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You've got to give it up to Microsoft though. They entered a Sony dominated market and at first looked down and out in the first couple of months. Halo helped them through and now, in only their second generation they are ahead of Sony and the better online service and many good established franchises.

Sony dominated Sega by lying about the Ps2's graphical abilities, it was a good business move but still a lie.


I know and this is what I dont understand. Microsoft use what they have to their advantage but according to a lot of cows on these boards should be treated as if cheating.For example:360 would be nothing without Halo or the 1 year headstart, MS has'stolen' exclusivesetc

While we're all expected to feel sorry for Sony. The typical excuses are: The PS3 is more expensive, hardware is more difficult, its a 10 year console.

I mean that may not be word for word how it goes around here but generally speaking it is from my experience. I know I'm projecting somewhat (its a sunday morning where I am :P ) but I dont care today, that to me is how system wars is lately.

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It seems not many agree. Sony is in last place this gen. :(


1 year headstart and price says Hello Xbox was lagging by 100 mils last generation while the price of both ps2 and Xbox was close but now its only 8 mils with 1 year headstart and PS3 is nearly double 360 price the future will show who is the real King as what Sagat says there can be only one king :P.

But bu price, but 1 year headstart, bu the Wii doesnt count its a gimmick..

..sure keep making excuses. I'm just like you, when I dont succeed at something, I look for reasons why, like "if only I had got there on time" or "If only I had done this" or "he only won because his Mum got him better stuff etc". If you're not winning, you're not winning lol

Fact remains Sony isn't dominating this generation. I'm liking what I'm seeing fromthem but they're nothing like last gen!

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Based on when I played it upon release years ago!


Things I loved:

  1. The story line
  2. The variety of settings and how believable the game world is
  3. The variety of gunplay, puzzles
  4. The subtle little moments, people you run into along the way
  5. The graphics (especially the water)
  6. The scripted set peices and climactic boss fights
  7. The atmosphere and game universe

Things I didn't love:

  1. The linear game levels and lack of exploration (although by moving ahead in the game, you did gain a sense of exploration, because it was such a beautifully envisioned apocalypse, I just wanted to go off and explore yet more!)
  2. Lack of platforming or climbing (again, the game world begs you to want to climb, find secret places and explore)

Edit: I guess for me atleast, I felt that Half-life 2 is one of those rare games that is more than the sum of its parts and trying to explain that to people can be difficult to get across.

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They'll show more later on. I'm sure they were just maintaining a moderate hype level by giving a little tease.

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[QUOTE="Nvidia28"]Because of the Xbox360's weak hardware, many games that are multiplatform has been held back graphically and their content cut short. Just look at the perfect example, Prototype. It's multiplatform and built for all 3 platforms, 360, PS3, and PC. And then look at Infamous, a game made exclusively for PS3. Those two games are like day and night. Because Prototype was made for 3 platform, it had to be built so the weakest platform Xbox360 could run it. And in turn, that sacrificed the draw distance, scale, and content that the other two more powerful platform could have had. That's why it's textures, draw distance, city, and framerate are no where near the quality of Infamous, which was built from the ground up on the PS3. For example, in Infamous you can see the whole city as far as the horizon. In Prototype, there is a thick cloud and smoke all around and you can't even see more than 4 blocks away. There are a ton of pop in, and the textuers are very weak. Prototype is locked down for a certain FPS Xbox360 can handle it while Infamous runs at a smooth 60fps. Just look at the two games and you realize that had Prototype been built from ground up on the PS3 or PC, it would have been as great graphically as Infamous. But because it had to lower the bar so the Xbox360 can run it as well, a lot of things was sacrificed, and that impacted gameplay greatly as well. So did the Prototype devs make a mistake by making the game for the Xbox360 as well? Who knows, but all you have to do is look at Infamous and come up with your own conclusion.1xcalibur1

The sad part is that you actually believe that crap:|

Actually, it's been said before by Rockstar and IDSoftware. GTA4 had the same issue as Prototype regarding the narrow horizon and a load of popins. Rockstar mentioned they had to severely down-size the game in order to make it fit on just one DVD9. IDSoftware Cheift Programmer John Carmack said that ID's Rage would look substantially weaker on the 360 due to space limitations than on the PS3. Dont believe me? Google it man.

Creating an open environment has absolutely nothing to do with data storage capacity of a disk, not in the sense that a DVD would limit it. Do you really think that disk size = draw distance or size of game world.

The limiting factor in terms of the number of art assets being rendered / number of total polygons on screen and their textures etc is far far more limited by the RAM of a given system.

The pop-in could be caused by the slow read of the DVD drive but that could be an easy fix by having an install. Did you know that blu-ray has an even slower read speed than DVD-9.

I would also like links to the quotes of where Rockstar said that they struggled to fit the game on a DVD9 because it's fine on PC where it actually has higher resolution textures, more art assets, content etc etc.

I would also like a link to the quote of "rage would look substantially weaker on the 360" from Carmack!

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I still have air to breath, and better than PC games? Someone post some Crysis quick!!!




Seriously, i just cant be blown away by uncharted after witnessing Crysis, sorry.

crysis has aged, it lost the awesome look it had when it came out, so plz stop using Crysis.

Sorry but Crysis is still the daddy, everyone knows this :lol:

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Wow, tyre physics ftw! lol quite impressive.

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if other devs have no problems....why valve? even when valve games dont even look that good


What do you mean no problems? We have had numerous developers criticise the PS3 for it's development difficulty.

If you think there are no problems then you need to keep track of gaming news more often.

yes they criticise but they dont quit like babies coz they are good devs and still release the game, valve on the other hand cant take challenge.

They're not mountaineers or athletes, they're a business!

The talent that valve has shown in the past, I would guess are more than up to the task of learning the PS3s hardware and getting the most out of it. However, given the time it takes to learn new hardware, the time out of other projects this would require, then the actual porting of the game after the retraining of existing staff (or the hiring of new staff), it may end up costing Valve a lot of money to do a simple port.

The returns from doing the port may not actually cover the actual cost. It's a risk. It's not so much of a risk to companies that have already developed for the ps3.

Is this really that hard to understand?

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I can't believe that you consider that proof. Even worse are the people agreeing with you:? That is the worst part!


nah the worst part isn't bad its just obvious they will agree with him since they are cows.

We have WAY to many here, it's just uncomfortable and embarrassing.

I've noticed that lately..the number of cows!

I cant really comment yet as I havent played either game.

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Pff I don't really care, they're games are hugely overrated anyways.


:lol: what? Says you?