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I've always been impressed with the Ratchet games on PS3. Platformers graphics don't get respect though, for the most part.


I hear ya! I dont think cute bright colours agree with the general demographic of System Wars, the type of gamer that posts on here (generally speaking eeek) don't like games that are 'kiddy' even if they're not!

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Fisrt of ALL. Are you kidding me? This is a joke, KZ2 could easily do something as pointless as that, any game with a decent physics engine could do that. Heck even LBP could do something as simple as that. Second of all, there is no way that the barrels would even stand like that if we were being totally realistic.(early in the trailer it shows that a good portion of them are HANGING off the cliff).


Huge size of level x number of barrels x complexity of physics x water physics x beautiful graphics= would smoke the PS3!

I think I'm the one who has to say are you kidding me! Little Big Planet renders much smaller and less detailed objects in a 2D plane. Yes the objects are 3D but theyare made ofwaaaay less polys and can only move in a 2d plane. Do you even understand how simple the mathematics is when simulating something in 2d compared to 3d??

Then there are the sheer number of barrels. I mean start by calculating the number of polys each barrel is made of, how many vertices each requires then multiply by the number of barrels and add to that the huge scene in the background of trees, all with dynamic shadows, physics of their own. The PS3 would have nowhere near the memory or the vertex processing power to render a scene like that!

Add to that, the resolution of the textures used in Crysis is much much higher, occlusion mapping.You've already run out of memory just running that many vertices before evenadding textures and pixelshader ops. Dude, you're so way off comparing something like that to Little Big Planet its sigworthy :lol:

Nice try though! ;)

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Even though you cherry picked those gifs. Destructible environments > Animation. It actually ADDS to gameplay.

Soz I couldn't find any other Crysis gifs. Nobody makes them because the game does not impress in motion (yes I do own the game).

As for Destructible enviroments being better then animation:

Killzone 2 Pictures, Images and Photos

Killzone 2 Pictures, Images and Photos

You might be right ;)

This shows how the Killzone 2 game engine pales in comparison to the CryEngine 2 ESPECIALLY when it comes to physics lol.


Behold the 3000 exploding barrels!!

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let me get it right to all of you .. The Ps3 CPU is the brain for the Ps3 .. The CPU do lighting to physx .. The Ps3 CPU is meant to be played and designed specially for games so it handel the lighting .. shadows .. physx .. AI .. explosions and motions .. and the other side - if the CPU was the brain . The GPU is the color pencil for the Ps3 it's just do colors and some minor graphical tasks, Nvidia 7300gs will be good on the ps3 because ps3 count on CPU like 85% and the remained 15% to theGPU


OK, so you are saying that the Cell does the processing of where all the vertices are in a scene? You're trying to imply the Cell does vertex shader operations and just leaves pixel shader ops on and rasterization on the RSX? lol no, the RSX has dedicated vertex shader pipelines. The Cell is used for extra post-processing effects.

To use your terms, the RSX handles both the drawing of the picture AND the colouring in!

ps3 games use 85% of the cpu (CELL) and 15% GPU (RSX)

for such a claim, you must have a link?

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let me get it right to all of you .. The Ps3 CPU is the brain for the Ps3 .. The CPU do lighting to physx .. The Ps3 CPU is meant to be played and designed specially for games so it handel the lighting .. shadows .. physx .. AI .. explosions and motions .. and the other side - if the CPU was the brain . The GPU is the color pencil for the Ps3 it's just do colors and some minor graphical tasks, Nvidia 7300gs will be good on the ps3 because ps3 count on CPU like 85% and the remained 15% to theGPU


OK, so you are saying that the Cell does the processing of where all the vertices are in a scene? You're trying to imply the Cell does vertex shader operations and just leaves pixel shader ops on and rasterization on the RSX? lol no, the RSX has dedicated vertex shader pipelines. The Cell is used for extra post-processing effects.

To use your terms, the RSX handles both the drawing of the picture AND the colouring in!

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I dont think they are bullshots beyond maybe touched up AA

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I see it often "too many FPSs". I think in all fairness, what people really mean is that they are fed up with linear spoon fed run of the mill gameplay that is predictable and repetative rather than the actual interface.

I mean think about it, is it really the interface that is what is tiresome or is it the shooting aspect? I quite like the FPS interface. You're sitting there right now, viewing the world in a FPS point of view. Maybe we don't need more First Person 'Shooters', maybe we need more First Person ''.

So all in all, are we really seeing too many FPSs? Should the interface be recognised on its own? and seperated from the 'shooter'? Are you fed up with FPSs? or are you fed up with just shooters?

Are the current consoles really that saturated with FPSs?

Your thoughts?

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[QUOTE="zero_snake99"] I'm just saying. This is a 360 vs PS3 graphics thread. PC will always win, and anyone who denies it is stupid at the very least. So why even bring it up? RAGE looks like it will be the next big thing. It's multiplat, but everyone knows PC will dominate by far.zero_snake99

I agree, why let Usain Bolt run in the 100m anymore, I mean everyone knows he's going to win, right?

While you may think that come back works. It doesn't. Athletes reach their prime, and they will decline from it. If you have hardware with certain capabilities, it was have those same capabilities always. Especially with consoles. The PS3 and 360 are at a constant, while PC keeps getting newer and newer hardware. They have almost limitless possibilities with PC. Athletes don't work that way.

No the point is that this is System Wars as has been said time and time again. You can't just exclude the PC from a graphics comparison discussion just because its inconvenient. I bet you wouldn't leave the PC out if you had a game that really did surpass something on PC would you? Oh no, if you did then PC would be mentioned a whole lot more!!

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[QUOTE="zero_snake99"] Mind reading the Topic Title again? Just give it a shot...zero_snake99

*sigh* What does that have anything to do what we were discussing? The guy went on a side tangeant and I was answering him.

I'm just saying. This is a 360 vs PS3 graphics thread. PC will always win, and anyone who denies it is stupid at the very least. So why even bring it up? RAGE looks like it will be the next big thing. It's multiplat, but everyone knows PC will dominate by far.

I agree, why let Usain Bolt run in the 100m anymore, I mean everyone knows he's going to win, right?

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Actually in all fairness, all groups on system wars do that. Lems, cows, sheep and...umm hermits are the only truly logical fanboys 8)


Logical would be giving them as a group too much credit. While there are some rational hermits, there are also the hermits who say things like "it's on consoles, it must be terrible".

Yea, hermits are the worst in my oppinion, They spend some money on a computer, and instantly think they are better than everyone.

When I said the most logical, I was joking and assumed that was evident with the smiley with sun-glasses.

However I do think that overall, PC gamers on here tend to be more mature (as in an older age group) than the average console gamer. I have zero evidence to back this up. Because of this, I think a few hermits, myself included tend also to have more technical knowledge (there are some console fans aswell on here who have exceptional hardware knowledge).

Because we're used to upgrading, installing new components, reading up on the latest and greatest, we know a tad more than 'most' console gamers. Again, I have no proof, I'm merely going off my impression of system wars so by all means take my opinion however you like.

As a result of this, we always end up getting into a debate wehere we are correcting some misconception or discussing more advanced hardware. (some of you console fans make it really easy for us with the sigworthy posts that you make and we all know who they are). My point is that when we're constantly taking a stance of "you're wrong, we're right, here is the proof" to a single line post from a console fan, we do end up coming off as arrogant and as 'know-it-alls'!

Like I said, that is my impression. But granted, there are some hermits who are die-hard console-haters!