@Merseyak But it's all still in the realm of speculation. It will have an always online architecture but it's unlikely to block your gaming offline. Recent rumours also state that it will allow used games as well. We'll see...
You failed to mention that in the course of his twitter ramblings Orth was questioned about his statement. Manveer Heir, from BioWare, told him that «You've lived in LA, SF, Seattle... very connected places. Try living in Janesville, WI or Blacksburg, VA». To which Orth replied «Why on earth would I want to live there?».
It's obvious that he was joking but it's a sensitive issue that everyone's focused on. He should know that, despite being his personal twitter, his words have repercussions that involve the company he works for, and could easily be interpreted as insulting.
3.4 millions sales for Tomb Raider in one month and Square Enix says it's coming up short?! Crystal Dynamics brought the franchise back from the dead and have made a great game that's selling well. If Square Enix can't make a profit from TR that's bad management, don't put the blame on the game.
I don't understand the hate ACIII gets. It wasn't perfect, I get that. The contemporary story was underwhelming, the main campaign missions were too contrived. But still, there's so much good content in that game. Do we live in a world so filled with fantabulastic games that we can send ACIII casually into the recycle bin? I hate this binary kind of thinking, black and white, where things are either 10/10 or rubish. Come on...
Anyway, on topic, the premise for ACIV is fantastic. Lets see how it all comes together.
@berserker66666 Well, there is no good ending in Mass Effect 3. This is the game you can't win. The only way to win is to perform a Kobayashi Maru and mod the ending.
@texasgoldrush @DannyC_pt @EasyComeEasyGo When did Saren's motives became our own? Did you forget what you've been fighting for for the course of three games? Also, you may have yourself in high regard but you're not the only one who is knowledgeable about science-fiction. Or do you think intelligence went all to your enlightened self?
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