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CrossFire312 Blog

Happy Wheels update.

O.K, we all know about the online game, Happy Wheels. ( The creator of the game is finaly going to add a new character. A couple on a moped! That means two times the blood and gore!

Best of And Worst of Gaming

Davidhill11 is going to start this blog post thing about great and terrible games. He's going to do it once a week so check his blog every once in a while. Also, there is this really great online game called Happy Wheels. Go to to play it. You basically drive through levels (side scroller) but there's a twist. It is one of the goriest games out there right now. It's fricken AWESOME!! REMEMBER THE GAME OF THE WEEK!!!!!!!! DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I totally called it.

When I saw that Chris Redfield is going to be in Marvel Vs Capcom 3 Fate of Two Worlds, I said the following sentence to myself. "If Chris is in it, why wouldn't Albert Wesker be in it?" I CALLED IT!!! I knew Wesker would be in it and I was right!

The T Virus

Reasons to hate the T Virus. It makes you icthy, crave human brains, it can make your lips rip backwards so everyone can see your gums and it gives you claws.

Only YOU can Prevent T Virus Infections...or not.

Why wouldn't you just wait for the G Virus? Or howabout a Parasite? Or even Veronica? See what I mean, the T Virus is obselete. If a man wearing all black with sunglasses and a blonde afro asks you if you want any T, just say NO!!! Because who knows what the hell he is infected with. He might be on the newest infection/parasite, Uroboros. Wait, that needs an African we go. Uroboros. That's better.

I have to out text Davidhill11....

idk whr to go on ES IV O rn. LOL... BRB! Htggl! LOL

EXPLANATION---OK, Htggl translates to "have to go get lemonade"

FTW, b! SR,B!! iwtggsgabtwmmsh!

EXPLANATION---OK, iwtggsgabtwmmsh translates to " I want to go get some gay ass beans that will make my stomach hurt" One more...


EXPLANATION---Ok, I am not translating this because it is so cool and I don't want anyone to know. Davidhill11 MIGHT know...

Need help.

I have a really good computer so should I think about DC Universe online? And yes, I am a huge DC fan.:?

Saints Row 3

Does anyone get the feeling that Dex is going to kill you in the next game? That would suck. I want to put about 20 bullets in Dexter's head.