There are common lies like:"We listen to our fans",wen the truth is that the only ones with influence are publisher`s and shareholders. The trends are hand-helds,and i Phone,because it`s cheaper.
The people in the industry,some of them at least are artists,some are still visionary's.However the whole process ,from concept to the final product with the current competition level between companies,and the feeling that the weapon of mass production are striking hard,it`s mostly nothing more than asset creation.
Wow. Talk about screwing the original formula and console-izing the game comepletely. Looks like a crappy version of half the action RPGs out there now. Fail. Oh well. Lost interest in DA:O myself...couldnt finish it. Not sure why. Just couldnt get into it again after I stopped playing. Gamesterpheonix
Agreed.However I don't blame consoles.It became easier to get greedy for game devs,with all the platform wars,and opposing the poster above you over the social networks. This is from Vienna: and this from Madrid: At IstroCon ,it looked bland,with more animation problems,than the first one,Clipping thru ground, bad deformation(arms)during combat,and a camera that is doing everything to stop you from zooming out,to save processing power and make the game playable performance wise on consoles.
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