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CrossFire312 Blog

Max Payne

Yeah... I have Microsoft Points and I'm wondering if I should buy Max Payne. I've heard a lot about it, but I've never played it. Also, if I get it, should I get Max Payne 1 or 2?

The Boring Weekend

I haven't seen anything new or exciting on the internet this weekend. It's been really boring. My favorite PC game (garry's mod) isn't being updated, their website is broken, so I don't get anything new for the game. It's driving me nuts. All my friends are away, so xbox is really boring, too. Oh well, at least MW3 comes out on Tuesday. Then SR3 comes out the next Tuesday.

Valve, Makers of the greatest FPS games

I've been playing a lot of games made by Valve (L4D, L4D2, HL2, HL2 Ep1, HL2 Ep2, Portal, Portal 2, TF2, etc.) and I can easily say that they make some of the greatest games. The story of each game is very impressive, and the link between HL and Portal keeps it really interesting. It also gives way for lots of easter eggs. I also think that they are really good at making coop games. L4D games are great online, and playing as the special infected is really fun. It's nice to be the predator for once.

My thoughts on LA Noire

I have been playing LA Noire recently, and I'm about half way through the 21 cases the game offers. Overall, the game is great! The graphics are really good and the technology used for facial expressions works very well. Interrogations are fun, but I wish they had an option to beat the answer out of someone. Investigating areas is neat, but a little too easy. My biggest problem with the game is that Rockstar went from Red Dead Redemption's senseless killing of civilians, police and animals to a nearly action-less LA Noire. I completely understand that police don't kill civilians, but at least put an "Undercover" option in the game where you can commit crimes! The action the game has is great, but there should have been more. I still love the game, but it leaves me wanting more of an over-the-top action game like GTA IV or Red Dead Redemption.

The Next Resident Evil Game

When they said that they were making a new Resident Evil game, I was surprised. It seemed like the series had ended even though I didn't want it to. Then I started looking into the new game. If you haven't read the Gamespot article, the game is called Resident Evil Operation Raccoon City. It's a coop shooter where you play as Umbrella agents working to find and kill Leon S Kennedy. It sounds really interesting. If it has a good single player mode, this might make up for RE5. Yeah, I know, "Resident Evil 5 was great." I didn't think so. It was based on action instead of fear. The whole point of Resident Evil is survival and fear. Also, Resident Evil 5 was extremely tough for me because I like to run in with my guns blazing, destroying all of my enemies. The problem I had with doing that was the fact that there weren't enough herbs or first aid spray. And the game was annoyingly predictable. Hopefully, Operation Raccoon City will be more like RE4.

OK, my RE5 rant is over and I only have one more request. If you see an achiement that looks really lame, please hold your mouse over it and read what the description is. Right now, it looks like I have three achievements from... Meet the Robinsons... I think... but if I hold my mouse over it, it's a Left 4 Dead achievement.