I feel you Tc. Yo bad most people here don't understand that HD =/= better graphics. It just means crisper lines and sharper text. I personally think they should make all next gen games at 1280 x 1024 and have them fitted for 16:9. This would make for a nice crisp image with a lot more power for better graphics.
Actually HD = Better Graphics (as long as you're not sacrificing other aspects of your graphics)
HD is like putting on a pair of glasses, a higher resolution allows you to see higher resolution textures, higher res normal maps, reflecttions and more than anything, you can see the edges of objects much more clearly.
Put simply, it enables you to see the game world being rendered before you in much higher detail!
Having said that, TC does have a point even if it is not very well explained. What he is saying, like others have pointed out that some of the system resources being used by the consoles in making an improvement in number of polys being rendered, size of the game world being rendered, lighting, textures etc are all taking a slight hit in video memory and other resources because the console is trying to render the game at a higher display resolution.
However, TC is also wrong, because eventually there is a point reached where rendering an object with higher and higher numbers of polygons and higher resolution textures becomes pointless. It's pointless because because of the display resolution, you cannot 'see' these improvements. (unless you go really close to an object!)
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