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Thought cows don't care about sales? At least it didn't seem so in the latest NPD thread where the 360 outsold it by nearly 100K.


Cows care about sales only when it benefits them. When it doesn't it simply doesn't exist

Actually in all fairness, all groups on system wars do that. Lems, cows, sheep and...umm hermits are the only truly logical fanboys 8)

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What I don't understand is why on earth are xbox fans excited about these graphics now :|

Gran Turismo was pulling off photo-realism ever since PS3's launch with the GTHD demo... it didn't seem to impress 3 years ago for some reason :|


In all fairness, Forza 2 didn't have great graphics, they weren't bad don't get me wrong but its wasn't a graphical show-piece.

Forza 2 has always been about simulation, customization, physics, damage modelling etc etc...now it has all that, photo-realistic graphics + much more game content, its going to be one heck of a package.

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yup, i've been trying to say this a long tiem ago. but no one ever listens :D

yes, its selling faster at a higher price. not that anyone should care. its all about the games at the end of the day :D

now, prepare for the lemmings to come and derail the thread.


It is not selling faster, and the 360 DID NOT have a 10 million unit head start. It was much closer to 5-6 million units. The 10 million number was a boast by Bill Gates that MS DID NOT hit.

when did i say anything about 10 million units? i said that it sold faster which it did despite the higher price. even check vgchartz. the PS3 bar is on top of the 360 bar for the most part.

its sold faster you say despite being more expensive..

..its also a blu-ray player

..it also has the Sony/Playstation brand name

We can play these games all day if you want ;)

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lol its not a time trial!

Why are allowances always being made for the PS3 selling bad..

..Its doing well despite releasing a year later! ..Its doing well despite being more expensive!


It can be argued that it should be doing better..

..I say it should be doing better because it has the 'Playstation' and 'Sony' brand name.. It should be doing better because it's tech is a year more advanced!


360 can have its excuses too..

..Its doing well despite RROD! Its doing well despite coming off the back of the original Xbox brand name!


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lol thats the most retarted argument ive ever seen if you are challenging the pc in games im sorry to say man i own an xbox and i even know we have lost this. ,please dont embarrass us by saying that


Theres only one thing i hate more than PC fanboys and it's PC suck ups. Loving the made up "we have higher standards" rubbish. I'll remember that next time the 360s library gets called out, yeah we have higher standards..I've got no proof to back it up, no reviewer coming out and saying thats why but i said it so it's true.

It doesn't have an AAAA cause all the games are buggy and need patches and things.

lol oh dear, there goes your credibility right there!

  • All PC games?
  • Console games don't get bugs?
  • Console games don't need patching or are patched?

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funny how the horrible aliasing present in every x360 game is suddenly missing for these "comparisons", sorry, but the game will not look this good without 4xSSAA, which is impossible to do with a console, or even a pc for that matter. Forza 2 looked good, but the aliasing was a big problem, and the blur did not help it at all, besides the fact that they are doctored up, it does look good, im sure the car models and environments will be top-notch


SSAA? I thought it is MSAA and yes the 360 can do 4x MSAA and it is in this game. With the PC, people do 16X MSAA, I don't know what you are impilying

I know lol, was he trying to imply the PC can't do 4x MSAA?

and yes Forza 3 will have 4x AA.

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How come it never had an AAAA Tittle?



Quite simply, (and this is a really easy one to answer because its soo obvious that you should know this already)....

..because some journalists who write for a video gaming website decided not to give such a score to PC games when being reviewed!!

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PC games look better on PC when that PC has 3 or 4 graphics cards each of which is more expensive then a PS3.


Wrong a single GTX295 has waaaaay more performance at crazy resolutions than the lowly PS3. Infact, anything since an 8800GT will out perform the PS3 even with a mediocre cpu.

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I am really going to contradict my self here but who cares lol.

In principle I hate the idea, its pointless and I like the idea of fun.

I used to play Star Wars Galaxies. I remember for about 3 months, I did nothing but group up at a starport on dantooine mining outpost if I remember. I would always try to group up with higher level players for more XP. We would get missions from terminals to go destroy a lair of animals. We would head out a few kilometres in the game to the lair and start attacking the creatures. It was always best to use area attacks as you got XP for each creature you hit but had to be careful because if you were low level they would 'agro' and all attack you at once (always good to have a medic in the group).

You would get XP for each creature hit and then a nice lump when the lair itself was destroyed. Head back get another couple of missions to destroy lairs and then rinse and repeat.

Now, I remember at the time thinking how boring it was but I kept going. The real reward came when I gained enough XP to go to a trainer NPC and get some new ability. At the time I was working towards becoming Master Rifleman / Master Bounty Hunter. Along the way I would trade in XP for some really interesting and quite creative abilities. There was always something new to work towards. It took me 3 months to get to the highest level, level 80.

The grind itself was boring but it was the incentives that kept me going. It really is like a drug and even now I miss the old version of the game (before the NGE and any SWG vets will know what I'm talking about).

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i think it pretty obvious that they can't stick with dvd9 do you think they will throw a faster bluray player in it?


That is one possible angle to go. Might be a smart way too. I personally would love it if all consoles made the switch to using USB drives for their games. Easy for consumers to bring their games and the publishers could determine the size of the USB drive they need when they ship the game, helping to reduce any costs that might be associated with the technology. This will allow us to basically eliminate load times too due to it's extremely fast read times (even sticking with USB 2.0 over 3.0 if they so choose). USB 2.0 has a max read of 488Mbps. The PS3's Blu-Ray drive has a read speed of 72Mbps (on the first layer. Slower after that). Blu-Ray has announced future drives with a read speed of 288Mbps and has a theoretical max read speed of 400Mbps. So even sticking with USB 2.0 would still be blazing fast compared to using Blu-Ray. The other option is digital distribution where you can just download your games to your HDD. While this is possible, I think it would still segment those who don't have high internet speeds from getting the console, so I doubt they ONLY go that route. It will most likely be a dual solution, where you can download games if you so choose or still buy a hard copy. The biggest problem is game developers want to push for digital because they don't have to worry about losing money in the used game market, while consumers want a physical copy specifically so they have the option to sell it. My idea is really a pipe dream however. I doubt Microsoft (or any console maker) would be progressive enough to forgo an optical drive altogether and simply use USB drives. No matter what the benefits. To many people use their console as their media player too.

Arn't USB flash memory sticks much much more prone to data corruption? Although the other added benefit though is saving game saves etc onto the same game like the old cartridge days?