Israel is just the dog on a leash on the U.S.'s interest in the Middle East. Let the Americans stop feeding them and I would like to see how they'd manage. You can't just decide that piece of land is yours and expect the former owners not to be upset.
Tom, I can understand your line of thought but you're a minority, the games you can NOW play on good smartphones have just enough power to do their job. The portable game should be a quick to boot, straight to fun as it can be, I wouldn't enjoy playing a game with a decent story if I was constantly turning the device on and off when I'm commuting, you have too many distractions on the outside of your comfy couch, the sense of immersion is never there even if you wanted to, you're in public transportation after all, your reflex will be to check the corner of your eye from time to time to grasp your surroundings and probably pay less attention than you should to that piece of dialogue or important clue. I don't think the next generation will have many surprises, it will basically be more of what we have. (More RAM, Higher Clocks, etc)
The only Free-to-Play type of game I would consider playing would have to use the same system as League of Legends, you're never forced to buy anything to enjoy the game and no advantages are given to paying players, only cosmetics.
Cameron! Although I did enjoy the show immensely I can't shake this feeling of disappointment, on a theme about assassins you've left out the most mystical ones, NINJAS! I do understand it wouldn't make much sense mixing them in your video since your major source were AC3, Hitman and Dishonored, but still.. NINJAS! lol, good show none the less. ;)
@jcloverboy Come together too easy? How many episodes did you watch? 3? Ron Perlman's character has got to be the most loved\hated character in a TV Show in a while, only compared to "Benjamin Linus" in Lost. Sure, sometimes you have to "fast-forward" some of the affairs to avoid stagnation but saying things come together too easy is not a fair critic.
@n64nut Exactly what I thought when I started watching the show. Although I love the show, The Lost and Damned DLC was the least interesting from the whole package. (GTA4, L&D and TBOGT)
Soldier of Fortune, I miss that gore, wish they would do that in the modern games, I like watching the impact of the bullets I fire on the characters and not having exactly the same model but just lying down.
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