There's no more reason to buy a 360, and there was never any reason to buy a Wii.
PS3 IS the best gaming console there my honest opinion
fixed 8)
The best gaming platform by far is the PC :D
There's no more reason to buy a 360, and there was never any reason to buy a Wii.
PS3 IS the best gaming console there my honest opinion
fixed 8)
The best gaming platform by far is the PC :D
Its not a 'time-trial', its a race. If you're to slow starting then thats your own tough luck. The competition arn't going to wait and say, "og but they did well considering" lol
So infamous sold 175k... LMAOO another flop to add to the list whos next?kingdomcome242
Why would you be happy about it? Its a good game. When a good game sells porrly it hurts the industry.
Anyway, no game is really going to get huge sales this time of year. See how well it does by the time new-year has come around.
What is the difference between this and eyetoy?illegalimigrant
None are in themselves new, (like motion controls weren't for the Wii) but its Microsofts intention to develop this kind of interface, their ideas and the potential.
I really dont care what you do. You are obviously going to throw down any idea put forward. If ms wanted this purely fro sales they would have tried to push it out this fall. Instead they are waiting until the software support is there. You notice how they havent given any release date? Thats b/c they are prepared to wait until they have quality...[QUOTE="wolverine4262"][QUOTE="Gxgear"]
Here's one: how abot I play with a controller?
Sorry I get annoyed when people try to defend ideas that is obviously going after sales rather than being a good product.
Or maybe, just maybe, that no one will buy it when you can't use it to play anything. Why would Natal need software support when it's suppose to enchance the user's gaming experience?
You know what, you're just coming off as ignorant (I don't know if its intentional and I'm not trying to flame here).
The interface has potential, its still very early on and has tons of room to improve and be creative. For starters, there is potential for head tracking. Did any of you see that video where the guy had the Wiimote hooked up to a PC and as he moved his head, his perspective changed?
This would be perfect for thet, being able to lean and look round corners!
There is nothing wrong with using this technology to enhance existing controls. Again, calling such ideas as half baked in my opinion is being really narrow minded. Competitive players who like online FPSs for example arn't going to be interested in this.
Its one thing to recognise this technology has a way to go but its another to blatantly hate every single thing the MS tries to do with the 360. I'm a hermit more than anything and I have to say I have never seen these boards so 'anti-MS' before, especially from the low post count cows that seem to have flooded these boards recently who just attack and flame anything MS.
[QUOTE="VitunLehmat"]Sony fanboys think that only ps3 games can look good,I would like that they show me a PS3 exclusive OPEN WORLD GAME that looks as good or better than Alan Wake on 360,remember open world games are more technically demanding than your average linear shooter,more geometry to render,more A.I me a game with the same lighting or better than Alan Wake,and this game is going to have really heavy physics that we haven't even see yet.colosionThe Last guardian??
Is it open world in the sense that Alan Wake is?
This has been discussed many times... though opinions vary on this subject i find PS3 asa 'whole package' is the best value for money you can get when it comes to consoles...
Apparently when someone shares his opinion that PS3 is a better deal (price wise) than 360 he gets shut down by the many fanboys in here.. Seems like none of them in SW play online, so they dont pay for XBL.. None of them download DLC or XBL games, so they only need the Arcade model.. None of them use WIFI, so wired connection is enough.. None of them spend money on batteries / rechargeable batteries or battery units, the ones they got with the system never end.. also none of them consider the fact that PS3 offers so many multimedia functions and is a Blu-ray player, that doesnt count... however the same people were happy discussing that Twitter & Facebook will be available on 360, 2 things which were accessible since 2006 on PS3via webbrowser..:)
360 is cheaper compared to PS3, but unfortunately its Hardware Failure percentage/rate showed that too... still though i enjoy gaming on both consoles since bothhave great exclusives :)
TC was talking about which is cheaper wich refers to price!
Value for money is a different discussion!
ok i do understand the difference between price factor (which is cheaper)& value for money you get for what you pay..
in that case PS3 & 360 cannot be compared.. unless sony release an Arcade model for PS3 (without HDD, WIFI, web browser, multimedia functions & slams in controllers which require batteries, somehow manages to make PS3 not able to play Blu-ray movies (onlyplays blu-ray games)and start charging extra for PSN) we cannot compare Arcade 360 model with PS3, pricewise..
Well you can compare really. Like I said before, 2 people walk into the store and get theapest version of each console. Each console comes in a box, just like a Wii would just like a PS2, Xbox or PS1 would.
A guy who walks out with a 360 in a box will have paid less than someone walking out with a PS3 in a box. Someone walking out with a PS2 will have paid even less. Thats essentially what I was getting at. I personally hate the arcade version.
I think it's really funny how people are accusing them of trying to "buy votes" with a unicorn. It should be obvious they are just letting their fans know that there is a poll and asking them for support, and doing it with a sense of humor. What a crime.pyromaniac223
Some of you cows need to stop being so over-sensitive lol. It was on their own website and obviously they wanted their own fans to vote for their game :roll:
For the modernhardcore gamer (which means that it's LIKELY HE/SHE PLAYS ONLINE EVERY YEAR AND HAS A HARD DRIVE) who is choosing between an Xbox 360 a PS3, the PS3 is almost always going to cheaper option over time, primarily because of the cost of Xbox live every year ($30-$40 a year). Not only would it be the cheaper option, it you get a much higher bang for buck. It's even more evident if you're one of the people who HAS to use a wi-fi adapter (most xbox 360 owners don't though). It's more common for people (like me) to want to get a rechargeable battery kit for their controller. It only runs like $20, but it's still an additional cost. You have to be a complete idiot not to understand any of this, lol.
For the gamer who doesn't want to play to play online or doesn't want a hard drive, the Xbox arcade is definitely cheaper than a PS3. Still, even here the $400 PS3 is a much better value than the arcade because of what you get in it (wi-fi, bluetooth, blu-ray, best media extender out of all 3 cosnoles, rechargeable controller) regardless whether you use these features or not. Anyways, if you are looking for the cheapest console between both no matter how many features you don't, the barebone Xbox 360 will always be the cheaper version of any of the consoles (honestly who the hell gets the Arcade version? Just buy the fricken 60gig...)mD-
So? You're relying on the word 'IF'
You can place all the conditions you want but the xbox 360 is cheaper than the PS3. If you and a friend walk into the store and you buy a 360 your friend buys a PS3, you will be paying less money. It doesnt matter what features, cables, onloine service you get in the box.
One 'games console' IS CHEAPER than the other 'games console'.
Do you understand?
What you're talking about is value for money which is a different discussion than which is cheaper!
Did you even read my entire post? Lol. Read my last concluding sentence. I don't understand why you're so desperate to argue that the Xbox Arcade is the cheapest out of any next-gen console. Who cares? I gaurantee that the sales for the arcade SKU is no where close to Xbox 360's pro SKU.
Actually, I'll hold my hand up, I only read the first paragraph. Why are you calling me desperate though, I'm just pointing out a fact to those who still insist the PS3 is somehow cheaper.
medical predisposition to light[QUOTE="bufu21"]
One Question....
Why Does That Guy Always Wear Sunglasses?
His Indoors...does he think he cool or something?Nike_Air
Like all true hardcore gamers :P
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