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#1 Caer_Death
Member since 2006 • 231 Posts
I'd say it takes roughly 8-20 hours to beat the game on your first time, depending on how deep you like to explore each day. After you beat the game, though, you get the option of replaying any "day" out of the game's story, and you can keep delving deeper into the battling system and uncover "secret reports" which explain some various other things about the storyline, so if you're still interested in the game after you beat it (I'm still addicted thoroughly), there's plenty of extra content to keep you picking it every so often for some more.
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#2 Caer_Death
Member since 2006 • 231 Posts

Why hasn't anyone mentioned The World Ends With You yet? That game is AWESOME! It ROXXX! It'll give your little brother a wedgie so hard, his grandchildren will feel it!

Ohh, most of the people mentioned it already... well, it still ROXXX!

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#3 Caer_Death
Member since 2006 • 231 Posts
Another point you have to consider is that for some reason, when a person plays a hyped up game that goes over well for so many others, they fail to see what makes the game so great, sort of like not seeing the forest for the trees. I didn't really see any of the previews for this game, and just barely heard it was great after it came out, and I got all of the way through the first week before I even realized that there'd be other partners... The battle system is slightly akin to FFXII in that you set up a general strategy for the full range of things you want Neku to take care of, and over the course of the game, you're granted more power to handle a more complex setup, and thus micromanagement of both characters movements just comes down to what's important. It balances perfectly, save for a few crappy pins and a less-than-stellar evolution system.
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#4 Caer_Death
Member since 2006 • 231 Posts

The World Ends With You. It'll be a solid two years or more before we get another perfectly innovative, fun, original, stylized game such as this. Like I said in the other topic, the DS has some wonderful games in it's own back catalog with the wonderfully fun and innovative Kirby: Canvas Curse, but their time seems to be running thin as more and more traditional gameboy-like games are covering a higher percentage of the DS market. Oh, and you can't forget about Elite Beat Agents. Crappy song selection (about half the songs are sub-par, but it seems like they were all picked by some japanese developer who never actually lived in America... need Guitar Hero for some better song choices), but the game itself was wonderful enough to get passed that.

That being said, we're never gonna get to see a Kirby Canvas Curse 2, or another EBA (seeing as how the *** one went over so much better over there... in Japan.) Maybe Squeenix'll throw enough money at Jupiter to come out with another The World Ends With You game (or something vaguely similar). In any case, the DS ROXXX!!!

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#5 Caer_Death
Member since 2006 • 231 Posts

O...over... rated? Umm... What DS game has come out in the last year that has been nearly as innovative, original, and fun! Kirby: Canvas Curse and... umm... a few other really shockingly innovative and good titles lined the first year or two of the DS, but then it went back to being a gameboy. This game was so spot on, it's unbelievable!

As much angst as Neku shows early on, it's not... the depth of his character. His relationships with the other players (especially Shiki) help provide strong insight into the varying values and views of other members of the same city. I may not be an angsty teenager, but I'm sure as hell a city-dweller, and I could instantly relate to Neku's attachment to his headphones (which weren't even pointed out until over halfway through the game). His character, and most others, save for the horrifically annoying Beat (and mind you, people DO actually talk like that, but I'd prefer not to see it in a video game), and the rest of the story of Shibuya are very well written. The dialouge may be lame, but the characters aren't.

Somebody made mention of Persona 3 earlier in this topic, I think... (it was over an hour ago I read it). I haven't played P3 yet, but I played the first two (err... the first one and the second half of the second one, since the first game called P2 never made it here), and I loved 'em. In fact, this game reminded me that Persona 3 is still out there, waiting for me to go through that too. The expanded version's down to $30 now, so I might just move from TWEWY to that afterwards... But with no uber-awesomeness of Persona on the DS, The World Ends With You just so happens to be one of the greatest RPGs/Stylus-driven games/handheld games/Squeenix games/etc. to come out in a LOOONG time, so to say a 9.0 or a feeling of instant cult classic status endowed upon it is... overrated... is just not enjoying this game for the greatness that it's worth.

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#6 Caer_Death
Member since 2006 • 231 Posts
Well, I can't give you too many specifics, but my mom managed to get a nice 36 inch LCD 1080p TV from Best Buy for only about $750. It was an open box model or floor model or something to that effect, and they gave her the difference between that price an the original listed price on a gift card, which she used to buy our washer and dryer. The TV was originally somewhere around $1200 or so, so saving half a third of the price for getting an open box model was more than worth it. My uncle did something similar recently, getting a 62 inch plasma TV and using the gift card money to buy a PS3 on the spot. Lucky guy... he doesn't even play games anymore... just watches a few Blu-rays here and there... But my advice would be no matter what you get, ask store employees about open box/floor models/other discounts. It can help you live rich easily. ;)
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#7 Caer_Death
Member since 2006 • 231 Posts
It's a very tough, brutal game. Intricate and fun if you like death-defying RPGs (you can count on being inches away from death at any time, which is rough, considering dying has harsh penalties), but most people'll be too put off by the challenge. If you have lots of time to kill and can stand being killed, it's fun. Very old school.
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#8 Caer_Death
Member since 2006 • 231 Posts

Ahh, won't it be great when FFIVDS or DQIVDS get put out over here, though? Seriously, you want something more cool to be put out on the DS, that's it. Voice acting in FFIV? We've got plenty of good games to look forward to for the DS!

To answer the question at hand, depending on the game I'm messing around with at the moment, maybe 3 or 4 days out of the week, 1-3 hours or so on said days... But I also use it for music, so nyeh. I get use out of it almost every day thanks to that (dropped my MP3 player in the rain a few years back, laser ended up dying out a few months later).

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#9 Caer_Death
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It's actually easier for them to be lazy and put out games with bad graphics than it is to put a lot of polish into one game, but Mario Galaxy and Metroid Prime 3 had a lot riding on them, therefore they look really good. Hopefully they'll go crazy on making the next Zelda/Star Fox/ F-Zero/etc games that good or better. And more people buying Wii's meanmore audiences those games'll eventually reach.

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#10 Caer_Death
Member since 2006 • 231 Posts
Most of what the Wii's better than the Gamecube on involves things like lighting (look at SSBB, Mario Galaxy, or even Metroid Prime 3 for good examples of how that improved). Draw distances also look very good on many games, most notably being Mario Galaxy. Also, the Wii looks excellent on an SDTV, especially flat screens, like the one in my room. I have an HDTV in the living room, but I mostly leave the Wii on my TV instead. Also, if you're a geek for a clear picture, you might want to consider buying the component video cables, if your TV has the proper slots, that is. It makes the image crystal clear, better than a lot of high def games scaled down to standard definition. But check out some hi-res videos of Mario Galaxy if you want to see how good things are looking so far. Or go out to any Gamestop/EBG and watch. Most of them have Wii's with component cables hooked up. As long as you're using an SDTV, then as far as graphics go, you don't have to worry about the Wii being too far behind HD systems, as most efforts on good games go into things like lighting and atmosphere rather than high-res textures. If you were happy with the graphics on your Xbox/PS2/GC 3 years ago, why not have fun with a Wii now? Hope my non-technical input can be of some help... ;)