PC Gameplay footage ?
Since lots of players are not familiar with the diferences between CGI , pre-rendered and real time cutscenes, gameplay footage would be nice.
What is shown and known is that the camera took a heavy hit. The approval system as known in DAO made sense from the standpoint of building multiple characters for various playtroughs, and role-playing different types of Warden`s. .
Bad,evil :
Morrigan, Sten, Zevran
Leliana, Wynne, Alistair.
The same goes for the Origin stories.
The ME system is absolutely unforgiving when not romancing a character. The character simply stops talking. DAO approval had much more variety adding dialogue lines for various situations normal, warm, friendly , interested...
The system looks now like a potential paragon/ renegade system :
The meter with the skull in the middle looks like that. So it goes up for approval and down till the companion atacks/ or leaves the party.
This looks very limiting for the dialogue and story potential, it will allow Hawke to be "badass", and awesome. The problem becomes obvious when one knows that Garrus in ME2 had 40 dialogue lines less than Garrus of ME, and has even less lines when not romanced.
The combat of DAO needed a repair for console players, and acctualy needed build variety. The possibility to chose a slow ,clunky build, or a fast character.
The rogue of DA2 is teleporting, backflipping and not wearing pants :)
Dual wielding warrior is gone.
Moving towards cinematic storytelling can be appealing, but there is absolutely no reason for removing RPG elements that are well established and simplifying the skills and spells.
Currently they added nothing to the game that is any way related to RPG`s. The idea of finding the combat to clunky and making it accessible for the "target audience" makes sense, what doesn`t make sense at all is the idea that the "target audience", cant read a journal ,needs explosive fountains of blood, confirmation how much a bad-boy they are, never customises their companions and is willing to let the storytelling suffer for special effects.
The camera was something that nobody complained about, performance is not the only reason behind it, another reason is the cheapness of cinematic cutscenes when compared to combat ,exploring, quest and interactive story creation.
So far there is nothing that in any way adds to the artistic integrity or setting uniqueness off the game. It provoked comparisons with Dynasty Warriors, the same way ME2 did with GOW.
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