Perhaps the writer wants his character to be realistic? Perhaps played do?
Why don't women compete with men at running, boxing, cycling, weight lifting....ect. In sports...its a no brainer. I know! lets make a fighting game where a woman beats all men...ugh really? Its a nice idea to believe we are all the same but we aren't men are physically bigger and stronger. Mentally women can compete with men for sure, but when it comes down to physical stuff..not a chance.
Completely wrong. It is not all about fear, Helen Ripley was not scared, shes the main character. Lets look at the marines, first encounter they lost badly, still some character weren't cowering in fear, Vasquez for one "LETS ROCK" and Drake for another. Then the next fight its completely different, Hudson is totally wasting them. Vasquez kills an alien in close combat, pinning its head and blowing its brains out with a pistol. - Aliens Trailer. That message is not alone and scared in the dark.
Most women make crap soldier characters in general, the bulk will always be male. However it isn't always the case, that's why Vasquez made a great character, it wasn't that women were equal to men, to say that is to do Vasquez an injustice, she was a good soldier despite gender.
Men are over 30% stronger than women, especially in the upper body. Although many feminists cannot face this fact, females simply do not have the strength or endurance necessary to be, for example, effective combat soldiers.
I made a huge mistake buying the game and then seeing the steam rating, its a very poor game. Aliens deserve better, there hasn't been a good aliens game since AVP 2.
What were they thinking? Really! I can't believe i am going to say this but that looks absolutely awful! I am a huge Neverwinter Nights fan, the original game is in a class of its own when it comes to RPG games. It had great and simple modding and the system was loads of fun, there were so many options! Just look at the difference when you cast spells in NWN to NWN2.
This game is made off the NWN2 engine which is a mistake to begin with. Forgotten Realms make money from a few things the biggest are PLOT, LORE, and CHOICE!.
Conan1985's comments