The camera will probably function this way on PC:
Double OTS-left and right if we are lucky,example conversations,paths and dungeons.
The top down camera that "swings",not by an angle of 360 degrees,but pans out to the next NPC,door,trader...or PC charaters POV.
It`s atached to the head making a maximum radius of 180 degree posible-left and right,and angles -top-down of 15-110 degree.
The "field" visibility in battle is then limited to the size of a perspective view of the Lake Callenhad area in front of the inn to Koester/Templar aprox-this wide durring combat.
Example-coridors,stairs in Zakera Ward ME2,or the husk mission.If it goes well the PC eye cameras will have a 360 rotation,that hopefully you don`t have to "rub the mouse",pull way out, a standard port thing only to feel that a "wall,rock" is blocking it.
I`m a pessimist I know,what realy worry`s me is fov,and the fact that most multiplat games I played had the PC characters top of the head missing.
And also some German previews are way less positive than Kotaku with their PC camera desscriptions.Hope Im wrong.Odly enough I liked DAO despite reading my endings on the Internet,they should have gone with the art style if neccecary, and console controll optimization,ad a faster combat as option,because faster combat doesnt exclude tactics and leave everything else, because this is killing every possible customisation,and probaly the modders to.
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