The muddiness of Bethesda games belongs in Bethesda games ,because the nearly unlimited movement freedom doesn't happen in Bioware games.
Granted that BioWare doesn't program open-world, DA:O did however allow you to select each area of the game map in the order you wished to run them.
And BioWare > Bethesda for game patches. Oblivion had > 10,000 bugs after the last Bethesda patch - if it wasn't for Kivan writing those three mods of his, you'd still have those bugs.
I just said that these ar two different types of game.
Origins and Awakening are still broken , Patch 1.05 is in the works, and completly broken endings of Origins are still not fixed since release.
Awakenings has still a few game breaking bugs. Bugs are normal I don`t` mind them at all, so patch support is something that is not needed on a working game and is not something that should impress. After the SI expansion Oblivion was bug free for me.
If the devs don`t fix it, the community will. And about the patching, Bioware managed to break more with their patches for Origins, than Bethesda did with Oblivion.
On 1.2 stealing was broken, on 1.3 loading times and save corruption, 1.4 was a complete disaster with DLC authorisation and import. The official forums are full with technical complaints. The game has over 200 major bugs, it doesn`t make it a bad game.
I never had to read my game endings on the internet, still Origins was great, and such things happen. Pushing the responsibility on users is however not a way, when the post- epilogue save was broken by them, and then finally admitting it needed so much time.
As I already said, still a fantastic game.
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