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Mods extend the lifetime of a title.

They do not, however, make the title magically better as is.

I hold Oblivion to be over rated, but i do love Fallout 3


Some do, some actually make the game better. Stalker CS is a much better game with certain mods installed. Not many games are like this but there are a few games that are a little broken without the community mods.

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oh i get it, this is because of that other thread right?

Anyway, I think in essence, the general jist of that other thread was that the 360/PC games are an addition to the 360 game library when compared to the PS3. So in any discussion of 360 game library Vs that of the PS3, such games are relevant. I agree there is no such thing as console exclusive, but when can compare respective game libraries right?

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Is it just me or does

-Milo seem to be destined to failure?

-Another game that doesn't feel as immersive as peter makes you think it is,like fable 2: " You can, but why would you want to?(Yahtzee)


Yeah Milo was by far the least impressive aspect shown. PM does get quite annoying, I'm English and he even annoys me when he talks lol.

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[quote="SolidTy"]Lemmings, it's been said because they follow Xbox to the end, off a cliff. However, this Gen Cow seems a better name (MEMORY CARD, Faceplates, WiFi, Xbox Live,Battery Packs, etc.)SolidTy

I don't get why lemmings are said to follow Xbox to the end. Lemmings seem the least "brand loyal" out of the three factions and alot of them had PS2's last gen. Also, it seems that Microsoft are too new in the game to have developed the same kind of blind following as Nintendo and Sony.I agree with you that cow (as in accessory milkage)would be a better description, whereas the lemming and sheep terms would be better suited to the other two factions.

At the time when the barnyard names were given out, their wasn't many PS2 fans that actually came to Gamespot. There were Sony fans, certainly, but not as many as the other factions (a lot of PC guys, a lot of Sheep, and an abnormal amount of Xbox fans), over time it's been changing, but it was due to the roots of this place being a PC ONLY SITE, it didn't exactly scream PS2 fans come to Gamespot. In fact, Many great PS2 games scores didn't do to well here either.

The Lemmings and Sheep names MAYBE weren't as accurate, but one thing was for sure, SONY fans were going to be called COWS.

Xbox Fans last gen were considered followers for buying teh Xbox on M$'s Brand alone. M$ said buy it, and they did...or so the legends went.

I used to come here all the time before I actually made an account to check out the boards, but I couldn't stand it, until late 2004 or early 2005, when I finally made an account.

Cows were milked last gen, but the PS3 is more like the Xbox, and the 360 is more like the PS2 accessory wise.

We probably should do a RENAMING IN THIS PLACE.

Thats the trouble now though, the names have stuck. We all know each others names.

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Project natal is a dumb idea. A really dumb idea because there is no way to detect humans movement with 2-4 people. Because guess it if yyou are not naked and wearing a shirt, it won't be able to detect your movements unless it could detect alot of variables besides shape and light. THat leaves it to be a casual experience for a wholesome party of 1. Which is a blast to play party games. Then there is a detection and resoloution issue. In which the framerate won't be able to detect movements because of the camera resoloution and frames per second. So it won't be able to detect fingers, and other objects as well have to assume where you are making it even more waggle than wii. No one attempted to jerk around the project natal in their demos. All they needed to do was jerk their hands/body partsquickly and it would probably have problems with placement and glitch (which was what kodu did with his avatar). Those problems aren't major but the lack of buttons gives you an impossible time to do numerous stuff(even if it is able to detect certain movements) like running across a world like GTA, or chossing plays in madden. Making it only great for casual genres.


OK granted, its not perfect but surely you must recognise its still early days. There is still plenty of time to develop the software. I mean the demonstrations so far have shown it works, not perfectly but it does work. Given more time, it could be refined and some of these flaws such as recognising more than 1 person at a time could be solved.

If it does improve, you must also recognise it also has quite a lot of potential. Yep, obviously for casual gamers but also for head tracking. Did you ever see the japanese guy who had a wiimote hooked up to his pc that could 'see' led lights on his head. As he moved his head, his perspective changed. Natal has all sorts of poential applications such as this. The fact is, we just dont know.

I understand people might be sceptical, but people who bash it outright (say its just 'dumb'), leaves me to question their motivation for being so negative.

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once again you feel inclined to suggest that the endless stream of Crysis threads are down to console gamers provoking PC gamers...and in turn again trying to shift the blame to console gamers. Ofcourse spamming every console graphics thread with pictures of Crysis wouldnt be provoking at all now would it? :roll:


What part of this is System Wars not Console Wars did you not understand? You cannot post a graphics comparison thread and not expect people to post screenshots from their platform of preference, this isn't a place were you make little safe dens with little signs saying no boys allowed.

Even then you are making a significant exaggeration, you get the odd person or two who posts PC pics in these illegitimate "console users only" SW threads; but you hardly see spamming going on. Even if such spamming were to occur that wouldn't justify people pretending they have played the game claiming experiences they didn't have, no other platform would put up with that sort of BS being spread about one of their games; so why are we expected to?

You know what makes me laugh aswell? Its how much criticism we get as PC gamers if we post screenshots of any upcoming game. Someone recently posted several Arma 2 screens and all he got was "well duh captain obvious" for praising a PC game for its graphics.

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[QUOTE="pyromaniac223"] As of late, the PS3 for the most part. Except for a few hardcore lemmings.brennan7777

I would concur, every new exclusive is supposedly a Crysis killer or the graphics king...yet us hermits get so much stick for being kind enough to correct them! :P

Nah you guys are just annoying. Everyone knows crysis is the graphics king, we dont need hermits spamming the forum with 8 different posts about crysis.

Its not like that though and you know its not lol. You know that typically PC gaming caters for the more mature gamer. We're not the ones who make one line posts without reading a thread.

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but you cant post your BS stuff not related to the thread....if you do then you are trolling :)


It's related to the thread the minute a consolite says *UC looks better than crysis* then I can post all the BS i want. Luckily that happens everytime :)

majority of time, the second post in the console graphic thread is by hermit posting crysis pics :lol: btw not everyone chooses uncharted as the best looking console game ;) and barely have i seen a console only thread with someone coming in and saying uncharted looks better then crysis (that simply isnt part of discussion in the thread) but i sure as hell seen hermits trying to butt in by posting crysis pics

Wait wait let me get this straight, you're implying that consolites are oh so very rational, stay on topic and dont try and get one over on Crysis? While hermits come in and troll?

I think you're confusing the different demographics of gamers here. We all know the general mentality and age range of a typical hermit and that of a typical consolite (I'm not going to say what age range etc I believe each represent, except that I firmly believe they are different, there are also many exceptions) I have no way of proving this but can at least say my impression of each type of gamer (here on system wars) is different to yours.

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[QUOTE="mD-"][QUOTE="pyromaniac223"] Those aren't the fanboys. The fanboys are the ones saying that it is a very generic, average, run of the mill FPS, which it clearly isn't.pyromaniac223
what are they fanboys of?

As of late, the PS3 for the most part. Except for a few hardcore lemmings.

I would concur, every new exclusive is supposedly a Crysis killer or the graphics king...yet us hermits get so much stick for being kind enough to correct them! :P

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hermits have a history of butting in threads where they arent even invited, its in their genes, so dont expect them to give up


This is system wars, so Hermits are invited to EVRY thread. Get over yourself already. It is embarrassing.

no hermits are not invited in threads like "which gameis teh console graphic king" etc etc, man hermits dont even feel embarrassed by posting in those threads, its like going to a party you were not invited to

Yup, we stroll on in uninvited. Not a thing you can do about it really because we're perfectly entitled to express our opinion as much as you. You may want to make your argument easier by exclusing us hermits, but there is nothing you can about us barging through the door and making ourselves at home, why? Cus its system wars mate.

If you make a graphics discussion thread, even if its console only, there is nothing in the ToS to say we can't also discuss PC games.