My banner changed again! I bet that no one cares by now!
CrossFire312 Blog
by CrossFire312 on Comments
I hate this one guy on Fallout 3. Fawkes. He always says he wants to follow me, but when I actually talk to him, he tells me that I should've taken a more noble path. Anybody know how I can quickly kill him? He scares the shat out of me when I go into the Museum of History.
Mah Nehw Banner... How do you like it?
by CrossFire312 on Comments
New homemade banner! Joo like? Please COMMENT!!!
Back to Normal
by CrossFire312 on Comments
YAY!!! If you didn't get to see it, I had an assassins creed banner. It was really ugly and it didn't fit in with anything on my page. So, yeah... this is my permanent banner. Deal with it. You know who you are, AHEM Davidhill11 cough, cough! I like it. By the way, tagline will change.
I hate my new banner
by CrossFire312 on Comments
I am going to change it back to the gun. Sorry Davidhill11, but you are just gonna have to deal with it! On a side note, Fallout New Vegas comes out on Tuesday! WHOOP!!!
Banner Issue
by CrossFire312 on Comments
How often should I change the tagline on my banner. Once a day is not possible. It has to be once a week or longer. What do you, the person, think?
Banners are Weird
by CrossFire312 on Comments
I got a BANNER!!! See the tagline under my username? That is (hopefully) going to change once a week.
BTW Sorry Davidhill11, this is just temporary
Hello world. I'm sick
by CrossFire312 on Comments
I know nobody cares, but I'm sick. I feel like crap. Sinus infections suck. I have been busy, though. I have taken it upon myself to kill everyone I meet in Fallout 3. It is a lot of fun. My next stop is Paradise Falls. All of those jerks better watch their backs cuz I have a lot of guns with a lot of ammo. My favorite gun is the Chinese Assault Rifle. Mine does a damage of 43. My second favorite is the Combat Shotgun. It does a damage of 46, or something like that.
Well that was Close
by CrossFire312 on Comments
Jeez. I am not lying. My level WAS AT ZERO!!! JokerPRO10 and Davidhill11 were also at level zero. Seems as though Skynet was down for a second there. Or maybe it was a glitch in the Matrix! Yeah! That's what it was, a glitch in the Matrix.
What the Hell?
by CrossFire312 on Comments
Check out my rank! It's a zero! I just turned level 8 and now I am level zero! WTFH happened?
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