As far as I remember after lighting the candles and talking to the reverend,the only place you can go is the cave with Abigail,and that will start the final sequence of that chapter,Could you post your completed quests?
Dantus12's forum posts
Just bought the Witcher EE on Steam a few days ago, my first ever steam purchase, and my first time back in PC gaming for a number of years. I"m old school, grew up on PC, but fell out of it after college. Anywho, I'm a few hours in, on the outskirts of Vezina (sp?) and I'm at the point where I need to kill the ghouls in the crypt. I get the key, I go over there, I click on the door, and nothing happens. I cannot enter the crypt. I tried to enter some other cave as well, can't do it. I deleted the game and redownloaded, same problem. The little door icon opens, but no transition and no loading of an interior setting. I simply cannot progress in the game without this (at least I think so.) I sent a message to steam support, but no answer yet. I've looked on Atari's site, no help.
Any suggestions?
You need the key from the guard,he will give you the quest,you can play dice wih him,he is first at the gate near the mill and the on the other.It deepends how far you went with the investigation,avoid talking to the Revernd till you did everything.
This might be helpfull,hovewer didnt have nearly as many problems with it,compared to other games:
No.I think that motion controls will be used as a excuse for less detailed,and story driven games.During motion I don`t think that proper focusing on details would be possible.The entertainment factor of it makes sense when being in front of a TV,hovewer I`m unable to take it serious in any game with a interesting story,genre unrelated.
Played the first one at version 1.0,and loved it,despite Aurora`s flaws.This one will be a masterpiece.
He`s babbling nonsese,again.They said exactly the opposite,which makes sense,for everyone with a basic grasp on the subject:,and it will look more vibrant,and richer.PC will definitely look the best.
[QUOTE="ralph2190"]Just because he apologized doesn't make it not true and doesn't make it misinformation. The reaction on the forums was explosive from what I hear, what CAN he do? He clearly said "The money is on consoles" "We won't waste funds to make the PC version better" "We're going the way of the money" Are you saying the magazine made that up? You never heard of damage control? Anyway I'm sorry about making people mad, i never knew discussing games on forums can make people mad. I'm done discussing DA II until we see something conclusive or when the game is out.General I wasn't implying that you were the one making pointless threads. The other troll did. The hate he had for MI is just as much as you have for these games now.
If you ever visited the official DA2 foums, you would know that Mike Laidlaw apologized for misinformation, and what he said in that interview (which happened looong ago) was taken out of context.
You want more info on the PC version of DA2? Look at this thread created no more than 2 days ago. Mike answers most of the questions people had about the PC interface. Basically, we still have the good ole stuff from Origins.
Why do you apologise?I mostly deal with the changes,but not with lies.They constantly drop nonsense in their forums,or marketing lies.And then they apologise:Woo,Laidlaw,Darah,or in the past Weekes.
It is damage conrol.I will reserve judgment on the game,state normaly the problems I see with the game.
Hovewer I want be awe struck whenever a game dev quotes me in a forum post,or intentionally drags a serious discussion in to silliness to avoid the answers.
And things like:We think of our fans,and listen,and bla,bla,bla,are leaving me cold.
There are things to consider,Im not entitled but they are even less entitled, specificaly if they believe that their marketing is succsessfull.The younger gamer might even easier get annoyed with false promises,and expectations,and the "target audience"might not allways like being treated like a illiterate idiot,and that is platform unrelated.
Doubt they can commit suicide with EA marketing behind.The strangest thing is the claim ,that they wish to add more RPG elements to ME3.
Their interviews are sometimes just hilarious.The idea of selling 10,somehow completely killed their creativity,at moments even story telling.
And they used to be great story tellers.
The loading screens are needed because of console engines,these where elevators in ME.
After looking at the screens again,I cant get rid of the feeling that companions will not be nearly as interesting like DAO`s.The gaps on the sides of the screen,I really hope they will remove them in the PC version,it looks so empty.
And the skills are just acrobatics potential,flashy and cool.
Here are more inventory,skill,talent screens :spoiler warning
Dragon age2 talent trees,upgrades,spoilers
спойлер-clicky this word to view photos and videos,in the article.
Here is the article:
and here Google translation:
Sorry getting error :Your query string value is not valid,wasn`t able to link them properly.
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