For the modernhardcore gamer (which means that it's LIKELY HE/SHE PLAYS ONLINE EVERY YEAR AND HAS A HARD DRIVE) who is choosing between an Xbox 360 a PS3, the PS3 is almost always going to cheaper option over time, primarily because of the cost of Xbox live every year ($30-$40 a year). Not only would it be the cheaper option, it you get a much higher bang for buck. It's even more evident if you're one of the people who HAS to use a wi-fi adapter (most xbox 360 owners don't though). It's more common for people (like me) to want to get a rechargeable battery kit for their controller. It only runs like $20, but it's still an additional cost. You have to be a complete idiot not to understand any of this, lol.
For the gamer who doesn't want to play to play online or doesn't want a hard drive, the Xbox arcade is definitely cheaper than a PS3. Still, even here the $400 PS3 is a much better value than the arcade because of what you get in it (wi-fi, bluetooth, blu-ray, best media extender out of all 3 cosnoles, rechargeable controller) regardless whether you use these features or not. Anyways, if you are looking for the cheapest console between both no matter how many features you don't, the barebone Xbox 360 will always be the cheaper version of any of the consoles (honestly who the hell gets the Arcade version? Just buy the fricken 60gig...)mD-
So? You're relying on the word 'IF'
You can place all the conditions you want but the xbox 360 is cheaper than the PS3. If you and a friend walk into the store and you buy a 360 your friend buys a PS3, you will be paying less money. It doesnt matter what features, cables, onloine service you get in the box.
One 'games console' IS CHEAPER than the other 'games console'.
Do you understand?
What you're talking about is value for money which is a different discussion than which is cheaper!
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