[QUOTE="SpruceCaboose"][QUOTE="DAZZER7"]Actually in all fairness, all groups on system wars do that. Lems, cows, sheep and...umm hermits are the only truly logical fanboys 8)
Logical would be giving them as a group too much credit. While there are some rational hermits, there are also the hermits who say things like "it's on consoles, it must be terrible". Yea, hermits are the worst in my oppinion, They spend some money on a computer, and instantly think they are better than everyone.When I said the most logical, I was joking and assumed that was evident with the smiley with sun-glasses.
However I do think that overall, PC gamers on here tend to be more mature (as in an older age group) than the average console gamer. I have zero evidence to back this up. Because of this, I think a few hermits, myself included tend also to have more technical knowledge (there are some console fans aswell on here who have exceptional hardware knowledge).
Because we're used to upgrading, installing new components, reading up on the latest and greatest, we know a tad more than 'most' console gamers. Again, I have no proof, I'm merely going off my impression of system wars so by all means take my opinion however you like.
As a result of this, we always end up getting into a debate wehere we are correcting some misconception or discussing more advanced hardware. (some of you console fans make it really easy for us with the sigworthy posts that you make and we all know who they are). My point is that when we're constantly taking a stance of "you're wrong, we're right, here is the proof" to a single line post from a console fan, we do end up coming off as arrogant and as 'know-it-alls'!
Like I said, that is my impression. But granted, there are some hermits who are die-hard console-haters!
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