I suppose companies don't want to waste time recreating 1:1 copies of things for no benefit.
Granted, Blizzard will resell a remaster at a cost to consumers instead of just patching the game (hello SC:R), but if the source and assets are poofed, then that's a lot of work to do for something that can't make enough money to cover the dev time that could've been spent on other, more "lucrative" projects.
If anything, a small subset of die-hard fan developers could do it without much impact to Blizz, but will that actually happen?
Kaplan also doesn't believe 21:9 monitors are fair either. In a game people just want to play casually with their friends. When every other multiplayer shooter on the market supports 21:9 monitors without issue.
I mean, not entirely relevant and opposite to the point (the ban wasn't fair), but Kaplan is still a ignorant buffoon.
DAOWAce's comments