@CrouchingWeasel @Karikma Hes a typical ignorant person who is just likes to talk a whole load of crap without the facts. No African leader would kill a kid? what planet do you live on? in the congo they friggin eat people. Pygmy people are being EATEN by African blacks, blame the whites for that?
<Add minority group> are poorly represented in video games! There is next to none as lead characters WTF! There are more men play games than women so they are more male orientated. I don't see the problem, there are plenty of games where you can choose your character, there are also plenty of female leads. I can name loads of games with female leads its not like there are one or two there are tons.
When i see an actual group of women complain about this i will take it a little more seriously. Until then your just talking crap.
Name a single game where the man doesn't have a 6 pack. I am struggling.
Wow it got really slated badly. I was thinking about buying it but with such a poor review i don't think ill bother. I know you can't just go on one person's opinion but 44 is hugely poor by gamespot standards. The first one was alright but nothing great...i would just stick with Left 4 dead 2 if i was desperate for zombie slaying.
@June-GS @Conan1985 There is no pay gap, you get the wage for the job you do. If the men work more then earn more, its that simple. You have to get paid the same for the same job male/female/black/white/whatever.
The Equal Pay Act of 1963 is a United States federal law amending the Fair Labor Standards Act, aimed at abolishing wage disparity based on sex
European Union law also requires that women and men should receive equal pay for equal work. The original legislation on equal pay was contained in Article 119 of the Treaty of Rome. In 1997, this principle was then amended by Article 141 of the Treaty of Amsterdam.
If your saying that are equal disregard my what i said, thought your response was kinda confusing.
@lex_in_the_moon @Conan1985 Its a pay gap not a preference of employment. I don't know what planet you live on but we are in 2012 and everyone is gets what they work for these days. Frankly i find it ridiculous people argue otherwise...although to be fair its rarely heterosexual women who whine, funny that.
Read that, female models make way more than male models, but that's fine? Funny. Its a small difference of £500k per year earned by a top male model to the 25 million made by a top female model.
Conan1985's comments