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#1 Caer_Death
Member since 2006 • 231 Posts

Cube? Maybe. PS2 no.siLVURcross

...huh? That doesn't even make sense. The Gamecube had a lot better graphics than the PS2. The Cube put the PS2 to shame when it came to, oh... just about the best looking game of last generation, Resident Evil 4. They had to scrap the pre-rendered cutscenes and use ingame graphics instead for the PS2 version, and the fog looked noticably better, as well as having better texture resolutions on the Cube. True, as the PS2 entered it's later lifecycle, which it's now in, and as the Cube has retired since then, the PS2 has been OPTIMIZED better, but overall, the Cube was where it was at for graphics... It's too bad graphics aren't all that matters, or else the big N would've won the fight, which is another reason the Wii is where it's at nowadays. Better graphics traditionally mean less sales (sadly, which leads to less future support for the system), coupled with exponentially higher development costs, which is really hurting a lot of top end companies more and more and making harder for smaller companies to put out big time Hi-Def projects.

Aside from that, the DS does wonderfully with it's graphical capabilities. Handhelds tend to put more emphasis on old school fun anyways. The original GB came with Tetris, complete with it's 2-bit graphics (four colors) and identical to the NES version. It's also one of the best selling games of all time. The few things that could use improving on the DS, as far as graphics go, is upping the resolution to at least 360x240 or so. And with that we'd all want better texture resolutions, but even so, the price on all of that stuff goes down all of the time. All it takes to make a good handheld is the lowest processor on the planet combined with some good games, and in Nintendo's case, a genius touchscreen.

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#2 Caer_Death
Member since 2006 • 231 Posts

They simplified down some stuff and made the game more old school overall. It was by far the easiest of the three 3D Mario games, which is a blessing, seeing as how tough it was to make it to the ending of the other two. This time, it's easy enough for the more novice players (or the ones who haven't played Mario since NES/SNES days), and with only 3 HP to worry about, they made it generally easier to avoid getting hit, while making each hit more detrimental. For the hardcore players who think that the main game's first 60 stars are too easy, that's why they spent plenty of time creating an extra 60 stars with a very steep rise in challenge for quite a number of them. They balanced it out perfectly!

Now, you want to hear about a series I'm sad to see so dumbed down in 3d? Zelda. Don't you remember the days of having to get the Red Potion for 60-something rupees in order to just survive through a dungeon to get to the boss? And then the last dungeon was massive? And then after that, for the hardcore players, they added in a second quest in which the first two or three dungeons would make the last dungeons in the first quest look like cake? Even Zelda 3 on the Super was a lot tougher than any of the 3D Zeldas. After you get more than 5 or 6 hearts, you WON'T DIE. Most enemies only do a quater heart to a half heart's worth of damage, not that it's too easy to get hit by enemies anyways, since Link can kill most things in one to three hits! Then the bosses, as massive as they are, might not even damage you, while it only takes a minute or two for Link to cut them down to size! I mean, even the massive ones in Twilight Princess! And the big N is talking about making Zelda more accessable to casual gamers? That's a scary thought, seeing as how I've never died in Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask (but there was still a lot of challenge, Wind Waker (HA! Final battle, only hitting Link for maybe a half or a quarter heart of damage?), and Twilight Princess. I should start a topic about this, rather than trying to detract this one...

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#3 Caer_Death
Member since 2006 • 231 Posts

Sarcasm doesn't really work online.

Anyways, this is one "casual" game that uses the Wii mechanics in such a unique and innovative way that would obviously grab the attention of casual gamers and the more hardcore brand alike! Casual can't be just some cop-out excuse to make bad games... This proves that with a little imagination, and the right direction, a game with a simple concept can turn out great, and it will stand out as one of the best third party games for the whole Wii's lifecycle.

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#4 Caer_Death
Member since 2006 • 231 Posts
FFIV redux is awesome, as are the remakes of the old DQ games (not too much longer, and all three will be localized!), and then there are the old school ones, like the Etrian Odyssey games, though they're too hard for most, they're still quite fun. And nobody can mention The World Ends With You enough! And DQM:Joker was no joke! That game ROX MY SOX! Seriously, the DS is worth it for the RPG fans!
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#5 Caer_Death
Member since 2006 • 231 Posts

This is yet another good example of why patents are counterproductive, and they can be manipulated to use the courts to facilitate junk lawsuits simply for the sake of ripping of a big, successful company.

And the pictured GC controller on page one... it look identical to mine, which came with a Silver Gamecube. It's... silver....-ish. And I only have one good GC controller. This stupid lawsuit disrupts the industry needlessly. That guy/company lost NO MONEY. They had no true intention of getting in on the market (or they would have sooner), and thus the courts are screwed up for allowing such a ruling. It's sick.

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#6 Caer_Death
Member since 2006 • 231 Posts
But if nothing else, if this keeps up, maybe we'll see Master Cheif as an exclusive hidden character in the 360 version of FFXIII. Or maybe I'm just drunk...
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#7 Caer_Death
Member since 2006 • 231 Posts

Who's logic? They did it for the GBA! That logic.:roll:

Anyways, they're in the process of putting out Dragon Quest IV, V, and VI for the DS in Japan, and they're all going to be brought over here, which is really exciting, seeing as they're getting fair overhauls similar (though not identical) to what they've done for FFIII and IV, and it'll be the first time that there's an official release for DQV and VI in the western world. FFVI would be a dream come true for a DS overhaul, seeing as how that was a fond game of my childhood and a technical marvel for the SNES. A DS version with crappy voice acting and a beautiful graphical overhaul, along with some extra content would be A+++!

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#8 Caer_Death
Member since 2006 • 231 Posts
DON'T IDENTIFY YOURSELF BY YOUR RACE, PEOPLE! IT'S RACIST! Seriously, I live in Cleveland, and more than anywhere else I've lived, including down in Greenville South Carolina, this place is one where people identify themselves primarily by their race. The "cool" black people, which I know many of, are those who don't see people in terms of colors. Similarly, the same applies to white people, and the yellow Asians. DON'T IDENTIFY YOURSELF BY YOUR RACE, PEOPLE! IT'S RACIST! Plus, people tend to make 250x as many gay jokes on Xbox live (all of the ignorant 12 year old homophobic boys) than racial remarks. And white people aren't scared of black people. Hell, almost the whole continent of Africa is enslaved in eternal debt to the World Bank and have their governments and labor forces syphoned off to support the high class lifestyles of first world countries, regardless if it's a black person, a white person, or a yellow person who's benefiting in the first world country. DON'T IDENTIFY YOURSELF BY YOUR RACE, PEOPLE! IT'S RACIST!
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#9 Caer_Death
Member since 2006 • 231 Posts
Civilization Revolution DS just came out a little while ago, and while it's much lighter on graphical flare (and more noticably, audio flare, lack of music) than it's console counterparts, it still maintains much of the same gameplay and content, I believe. I wasted 3 hours earlier conquering the world, and if you like something akin to Advance Wars, it's an interesting and diverse indulgement. You can win maps in many ways too, such as military, economic, or cultural dominance. I like it.
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#10 Caer_Death
Member since 2006 • 231 Posts
Well, I got my Wii at launch as the second person in line (behind my friend Joey). I knew it wasn't going to hit a price drop for at least two years (prediction correct), and there were going to be plenty of games that I'd want during that time, including, but not limited to Super Smash Bros Brawl, Super Mario Galaxy, Metroid Prime 3, Zelda Twilight Princess, even Link's Crossbow Training was entertaining, and my cousin still can't get enough of the skull shooting stage. There are still more games on my list that I can't afford at the moment, with no job, but I want to eventually pick up Wii Fit, Boom Blox, Mario Kart, and many others. Slightly lesser games, like Rayman Raving Rabbids are alos quite fun andmanage to hold the attention of any visitors I have over, and I can't even being to describe the reactions I got when everyone first saw Geometry Wars: Galaxies in action. Many, many things merit wanting a Wii, and the price still isn't bound to drop for about the next year or so... SO GET A WII! HAVE FUN! ^.^