For the second one there are lots of games with miners:
Blast Miner
Manic Miner
Boulder Dash
For the second one there are lots of games with miners:
Blast Miner
Manic Miner
Boulder Dash
Bollywood Tambola,lol could you please be more vague:)
Played the PC version,and it was great,no bugs for me and the art style looked great.Driving was fun,played with mouse and keyboard,and shooting to.
Im primary a PC gamer,possesing both consoles,what seems to me is that people sometimes are putting graphics quality equal to art direction or style of a game.From the stand of being a PC gamer used to superor graphics I noticed diferences that are way more game engine specific than console specific.
There is nothing spectacular in Alan Wake exept that the game executes "atmosphere"in a great way,similar the way Uncharted2 executes the neccesary pace,and tie in in the environments.Alan Wake plays a genre specific "personal tie in".
The differnce is realy game specific and gets glaring when hooking up my PC to the same TV,were the XBOX and PS3 vere before only to discover that comparation screenshoots on the net are irelevant,to a computer with the same system spec but a different TV type.And the funny thing about it is that even a lower resolution of my PC`s monitor looks superior to my TV and it`s a LCD TV.
My experience with the PS3 was always showing richer and more vivid colors,while the sharpness or clearance of the XBOX was stronger.
It seems that some engines are simply dealing better with the XBOX.Gears of war2 is for example the only game that is able to properly utilize tessellation on the Xbox.That allows richer foliage and more details.The Uncharted engine is going with the main CPU for heavy environmental tasks and that is one of the thing done right with the games visuals.So im rather unbiased towards both consoles and putting aside my own art style or genre type preferences I still think that the PS3 is having slightly "prettier "looks, while the Xbox in specific genres appeals more because it seems clearer.
[QUOTE="Dantus12"]Just to be clear, it wasn't an issue with me not being able to get the correct pattern on the quest was a problem loading up interior settings. I couldn't enter the Inn at any point either, which I was informed over at the Witcher forums that I should be able to do. I clearly had the right key to the crypt, verified it was in my inventory, and had done everything necessary to get just glitched on me. I get that happens, I was just really wanting to play what seemed to be a very good game. I'm glad I get to continue! I've also checked through his journal quest info, and there were only a few things I hadn't done, none of which applied to entering into the crypt to kill the ghouls. Thanks again for the help everyone! (even those with the sticks up the rears about me being frustrated with a PC game...)Latter on you might encounter similarly complex quest flows don`t give up,it`s a game to be played slow,and it`s assuming that the player will apply basic reality logic.It`s however a great game.
I never said that you were unable to get the proper quest flow,you felt attacked here by other gamers,because of your statement about PC gaming,my XBOX is giving me disk read errors it doesn`t remind me why I dont like consoles when possesing them.
What I was talking about merely was the slightly illogical Reverend problem,so no I wasn`t attacking you as incompetent,sorry If you understood it that way,I just said that there is a similarly problematic quest latter.
There is`nt a single thing that is going to convince me about the proper porting to PC,unless they show PC gameplay,not masked cinematics.
PC previews are showing the typical port problem.Blocked camera,view distance,and tactics as necessary as they vere in ME2.
Negativ fiel uns die fehlende Distanz-Ansicht auf. In der Gamescom 2010-Version von Dragon Age 2 gab es lediglich eine leicht schwenkbare Schulterkamera. Im Stile eines Mass Effect 2 ändert Bioware den Rollenspiel-Anspruch in Richtung actionreiches und konsoliges Gameplay. Die Steuerung ist anderes als in Dragon Age Origins klar auf das Gamepad und damit die Konsole ausgelegt.
Negativ was the lacking view distance.The Gamescom version had a light OTS camera.Like in ME2,Bioware changes the role-play elements towards a more action like and console fitting gameplay.The controls are different and laid out for the Gamepad and consoles.
source PC version:
Google translation:
Bioware seems to target the casual market,not console players,a facebook tie in:,because everything is starting to look strange withd EA`s acquisition of Playfish,and their slightly dubious deals:
And the believe that everything is going to change in less than 4 months till release,is equaly optimistic or naive like the idea that games are being packed in the evening before release ,and shipped to us tomorrow.
The other PC previews describing the game as keyboard masshing are equaly bad.I dont mind the changes for the sake of console gamers,they had a bad port with DAO,but that is a greedyness display,equaly as the PC version will be now,for PC gamers.
After ME2 I dont belive that I will get proper fov,texture resolutions,controls,and view distances.
It`s getting annoying seeing PC characters missing the tops of their heads.It`s neccesary for console-TV optimisation,and the empty space around the inventory screens is done for same reason,but it costs money creating the missing things for the PC version.This is a technical thing,not a "OMG teh XBOX cant handle it because it lacks processing power"
The fixed companion appearance,yes we will get a armor change and probably DLC`s,seems to make the toolkit obsolete,simply because the "more cinematic experience"will use a different set of models during the cut scenes like ME2 does.That will probably be used as a excuse for making a toolkit"technically impossible because the content will not meet the quality of the game like for ME2".
After adapting the people to a social requirement,the next step might be multyplayer,and the game with DA3 becoming a MMORPG.
Glad I could help.
Missing: Since January
Evidence: The Last RitualLatter on you might encounter similarly complex quest flows don`t give up,it`s a game to be played slow,and it`s assuming that the player will apply basic reality logic.It`s however a great game.
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