Bye bye Nemesis. Hello Tony Stark. The nerdy-ness of me has taken control. I'm still looking for a Magneto gamer picture.
CrossFire312 Blog
Help ME!!!
by CrossFire312 on Comments
Signed up for Fuse, no achievements showing up. What do I need to do???
Thanksgiving Is Always...Intresting Part ONE
by CrossFire312 on Comments
Yeah... Thanksgiving was odd. My parents and I were the first to get to my grandparents' house. Then my aunt and cousin came and all hell broke loose. First thing my cousin (who is ten years old) says to me is, "Hi! Have you heard of an Elf on a Shelf?" Me, I had no fricken idea what she was talking about. Turns out that her friend who lives next door to her got an Elf on a Shelf and she didn't. I had to ask my Grandma what it was about. I guess this Elf on a Shelf is supposed to tell Santa if you are a good kid or not then he tells Santa what you want for Christmas. She is TEN YEARS OLD and she still believes in Santa Clause. My cousin threw this huge fit when she couldn't find one in her house. If you want to see what an Elf on a Shelf is, here you go.
That's not creepy at all.
The Wierdest Thing I Saw at Disney World (TWTISADW)
by CrossFire312 on Comments
Pretty bad that I have to have a poop joke in my banner. Ah yes, another funny thing that happened on vacation was the amazing poop on a stick! Behold, it's amazing POWER!!!
Now doesn't that look appetizing! And here's a picture of some young serial killer who decided to buy one right after he killed his sister to take her poop on a stick! Law And Order music, start now!
It's actually a bannana coated in chocolate on a stick as I figured out here.
That doesn't sound appetizing to me at all. The ones I saw at Disney World either had nuts on them or large yellow sprinkles that looked like corn. Eww...
HI Everyone!
by CrossFire312 on Comments
by CrossFire312 on Comments
I am so damn tired. The flight yesterday made me really tired, my cat woke me up in the morning and we had a freakin' time change. All I want to do is sleep. Ya know, I'm starting to get a little...drowsy.......................
Back from Vacation
by CrossFire312 on Comments
Number one thing that I learned while I was on vacation. This was a man by the way... Taking your shirt off and rubbing your nipples may be OK in whatever third world country you're from, but it's not OK here in good old America.
People disturb me deeply. I saw this while I was in a gift shop right outside of Splash Mountain at Walt Disney World. I couldn't stop laughing at this loser! He was just standing around, rubbing his nipples out in the open! It wasn't hot outside either. It was like, 70 degrees outside. And he just got soaked on Splash Mountain. He was in the log in front of mine so I know how wet he got. People are weird. Really freakin' weird!
Flash Game of the Week #1
by CrossFire312 on Comments
I am going to do this every 1 or 2 weeks from now on. I will tell you about a great Flash game, then I will put the game's location somewhere on the page.
Flash Game of the Week #1
Plasma Burst
Plazma Burst is one of those old Flash games that you won't forget after you play it. The story is simple, the future is a mess and you are sent back in time to fix it. It's in the future so you'll get these laser weapons to deal with your enemies. It's hard to explain right now since it's 5:30 in the morning, so just play the damn game! Whoop!
By the way, there's gonna be a new update to Happy Wheels in a week or two. This update includes a new character... Couple on a Moped! Yes! I love when the vehicle has two people on it.
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