Plothole it is. You will get the best confirmation for it on Jacob`s loyalty mission.
Dantus12's forum posts
ME aged well IMO, it`s still a game with minor flaws but interesting, particularly the environments like Ilos ,Virmire, or the Citadel.
The 360 version of ME2 looked great, one of the best looking games on the 360 I had a chance to see. The PC version was even heavily manipulated via control panel a minor improvment, and was usually a fail in any fast animated sequence exept in cut scenes.
The Unreal engine shines usually on the 360.
The video here however : as posted above by someone , is close to the reality of the PC port, with a few minor things like the fact that it`s suffering heavy input lag, from a monitor or a peripherial .
ME 2 performance improvement can not be seen as a product of work or optimization. Deleting over 50 phisicaly present planets , from which over 25 are full worlds , cutting the ME Citadel in half and creating the Zakera Wards + Illium out of it will certanly improve performance.
Every mission gets unloaded via press F to exit, so it has no impact on performance at all , and the paths to the missions like the cab ride, and the vistas are cinematics, so thats the actual performance improvement. Actual gameplay vs Cinematics.
Deleting Shepard together with the crew and the Normandy would improve the performance even more. :idea:
The elevators with party banter are the Illusive mans back now, EDI , and press F+ teleport out of the combat cell. So the game became more accessible for those that wanted that, less gameplay, less chore.
The MAKO wouldn`t be such a disaster if someone made the planets drivable, and the combat zones less copy / paste.
The view to the Dantius towers is there to impress, something that I see as a mask to hide the fact that I will never set foot in
any of these , because the entire mission is already laid out for me. Enter - combat- cut scene- press F to exit.
Thanks. Decided to buy the CE however. I like boxes. This is a great DRM free option, for those that like digital downoloads.
[QUOTE="Dantus12"][QUOTE="biggest_loser"] i'm going to need you to simplify those instructions man. This is like watching The Matrix and Inception with the sound off! biggest_loser
I will try. In the main menu is the "Other Campaigns" option. There you can find Dragon age :Awakenings, Lelliana song, Golems etc..
Start Dragon age Awakenings
After starting Awakenings you will get these options:
Create new character
Import from Another Module
Exit to main menu
Chose :Import from another module
If you have any characters from Origins they will be listed there, example: Warden, Pete, Mike.
The advanced optiion is only save related , for example if you want to import a early save, or a post coronation save instead of post epilogue save.
I can't find Mike!! :(Very funny.:lol:
Did you find Warden and Pete?
I fail in coherent English writing, I`m aware of that.
You can try here:
Looks like another authorization problem, I could blog about it. There is a lots of bugs and problems with the expansion. Also you need patch 1.3. I will recomend that after you instal the game you apply the patch once more. Download it as a separate download. The 1.3 built in Awakenings seems to be broken for some systems.
If you didn`t try this. Restart the game by completely exiting, and from the launcher in the configuration options - REPAIR, click "Clear dowload cache".
Start the game.
[QUOTE="Dantus12"][QUOTE="R1CKSTA_"]hi guys i need help again with dragon age i installed the dragon age awakening expansion and i am trying to import a character could anyone tell me how to import a character from dragon age: origins to dragon age origins: awakeningbiggest_loser
Start Awakenings from Other Campaigns, and then use "Import from another module", you will see your characters listed , and from the advanced menu you can choose which save to import.
i'm going to need you to simplify those instructions man. This is like watching The Matrix and Inception with the sound off!I will try. In the main menu is the "Other Campaigns" option. There you can find Dragon age :Awakenings, Lelliana song, Golems etc..
Start Dragon age Awakenings
After starting Awakenings you will get these options:
Create new character
Import from Another Module
Exit to main menu
Chose :Import from another module
If you have any characters from Origins they will be listed there, example: Warden, Pete, Mike.
The advanced optiion is only save related , for example if you want to import a early save, or a post coronation save instead of post epilogue save.
I just loaded my save on Xawin and the key is N. Try resetting your controls to default, and try again. Maybe if you installed the DLC something went wrong with the controls.
Try testing your keyboard on a text document. Since remaping didn`t help you, you might want to reinstall the game. Also the return to Normandy key doesn`t work on hub worlds, the Citadel for example.
hi guys i need help again with dragon age i installed the dragon age awakening expansion and i am trying to import a character could anyone tell me how to import a character from dragon age: origins to dragon age origins: awakeningR1CKSTA_
Start Awakenings from Other Campaigns, and then use "Import from another module", you will see your characters listed , and from the advanced menu you can choose which save to import.
Predictable actually, one of the founders said they want to sell 10 mil. units.
Only MP games sell that much. Still hope it`s just a rumor, at least for ME3.
A perfect way to kill a story and continuation, if it`s true
Well said.:)
The only thing that sort of bugs me about Witcher 2 is that I have a saved game from the original with Geralt at Level 40 (Master Witcher).
I worked hard to get the best armor and swords, plus getting back the skills he forgot - so how much will Witcher 2 let us have from an imported save?
You can import Your save, or You can "fill in decisions" if you want to. You can pick a new game with canon decisions to.
If you have multiple playtroughs they can be imported to.
What I'm asking though is if I have this uber-armor and swords, is Witcher 2 going to let me have them at the beginning of the game?
Not sure that you really want them. Geralt had 3 armor sets in The Witcher, 2 were identical with different stats.
Now He is able to wear lore specific leather outfits that go from light, medium to heavy. These look great, with visible layers and there is much more to collect in the second game.
Geralt has a new model, so I doubt that you will import Him physically, you will import your decisions and choices. The new model is a huge improvement in the motion dynamics department and is generally heavy on tasks, and animations, the ol` Geralt would probably explode by vertex in this game. :lol:
I just said that these ar two different types of game.
Origins and Awakening are still broken , Patch 1.05 is in the works, and completly broken endings of Origins are still not fixed since release.
Awakenings has still a few game breaking bugs. Bugs are normal I don`t` mind them at all, so patch support is something that is not needed on a working game and is not something that should impress. After the SI expansion Oblivion was bug free for me.
If the devs don`t fix it, the community will. And about the patching, Bioware managed to break more with their patches for Origins, than Bethesda did with Oblivion.
On 1.2 stealing was broken, on 1.3 loading times and save corruption, 1.4 was a complete disaster with DLC authorisation and import. The official forums are full with technical complaints. The game has over 200 major bugs, it doesn`t make it a bad game.
I never had to read my game endings on the internet, still Origins was great, and such things happen. Pushing the responsibility on users is however not a way, when the post- epilogue save was broken by them, and then finally admitting it needed so much time.
As I already said, still a fantastic game.
Oblivion bug-free without the mods? Not by a long shot - check out the Oblivion Wiki everyone quotes from on the Bethesda forum, and you'll see all sorts of comments about what was fixed.
I ran Oblivion with ~ 70 or so mods, with OBMM, Wrye Bash, and the Script Extender. The UOP, UOMP, and USIP mods made all the difference in-game. And the USIP was specifically to fix the SI expansion.
Not saying I don't believe it, but do you have a link for Patch 1.05? There's talk all over the place that 1.04 would be the last patch.:o
Cant find them thru their clutterd forums, I stopped playing the game anyway here are people disscusing them:
since 1.04 is completely broken for some people there should be probably more :
There are rumors about another full realease of DAO like a Goty, not sure if the Ultimate edition is available on all platforms but the console versions are equally broken and people are concerned about their DA2 imports.
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