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TC there is just 1 Crysis graphical comparison thread with uncharted. It is in responce to consolites claiming Uncharted 2 is graphics king. When you guys stop comparing, so will we ;)


Also, I just wanted to add that its you consolites who constantly run out of arguments and so try to exclude Crysis from all graphics comparison. Crysis must really get under your skin, you would love to have Uncharted 2 as the new graphics king but those darn PC games like Crysis just get in the way don't they?

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As anyone can see Crysis is not so impressive in motion.


I disagree, in motion it still blows everything out of the water, it handles well, it plays well, the graphics are the best of any game ever made to date, and will remain until the next top PC only game takes the crown once again... the onyl issue with crysis is the length of the game, which is too short.

And the fact you need to own optimus prime to play it :P i need a new processor, more ram, more cpu and a new video card to get the recommended settings grr, I'll have to wait a few years until i get a new pc :(

But, as you know it has been discussed time and time again on these boards, building a pc to max crysis doesnt really cost that much now days. Sure a little more than a ps3 if you include an operating system but not much more. Heck, here in the UK, you can now get a GTX260 for £100.

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Crysis is so old it farts cobwebs. Sad that Hermits are still hyping it as their one and only saviour. Plus it's a very average FPS to play.


Doomguy_75, thats an interesting name. The reason I say that is there a guy who goes around constantly bashing Crysis and praises none other than Doom 3. I think one of his accounts was woobabooba...are you him?

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lol i'm blind? or are you just a fanboy hermit? hmmmm dude go play uncharted 2 and killzone 2 then come back :lol: those other games barely come close


I have played Killzone 2 and have seen Uncharted 2 Beta in action, they don't come close to the games the TC posted graphically (Except Necrovision, never played that). Anyway, I'm still wagering that your blind.

well at least that confirms you're a BLIND fanboy hermit :lol: yup uncharted 2 totally looks worse then those other pc games.....geeez I wonder who's blind :roll:

Why dont you go back and address my post before regarding uncharted 2s graphics. Basically, all of those games mentioned by the TC can employ every single graphical technique that uncharted uses. From texures, bump mapping, specular maps, reflections, AA, AF and especially being run in much crisper true HD resolutions.

Every single graphical technique used by uncharted 2 is better handled by todays high end GPUs. Thats why PC games, have less jaggies, higher res textures, bump mapping etc.

Unless of course you're talking about artistic interpretation??

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From the pictures posted non of them looks better then Uncharted 2, Crysis is of course technical more demanding but i stimply doesnt look much better.


No lol, its very impressive but it doesnt beat the PC games mentioned when you compare them 'objectively'. Unless of course you're talking about artistic direction, which you may have a case for but in the end is much more subjective.

OK being as objective as you can:

  1. Textures, the environment textures in Crysis, Crysis Warhead, Stalker CS and Cryostasis are all higher than Uncharted 2 in resolution. It's one of the main reasons, these games at their highest settings require so much more video ram.
  2. Bump/normal mapping/occlusion mapping, again just like the higher resolution textures files used on the highest settings, these are much higher in the pc games mentioned. I know Uncharted 1 had some very impressive rocks with excellent textures, reflections maps and normals but they were used to a much more limited extent and the I guarantee the actual resolution of those files were lower than what was used in the PC games.
  3. Lighting, again, Stalker CS has some truly great high dynamic ranged lighting and the difference here, it renders the lighting over a much larger area. Achieving this in an open world style level is way too demanding to achieve on consoles.
  4. AA, consoles are never going to beat what PCs can do with antialiasing.
  5. AF, again consoles can't really match what todays GPUs can do with ansiotropic filtering.
  6. Motion Blurr, I would say there are some games that match what Crysis and Stalker.
  7. Other post processing effects - PCs can match everything that consoles do and more!
  8. HD / True HD / Display resolution - For me this is why PC gaming excels soo much. I cant stand console games that are sub 720p. A games visual appearance is a lot down to running at a high resolution that makes everything crystal clear, nice clean lines and edges, it allows you to fully see the high res textures, its basically the difference between wearing glasses or not. Most PC games are run very easily at 1920*1080 (1080p). This is an average screen resolution for PC gamers. The only console games that run at this res, have very low detail and frame rates.

The thing is here, is that the PC can go to even higher resolutions and achieve much higher levels clarity especially using GPUs such as the GTX295s. There really is no contest when you analyse it objectively. But I'm guessing you were talking about artistic interpretation, no ? :P

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I can't wait till I can afford to get a new PC so I can get back into PC gaming. But seriously, PC has good graphics, WE GET IT. Why are Hermits so desperate to prove it?


This is hilarious, we get tons of threads claiming *insert console game* is graphics king, tons and tons or graphics comparisons between games but as soon as the PC enters the equation, its teh obvious?? So basically PC is forbidden to be used in any graphics comparison, right?

I guess you better go tell your other console friends then because some of them are endlessly saying "PC only has Crysis!"

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If u had to take a guess then? Would u say a ps3 fanboy or a xbox fanboy is more or less likely to start the so called myth?

Logic would say a ps3 fanboy, so in essence he is takign an indirect swipe at the ps3 fanboy logic. We can't be so naive that when he says people, he is referring to all...casey is driectly addressign myths being perpetauted by ps3 fanboys.


What is wrong with that??

He has noticed a trend, right? He has observed that there have been many threads that either directly claim or imply the PS3 has more great exclusives, yes?

OK so he has addressed that with a piece of evidence.

Its not flame bait. He didnt even use any opinion. He claimed the PC had the most exclusives. He simply was trying to correct a misconception. How is that flame bait? It's because he's a mod and the post was immediately pro PS3 wasn't it? Man, just because something isn't pro PS3 doesn't mean it's anit-PS3 lol.

I could hardly care if pro-ps3 or not. Just saying as a moderator he should be more careful what he posts. Anyone knows this has the potential to be flamebait....or at least to get out of hand. Maybe flamebait is too storng. But this thread has the potential to ghet out of hand and get fanboys in arms. Oh and nice try, I am not a fanboy, so no, your attempt to dismiss me as one isn't going to work.

Stop projecting mate, I didnt call you a fanboy...nor did I even imply it.

Why would this potentially be flame bait?...what type of person would have a problem with Casey correcting a common misconception?

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I would say Forza 3. For me, its the attention to detail such as physics, damage modelling, even tyre physics etc.

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[QUOTE="IronBass"][QUOTE="PS3Gamer_1"]Now question for you, would u say ps3 fanboys or a 360 fanboys have been perpetuating this so called myth? Who are these people perpetuating the myth?PS3Gamer_1

I have no idea. I have not paid attention to those threads lately.

If u had to take a guess then? Would u say a ps3 fanboy or a xbox fanboy is more or less likely to start the so called myth?

Logic would say a ps3 fanboy, so in essence he is takign an indirect swipe at the ps3 fanboy logic. We can't be so naive that when he says people, he is referring to all...casey is driectly addressign myths being perpetauted by ps3 fanboys.

What is wrong with that??

He has noticed a trend, right? He has observed that there have been many threads that either directly claim or imply the PS3 has more great exclusives, yes?

OK so he has addressed that with a piece of evidence.

Its not flame bait. He didnt even use any opinion. He claimed the PC had the most exclusives. He simply was trying to correct a misconception. How is that flame bait? It's because he's a mod and the post was immediately pro PS3 wasn't it? Man, just because something isn't pro PS3 doesn't mean it's anit-PS3 lol.

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Yeah mate told me about this yesterday, and i was shocked i have not seen it discussed here so.



As far as i know any aspiring game designers can use the XNA Game Studio Express PC Software to create there own games, which could result in some interesting concepts.

Not only that from what i have been told once the games have been tested and checked for adult content by a committee, the games will become available on XBOX Live for a small price. A percentage of the price will actually be given to the original creator of the game. You know what this means? If you have the ability to create an amazing experience you could stand to make some real money from this.

Ok all of the above i learnt through word of mouth and my mate told me he read this in the official XBox UK Magazine, so do not quote me to much. I have provided some links and would like to hear some peoples thoughts on this.

Personally i think its an excellent move by MS.


While this is true, developing a game is:

  • Incredibly complex
  • Requires significant technical knowledge such as C++ programming skills
  • This in turn requires skills in mathematics, understanding logic etc
  • The process is very time consuming (not good if you're in school or working)
  • All of the above must be combined with unique artistic flair
  • All of the above must pass quality control