 3-d Zelda games are cake... I'd go so far as to saying that they're absolute crap as far as a fighting system goes. But the game doesn't revolve around running into a room, mindlessly killing all of the enemies, and then running into the next room, like Halo or something. Zelda is about all of the puzzles inbetween, the big giant boxes you push around and the buttons you push and the things you can burn down with your Fire Arrows. Metroid is much the same type of game, though delivered under the guise of a FPS. But the S part, which usually means shooter, isn't emphasized in nearly the same way, so if the developers were to tack on some crappy multiplayer, it would only go to show how horrible it is compared to the competition. Wait for THE CONDUIT. That game should have the multiplayer you're looking for. Metroid's battles work in single player because it's single player, and that's what they need. Multiplayer would only be a bad, needless waste of time, thus leading to have something else for Gamespot to put under "The Bad" section.
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#4 Caer_Death
Member since 2006 • 231 Posts

I guess it is the "stopping to shoot" thing... not to mention my aiming sucks.. to be honest, I freak the "fudge" out

when the zombies start getting close.


Get just about as far away as possible, and then hit Down + Z on the nunchuk, which does a quick turn, and then hold the Wiimote steady by pivoting it on your knee/lap. Train yourself to only fire after the crosshair turns red, and allow the enemies to come within your aim as much as your aim chases them. Try to get headshots, as it conserves ammo, but don't fret too much. Just aim generally upward as they get close, as trying to do it from too far away is too hard. Start offusing the default handgun, and then switch to the Shotgun that you get in the first town area when you're up against more than two enemies, as oneShotgun blast can manage to do a lot of damage to a group of enemies, a miniature explotion, if you will. Finally, another good place to aim is the legs. You can get them to fall down, lessening the overall threat level. Hope some of that helps. (By the way, I've played to various parts of this game many times, though I've never actually beat it... I've been trying to sit down with the Wii one again recently, though, as my friends are blown away by watching it)

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#5 Caer_Death
Member since 2006 • 231 Posts
You are correct, Vincent. The top screen is ripped from the arcade Mario Kart (which was just removed from my local mall), and the bottom screen is obviously ripped from Mario Kart DS. A tech savy user (or any moron) could even spot that the map from the bottom screen looks nothing like the track on the top screen! One turns to the right, the other goes straight! It's joyful LOL fun!
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#6 Caer_Death
Member since 2006 • 231 Posts

My opinion is the same cliched one as everyone else. I've always felt Prime > Corruption >> Echoes. I loved the control scheme in Corruption and the varied environments felt very... real. It was a fantastic experience, although a bit of a silent end to an awesome trilogy. The original was very much a tribute to Super Metroid, with it's environments (and the transition elevators) being almost ripped from the Super Nintendo classic. I mean, the training area being a space station, one time visit, meeting Ridley up there, following Ridley to the planet below, the landing grounds looking identical, with a dark, rainy feeling, and almost all of the items aquired in almost the same order... It was a dream come true for me, and it was the whole reason my Gamecube felt worth it. Echoes... lags a little behind. It never quite immersed me as much, although it still blows most games out of the water. I was always a little bit lost in the world, despite feeling like things were closer together. I hit the bug which destroys your save file about 3/4 of the way through, and I've never managed to make it all of the way back up there since.

But the one thing that remains to be said is that this series as a whole proves the modern relevance of Metroid, bringing together FPS and adventure games alike. Hopefully we won't have to wait forever until another 3-d Metroid reaches the light of day, andwith the DS still going strong, a new 2-d Metroid adventure in the vein of Super Metroid (gimme a free roaming world heavily based on item gathering as a means to move forward, not some computer telling me which room to go to). With a little exstensive planning, the formula could be perfected by degrees (like having branching paths, or something not-so-linear of an experience).

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#7 Caer_Death
Member since 2006 • 231 Posts
I'm really excited about this... I've been looking forward to Star Fox and F-Zero since day 1, the day when I got my Wii! Hopefully, enough people'll want to support the Wii MotionPlus that Nintendo'll support it by releasing a few of those awesome unsaid titles in 2009, which'll lead that to be the year of Nintendo once again!
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#8 Caer_Death
Member since 2006 • 231 Posts
I reccomend that you put your GBA slot to good use, and go pick up a copy of Final Fantasy VI, as it's one of the best overall, one of the easiest, and even with a port of the original SNES version on a GBA cart, it still stands out as being one of the best old ones graphically. Don't count it out of the picture just because it hasn't been remade for the DS in 3d.... yet! Keep your fingers crossed, with the success of FFIII and FFIV, it should only be a matter of time before it's announced!
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#9 Caer_Death
Member since 2006 • 231 Posts
I tend to not even know about the worst games on a system... I only have and play the best of 'em.
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#10 Caer_Death
Member since 2006 • 231 Posts
FFIV. My girlfriend and I are just breezing right through it. I don't understand why so many people keep complaining about the challenge level. Even my girlfriend can beat most of the bosses in 2 or 3 tries without my help!:roll: