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CrossFire312 Blog
Facebook.......the dumbest site ever created in the entire history of websites.
by CrossFire312 on Comments
Okay, I created a Facebook account to see which stupid people from school are out there. WOW. It's kind of scary to see all those people on Facebook. And they all have hundreds of friends. These people have no lives, whatsoever. While I was on Facebook (around 10 to 20 minutes) I realized how stupid and useless the site is. You are giving away your information to millions of people. And you friend people that you can't stand in real life so you can live through a digital popular life. What else is there to do? The games out there suck. The games out there are also based on being popular. The worst part is, you have to pay for some of the games. I would rather pay 60 bucks on an X Box game that I can enjoy. I am not impressed with Facebook.
Assassins Creed Brotherhood
by CrossFire312 on Comments
I beat it! It was really crazy in the end. There are a lot of wild twists in the ending. I was shocked by what happened. Leave a comment if you want me to tell you what happens. I'll send a message to you if you want to know. Also, I want to know something........ what do YOU think the greatest weapon in COD Black Ops is? I NEED TO KNOW!!!!
Game of The Decade --- Part 2!
by CrossFire312 on Comments
I won't be crabby in this post. I had to delete that last one. Made me feel like a turd after I read it a few days later. If you didn't see it, GOOD!!! I was starting to get sick and I was really crabby. SORRY!!!!!! Anyway...
The second Game of the Decade is...
Resident Evil 4
Resident Evil 4 was the first Resident evil that I ever played and I remember every minute of it. Too bad Resident Evil 5 wasn't as good as 4. I think everybody who goes back and plays Resident Evil 4, hates the AI of the Ganados. I however, love it. Heres a list of the stupid AI incidents that I had...
- The Ganado who can magically teleport behind you.
- Dr. Salvador (chainsaw dude) who can walk through a door. he literally walks through the wooden door without opening it or busting it down.
- The magical flying Ganado in the village. I had to use a sniper rifle to shoot him down. It sucked.
- The Reaper Ganado who can throw his scythe through any solid wall.
- And last but not least... The Ganado villager with the boomerang hatchet. This guy threw it at me, missed and the hatchet randomly flew back at him and he got killed by it. It caught him in the nuts.
Well, there you have it. Game of the Decade Part 2. Oh, I almost forgot, killing Ashley is the best part of the game, not really but it is fun! So go out, talk to the flasher - I mean merchant - and buy a minethrower, shoot ashley in the face with it and run away laughing insanely!
2 Important Things
by CrossFire312 on Comments
First off, I am Level 11- Atomic Punk!
Second, I finally did it. 10,000 GAMERSCORE!!!!!!!
Game Of The Decade
by CrossFire312 on Comments
I am going to do a Game of The Decade since it's the end of 2010. Everyone is going to hate me for this...
There hasn't been a game that I can play more than Saints Row 2. I don't care if you don't agree with me. Well, how about this. I'll do Game Of The Decade Part 1 through 3 because I can think of other games that should be Game Of The Decade.
My odd experience on Red Dead Redemption
by CrossFire312 on Comments
I was playing Free Roam and I was in Mexico with my posse. I looked up to see what my allies were aiming at, and wouldn't you know? An NPC that was flying like a bird. Wow. Yeah, it was pretty messed up. Then, I switched servers and basically started over. I kept killing this one loser, I got a kill streak of 8 on this guy in ten minutes. When he finally killed me, he kept shooting my corpse in the head, wasting all of his ammo. This guy had to be a newbie, because when I respawned, he had no ammo left. Of any kind. He was out of all weapons. I walked up behind him, and he was kicking my corpse. I pulled my sawed off out and beat him with it, then I blasted him in the face. I looked down, and my High Powered Pistol was sitting on the ground. HE DIDN'T EVEN TAKE IT!!!!
Alert!!! OMG! How is it here? It's a lie! AHH!!!
by CrossFire312 on Comments
Burn the trees! Eat the squirrel! Shoot the roadsign! Kill the dragon! Oh my GOD!!!!!!!! Stick RPG 2 is out. It's been 7 years. I have been playing it, and it ROCKS.
It's an EPIC game!
Don't judge me by Fuse
by CrossFire312 on Comments
It shows that I have 2 games for the 360. I have over 20 and that's for sure. I also have a Gamerscore of 9765. DO NOT JUDGE ME.
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