@Tripwolf I have to agree his bias was a huge part and the hate of religion is obvious, you notice they are all hypocrites? I found it sad only one side was portrayed and that was the nutty zealous side.
Truth is being Baptised is purely symbolic and doesn't change who you are.
Kevin was right, i thought about Elizabeth disappearing but then i figured that she may have made you Comstock if there are infinite possibilities...and she made herself your daughter. There is no telling who you are or what you are in the original reality after half way through because you go through so many tears....the reality could be very distorted.
@whynotdairy You actually buy a game company said that, just like this blog says? rofl. Female leads have been around since before i started gaming in 1990
I am sure its likely taken out of context and probably not even remotely accurate to what was said. There's no real evidence or proof, its hearsay second hand information. They trying to make out female leads are a new thing or something...ridiculous.
It totally depends on the game, maybe he is being quoted out of context i don't know....but for example if Gears of War was a woman, who looked like a female weight lifter...good luck selling that. Whats the agenda to make female main characters on game spot?. There are loads of female main characters or gender choice games.
Truth is that women do fit different roles than men, imagine playing tomb raider and it was a guy shivering by the fire and stuff...you would be like..."what the hell is this crap? loot a jacket you idiot!"
It much depends on the writer and the role the character is to play.
I don't like how blizzard has tried to make out these expansions are new games. They are not! the base of the game is exactly the same. What you pay for is a new campaign and a few new units. I enjoyed the game and the single player is good. Just don't expect it to add too much to what you saw in WoL.
Play for single player, found it really easy on normal...having more fun on hard. Not played the multiplayer yet but if it fail's i don't care because single player is solid. Don't know why it took so long to come out...most of the stuff was in WoL.
Conan1985's comments