@autumnvarela: Bullshit. The thing that's made the Song of Ice and Fire novels so popular is how seriously and realistically the setting is treated. There's not much traditional heroism, you rarely get anything approaching fan service or justice... it reads like history. It has an authenticity that isn't found in much fantasy.
Cheesy stories about swashbuckling Mary Sues who do it the exciting way because that's so awesome are a dime a dozen.
Yeah, the show has devolved into shallow TV melodrama at this point. Go back and watch season 1 and you'll be blown away by how thin and cheesy this current season seems.
The backlash was to the undeservedly gushing media coverage by SJW journalists and outlets, not the game itself. Change the theme a little, and the same people who called it 'game of the year' would say it was a presentable walking sim.
I mean, Eurogamer gave it a very reasonable 6/10. Polygon a perfect 10/10. Most people don't like seeing things graded on a political curve.
Alien is one of the best scifi horror movies every made.
Aliens is on the best scifi action movies ever made.
The other movies are garbage.
I don't know where you take it after Aliens, but I hope that, if they ever decide to try, they realize that Sigourney Weaver is NOT an essential element. Cameron did a great job of fitting her into the second film, so that her presence not only made sense, but added a lot to the movie. But a third go? No thanks.
You're the one pulling facts and figures out of your ass, and apparently making assertions without taking so much as five seconds to do a google search.
By the way, your claim that Mass Effect Andromeda did not have much advertising is laughable on it's face. It was a major AAA release in a crowded market. It was advertised everywhere from web to television.
CatAtomic999's comments