@stev69 Not at all, she was just as Cameron is now, a complete idiot who thinks the private sector is going to come and save us all. Its her fault all of the British industry is gone and our economy was totally based on financial services. Now that's went bust and we have nothing to fall back on. Only southern English people seem to like her. Funny that..
Its actually pretty good, I have played loads of MMO's so i have a fair base to compare to others. Firstly thank god its not other wow style game where you have 50 special abilities and have to mod and macro and all that crap. Its simple FPS shooter style so skill is important and the learning curve isn't huge. The game has loads of potential to grow, yes it has bugs but every MMO has been buggy on release.
Variety is fine, when its a load of second rate crap they make it isn't. I can't think of any console ever only had FPS or Photo realistic games...i can think of consoles that have had a lot of second rate crap.
The main part i really didn't get was the part you kill Slate's men and possibly Slate...there's no point in it what so ever, they wanted a soldiers death...last i checked soldiers didn't wanted to live like everyone else. Think about it, he could have made a real point if he took on Comstock with a core of veterans. Instead he and his men were killed pointlessly and all Comstock had to do was throw them off the side.
Conan1985's comments