nice damage control
None is a bullshot, the game looks exactly like that, in fact a lot better on a HDTV
Funny, how things turn now
And if Mass Effect2 viuals pale in comparisson to any PC game, how come got 9.5/10 visuals for PC and 360 in IGN ?
BTW, i suppose you have not actually played Fable 3, right ?
Funny to judge a game wihtout playing it at all first
ME2 was a badly up-scaled port to PC, on the visual side it`s missing ultra-high texture settings for example.As a paralel development and release it`s a good looking game, but nothing spectacular.
The better visual comparison is ME PC vs ME XBOX, a game with proper graphical settings that are able to utilise the visual potential of the PC.
ME2 close-up`s on armors look mediocre at best, compared to other games that are devloped with PC in mind.
They can still be modded on PC to look half way decent.
The Witcher 2 will be, despite the engine`s` ability to work on consoles ,a port to consoles, the difference is actually a very positive one for console players, mostly they are more concerned with exclusivity however.
The PC version of TW2 is the primary version of CD Project, the rest are ports.
If Fable 3 comes to PC, it will be visually a better game on PC because it`s not a parallel release, even if it`s nothing more than a sloopy up-scaled port.
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