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[QUOTE="Wii_Gamer_277"]2 people on SW really think yes ? anyways GT will not outsell halo 3....no exclusive game this generation will outsell halo 3SexySasquatch11

Hate to break it to you but4 "exclusives" have already topped halo 3. Wii Sports(bundled i know), Wii Play, Wii Fit, and Mario Kart Wii. And before you those ain't games those are casual crap, just remember that halo's as casual as it gets(and it's crap!)

EDIT: I think GT5 has a chance to pass Halo 3 since GT3 is the best selling PS2 game when it had around the same install base. I think this game will have legs with the DLC and other random support it'll get.

Oh dear lol

1st Halo is not crap it was highly praised in almost all reviews with a 9.5 at gamespot

2nd Many of those games you mentioned for the Wii were bundled also, they are Wii games, there is no denying its successful sales

3rd GT3 sold throughout the lifetime of the PS2, so unless the PS3 is going match the sales of the PS2 :lol: , you might want to take a closer look at your reasoning.

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[QUOTE="menserman"] do us a favor. post install base by each game. to help us think better


what? why... the recent install bases would have nothing to do with these number because the were not the same back in 1998 when gran turismo and halo launched........ im sure your going to reply back " it sold over time duh" but thats expected..

Right.. The install base of the PS2 when GT3 launched was around 20 million and it sold 15 around million The install base when GT4 launched was around 100 million, and it sold about 9 million. It doesn't all have to do with install base..

Look at all the previous GT games apart from GT5p, what is the connection?

They were all on 2 of the most successful games consoles the industry has ever seen PS1 and PS2.

The PS3 is nowhere near as successful and that has been reflected by the sales for GT5p.

Add to that, there was no really competitor on consoles to previous GT titles until Forza 1 came along.

Many of the mainstream gamers have also migrated from the PS2 to the 360.

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That part about the PS3 having more cores is going to net you some hate.


But its true. Crysis was just as much CPU as graphics.

Wut? No it wasn't lol

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if xbox 360 had architecture like ps3 then valve wont care about 360 either. they only dev for 360 coz it is not hard to port to 360 from pc. valve is lazy


So what DO they do with their time then? I mean if they're "too lazy" and can't be bothered portinga game to the PS3, are they all just sat around doing nothing? Does Gabe Newell employ them with their high salaries to just sit around doing nothing...?


Is it a business and financial decision to invest money into either retraining your existing staff or hire additional more staff that are experienced in developing on the PS3?

Seriously, can you cows stop spamming this?

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[QUOTE="princeofshapeir"] Check the fail on the WoW threads, people QQ'ing and threatening to quit the game just because they reduce the level requirement and cost for mount skills and give Rogues axes.robflores370

I used to play SWG years ago and this just reminds me how a minor point change / nerf always brings out the most extreme of emotions lol. A slight change causes such a stir lol.

I remember alot of pc gamers saying how casual Halo was because of the gamerfuel drink. Well now WoW has gamerfuel.


I can't stand Wow, but I'll take horde red with a splash of vodka please....

It gives +5 Damage!

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[QUOTE="yoshi_64"]So... we may have to wait more? Bah... I'll take FM 3 this year and play that game... if it ever comes out... maybe he's challenging DNF... so maybe it won't be ever coming out and it will be cancelled as Poly shuts down their studios and umm... what else happened to the DNF guys? :P The_Game21x

Take-Two is currently suing the pants off of them for not delivering DNF in a timely fashion. :P

I really hope PD manage to pull this off, but Yamauchi is starting to come off as desperate. If the E3 trailer is only a small portion of the game, and if GT5 is in beta/final polishing (which they've implied), why not show off more? Why not talk about the game (rather than the development of the game)? Why not update Prologue to Spec IV? It's reached the point where I'm starting to think that the only reason GT PSP is coming out in October is to help fund GT5's development.


I've been thinking the same thing. If the game is truly as far along as they make it out to be, why are they keeping such a tight lid on it? Why not show off more of the game so many people have been waiting so long to hear about? It doesn't make sense.

People talk about 'lazy developers' all the time for not porting a game to the PS3. I believe we have a 'lazy developer' in a more true context!

I may be way out here but I can't help imagining how they work at Polyphonic Digital. I have visions of'employee 1' and 'employee 2'arriving late, picking up a car mag, chatting in the kitchen, pouring a small cup of saki out ofa flask and then casually making their way to a desk. After half an hour or so of reading the car magazine of choice, employee 1 gets on with working on the reflection map of an individual nut that holds the passenger seat down in a Ferrari F50. He's been working on it for the last 2 weeks and its nearly finished.

His colleague employee 2, in at the next work-station leans back on his chair from the other side of his partition to speak. (in Japanese of course) "I forgot, it's E3 09 this week!"

Employee 1 replies "Really? Wow thats cool, I'll have to catch it over at Gamespot!"

"Yeah but don't you think we should...?" says employee 2!

Employee 1 interupts "Tell everyone else? Yeah why not, everyone loves E3!"

"No I mean, shouldn't we be there...you know showing off GT5?" employee 2 corrects.

Employee 1 thinks for a second "hmmm", then scratches his head "but I've got this nut to finish!"

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According to the QQ from the hardcore WoW nerds over the upcoming patch, yes.


Its more casual than most MMO's without a doubt... but it is in no way a casual game.

Check the fail on the WoW threads, people QQ'ing and threatening to quit the game just because they reduce the level requirement and cost for mount skills and give Rogues axes.

I used to play SWG years ago and this just reminds me how a minor point change / nerf always brings out the most extreme of emotions lol. A slight change causes such a stir lol.

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We all know Gabe hates the PS3. And arguably, he has some valid points.

With Valve's flat out refusal to work on the PS3 at all (Orange Box for PS3 was outsourced to EA ), I got to a little thinking.

Gabe and his partner were both employees of Microsoft for well over 10 years, before leaving and founding Valve. Gabe became a millionaire thanks to Microsoft. Gabe knows Microsoft technology the best and is more than likely most comfortable with, and I'm sure still has connections with MS buddies (not saying moneyhats, but friends who can give him a boost here and there). So why would he dedicate time and money learning PS3's architecture?

So, I guess the point I'm trying to get at is, Gabe's harsh words about the PS3 don't hold as much weight, considiring his history.

What do you guys think?


What do you mean "Gabe knows Microsoft technology the best" ?

Are you implying that the PC as a platform is something Microsoft designed?

PC gaming is based on a variety of designs, manufacturers and predominantly x86! The Xbox 360 is based on IBMs PowerPC architecture just like the PS3.When Gabe Newell worked for MS there was Windows, there was no Xbox, there was just typical PC hardware which he would have become acustomed to developing for. Any allegiance you are presuming he feels for Microsoft would not be based on any kind of knowledge of hardware.

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No, I just bash everything but my PC. I even bashed my wife's cooking last night. I told her it was Epic Phail!


Did you give it a review score of 1.5 and said it was a flop to?:P

I told her it was eaten too quickly and should have lasted longer especially considering how long she had been hyping it up all week (was supposed to be the new tastebud-king!). The lack of a side salad also reduced the meal's longevity.

She said that tomorrows meal was going to exclusive to her!

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No, I just bash everything but my PC. I even bashed my wife's cooking last night. I told her it was Epic Phail!