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"Spartan's never die George. They're just missing in action."

Lol, this game looks fantastic. I hope they keep the look for the final game.


Well i hope to,but i dont believe they will...this trailer minus that much AA minus crazy amount of polys and better enviroment and you will probably get close to final Reach look...i mean i would love it to look like that but since it is so open and wide i doubt it...look at the shadows for example they look like in the movie...

I don't think they are particularly high poly models, I mean the geometry of the suits would be very easy to do with very few polys as they are nice straight lines with few curves. The textures and normal mapping look reasonable, I mean on par with other in game assets. I would say they could easily achieve a look like that real time but I think they will again struggle to keep a steady frame rate at 720p and may choose again to use 600p with little to no AA (which I personally hate). But who knows, I agree that they won't achieve such a high level of AA!

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simply amazing. ps3 again flexing its muscles.InfiniteBlak

Flexing its what? lol :lol:

All the shots that look good are also shots where a very limited number of assets such as a single character model are being rendered. If you're rendering a single character, you can use all the vertex shaders, to have a very high poly count on that single mesh. You can also have higher res textures and normal maps.

The 360s hardware could do the same, so could any low end gpu. Now picture what the latest GPUs can do with hundreds of stream processors, 2GB of video memory coupled with 4GB ram...thats what you call flexing muscle mate.

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crysis one sucked pretty bad for me . i can run it on very high at 1680x1050 and other then looking game . this game does not do much in terms of game play. Most of the powers are not needed much at all. i almost never had to use maximum streanth . max speed runs out in a nano second . only the amour and invis matter . No many games in the game and only like 1 gun is fun to use. the custom gun options are kinda cool i will give them that. The story is just soooo bad . North koreans and aliens on some random island . Kinda feels like watching the new indiana movie .


All in your honest opinion right?

I mean Crysis received positive reviews across the boards in particular reference to its large scale environments and open gameplay. In fact many reviews praised its gameplay.

But you're not stating arbitarily that it has bad game play right? ... just that it didn't meet your tastes...yeah?

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A couple of years ago there was a marginal difference. Now there really is none and takes considerable effort to see a difference either way. So all in all its nothing really, something that gets blown out of proportion by both sides when they actually do have a multiplat that looks better on each system.

If you really want to see superior multiplats, look at the PC ;)

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LOL the chaos that i have created.........well not me but i was a big contributor hehehe. People forget where they are, your in system wars.......it took me a couple of years to get into the craizness of this forum. No matter what thread you make here all 4 system will be represented on this forum. Now what does this mean exactly........MULTIPLATS ARE USELESS AS LEVERAGE, now should you go to a different forum like 360 then you might have something.......but not here.......not now............notta never..........*puts on fanboy goggles* which is why the 360 is useless all you need is a pc and ps3.........and maybe a wii if your feeling froggy


Wrong! Basically, you're saying that the only thing that can be compared between 2 systems are exclusives. You can quite reasonably compare an entire game library from one system against another.

I walk into a store 3 years from now and there are new consoles on the shelves...what do I compare?

The features included with each console

The specs of each console

Price of each console

What GAMES you can get on each console

The last one for me is the most important and I would bet that its the games that are important to most people. The overall game library is perfectly relevant when evaluating a given system. Why is that so difficult for some people to understand? Even within the confines of system wars, game libraries can be compared. You can compare 360VPS3, or you can compare PCV360 or even WiiVPC.

I would argue that comparing a system's game library is the most important factor when comparing!

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[QUOTE="Cait__Sith"] He basically said PC doesn't count against 360. Because MS is windows...LOL. And I can sit back and laugh some more because PC>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>360 in anyway you can think of.Cait__Sith

So i can play Fable 2 on PC? SWEET!

That game is crap, lol why would you ever want to play that glitchfest?!? When you can play real RPGs on PC. Basically aside form 1 or 2 good games on 360, if you own a PC there is no reason to own a 360, unless you really like those 1 or 2 good games. See 360 fanboys avoid PC because they know it beats the 360 ****less.

..and then you get someone like me who enjoys both! I have a lot of friends on my 360 who I game with but also used to play a few MMOs with on PC. I'm a 360 fanboy as much as I am a PC fanboy.

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Did you even try to think this out before you posted?


Did you? We all know what the definitions are. Even if "console exclusive" is not accepted in SW, we all know what it means. It "twists" nothing, it is a description of a very real and meaningful concept. Only someone with an agenda can't see that, or pretends not to.

I'll take that as a no.

Grab your crayons I'll give you a lesson:

"console exclusive" literally means 'exclusive to consoles' (we can infer the plurality because no one console is cited). In the case of L4D it is not a "console exclusive" because A) Its also on the PC and B) It's only on one console (Bayonetta and Dante's Inferno would be examples of "console exclusives"). Maybe you mean its a "360 exclusive", but again that isn't the case either because it is also on the PC. You are trying to claim some sort of ownage based on exclusivity where there is none. L4D is a multiplat game, nothing less, nothing more. Don't try to spin it into something it is not, you just make yourself look silly.

Why are you talking down to him as if he was stupid? He gave you a reasoned responce that while you may disagree with, does make some sense. What he is trying to say is that it is still a benefit to the 360 game library when compared to that of the other consoles, the PS3 and Wii.

Sure its not an exclusive and system wars refuses (by some) to give any merit to the 360 game library for such multiplats but the fact remains that it is an ADDITION to the 360 game library. I also agree that a lot of cows act deliberately obtuse. Like I said its an ADDITION to the 360 game library NOT PS3, nothing more but certainly nothing less. Don't act like it means nothing at all!!

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[QUOTE="Ontain"][QUOTE="Jandurin"]nice nod to Dragon Age.AdobeArtist

looking forward to that review :)

Remember his review of Mass Effect? I'm sure he's going to equally looooooooooooove the character conversations of DAO :lol::lol:

@ Trey: Yahtzee is Aussie, just FYI :)

Actually he's a Brit but lives in Aus.

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no, i think its time GTA returned to London. a remake of GTA:London would be great. done in the style of lock stock and 2 smoking barrels or snatch.


THIS! You could startout working for 'The Grays' 2 homicidal twins from the east end, one mission could be a great train robbery, could even be set in the 60s.

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"If the game's a sequel and it's similar to the original (or it has the phrase Dynasty Warriors in the title) then call it just a copy paste of the series. If it isn't, then say they sold the series out or say it's not as good as the original"

Very true lol