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This is obviously due to two FACTS:

1) PS3 users have many more great games to play and that's why they can't dedicate enough time to only one.
2) 360 users are mostly 13 year old noobs who can't afford a real console and get killed easily.



I take the sticky out tongue to mean you're joking, right?

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I'm not really surprised. I'm going to get it later in the week and have the weekend to enjoy!

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To be honest, I dont know how they will score a title like this. Its obviously not going to have multiplayer and the game content a full title would normally have. Therefore, will it be reviewed to the same standard as say Gears of War or Halo 3? Will it be reviewed where its lower price is taken into account?

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Well at the very least, it sounds like it will be significantly better than Halo3. I actually thought Halo 3's engine could produce some very good lighting and textures, what I hated though was the aweful screen resolution.

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Seriously? A company is horrible for donating its own products to a school? WTF should Microsoft donate then? A fukin zoo?


I wouldn't say horrible but it is a sneaky move. Why donate PC's with windows. The best selfless thing to do is donate cash to the school and let them decide what computers to have. What if the school wants to teach kids the variety of OS's making them even smarter? They can't because MS donated a bunch of PC's with windows. They're only trying to secure a user base early on so that when they grow up all they know how to use is windows and they'll stick with windows to the death.

Yep, that's also true. It also happened at my University. In my country they are trying to get rid of propietary software because it costs the state millions of dollars they could safe with free software (ours is a poor country) but they are having a hard time finding people with experience on other open software because, basically, almost every University uses Windows systems and products exclusively. You can also see Microsoft donating computers (of course with Windows) and giving students cds with copies of .NET and all the products used on windows. This is a way for them to secure their future market share by making people dependant on the technology.

lol kinda like how dealers give kids free samples or cigarette companies give out free cigarettes in 3rd worls countries! Become utterly dependant on windows!

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Sony is the most selfless company in the world, they released the most expensive system in the market so other companies could grab over 75% of their former marketshare with cheaper consoles and practically gave away all their former third party exclusives, no exclusivity deals, contracts etc, thus renouncing to their advantage.

They realized that winning two gens in a row was too selfish and stepped down so Microsoft and nintendo could surge this one regarless of the billionaire losses, that my friend is NOT a selfish company.



Scan it with your sarcasm detector! You'll get a strong reading.

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1) MS makes money with each console sold, at $120, so god knows how much they made per comsole to start with

Most consoles, the Wii aside cost more to make than they sell for at launch. As hardware costs come down, manufacturers make profit later on in the consoles life cycle and they make money from games / accessories sold. Did you know this?

Also, I'm sure you know that the 360 launched a year earlier than the PS3 and has been able to bring manufactuering cost down far quicker by using more 'off-the-shelf' hardware. The PS3 uses the Cell and Blu-ray. Both are more expensive to make and hence inflates the price. Microsoft went for earlier launch and for more cost effective hardware, Sony unfortunately had a late launch has not been able to bring down its price. Does that make Microsft greedy?

You also need to consider that Microsoft has also already passed on the savings to consumers. They have brought the price down to below that of the Wii. Again, this isn't what you would call being greedy is it?

2) MS charges you to play online, making you pay to use part of the game you already paid for

I admit, as time goes on, I hate having to pay for Xbox Live as many PC online services are free and so is PSN. However, I do end up still having Live because it is fairly inexpensive when bought over a year and I always feel its a very good service. Don't forget, silver users still get tons of content like demos, videos, chat all for free.

Without Xbox Live, you still have access to all game modes, local multiplayer. Like I said, its not ideal that they charge for online but yet like millions of others, we find its worth it. It's an area Microsoft chooses to make a profit. Considering the very low price of the console in the first place, they are entitled to make profit where they can.

3) overpricing for all the add ons and not letting 3rd parties make their own cheaper accessories for somethings (aka steering wheel)

There are much much more expensive steering wheels than the 360 one. That is a bad example. They do charge exessively for the hardrives and for the wireless adaptor. However, neither are required. I choose to not puchase either. If they were required, ie you couldnt game without them, then I would have a problem with it but as you can just plug the console straight into a router/modem and use the HDD that comes with the console (already at a very low price point) then its not a problem.

By pricing something that you dont 'need' its simply just a bad pricing strategy on their part. Anything that you consider an optional extra that is priced excessively probably wont sell well. A few items like this that are overly priced, doesnt really make them greedy, if they put you in a position where you're forced to buy them then yes, but they're not!

4) if your over warranty and you get RROD, which is MS's fault for releasing something they KNEW was faulty, YOU pay for a whole new one

You really cannot in anyway, shape or form call Microsoft greedy for this. They extended the 1 year warranty to 3 years at great cost. I'm not sure about the exact figure but it was something like $1Billion, no? They made a mistake but unlike Sony in the past, they immediately put their hands up and offered to pay for the mistake no questions asked. If I hired a plumber who did something like that, I'd hire him again.

1) sonys console costs more to make than they sell if for

Do you think Sony choose to sell their console for a loss or do you think they are in a position where if they did charge more they would price themselves out of the competition? This one is a nobrainer!

2) Free online

They are steadily building a very good online service that is getting close to Xbox Live. Kudos to them but I cannot help feel that if they could get away with charging like Microsoft does, they would! Their service is second best and came out later. Microsoft game them very little room to compete in this area, the only way was on price. As XBL is already very low price, Sony have gone for free.

3) Lets 3rd parties make any accessory they want

Microsoft have always had a very 'controlling' approach to 3rd party companies, whether its developing 3rd part software or hardware. It's just the way the company works. It doesnt make them any more money to work this way but it does give them more control.


Overall, you kinda have a point on Xbox Live, its becoming harder and harder to justify the price but Microsoft have also shown in other areas they can be very generous in terms of passing on price cuts to the end consumer and in supporting consumers with RROD. In the past Sony have been negligent of their consumers and yet in other ways they have been generous.

Both companies sole goal is to make profit. Everything they do is for this purpose. However both have a huge incentive to keep consumers happy and again both do this in different ways, both have been generous both have been negligent. They're the same dude!

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[QUOTE="Couth_"]Right.. The install base of the PS2 when GT3 launched was around 20 million and it sold 15 around million The install base when GT4 launched was around 100 million, and it sold about 9 million. It doesn't all have to do with install base..


Look at all the previous GT games apart from GT5p, what is the connection?

They were all on 2 of the most successful games consoles the industry has ever seen PS1 and PS2.

The PS3 is nowhere near as successful and that has been reflected by the sales for GT5p.

Add to that, there was no really competitor on consoles to previous GT titles until Forza 1 came along.

Many of the mainstream gamers have also migrated from the PS2 to the 360.

the ps3 is following the ps2's footsteps in sales wise, the ps2 didnt sell like hotcakes off the bat, it took a while. like they recently said, the system is only in its 3rd year.

If thats true, then what are the 360 and Wii doing?

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so far 100% 10 votes microsoft. i have to say microsoft. i just think they want money. xbox live is $50 a year while wii, ps3, and pc all of free online play. pc is also microsft tried to have pay for pc but failed. thier download content cost money also, pc doesn't cost anything. iam2green

Yeah Microsoft discust me, all they want is money...Sony just want love!!

Joking aside, they both want your money, they just have different ways of getting it!

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I think they're making the right kinds of noises for it eventually to go to PS3. Just a feeling I have. If they do, then they should at very least release the first one considering how story/lore driven the first game is and howit was written with a sequel to follow.

It would be like watching the Empire Strikes Back without watching the first movie.