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#1 Dantus12
Member since 2010 • 231 Posts


The more i read about DA2 the more i'm losing interest in it seems like they're taking everything i liked about DA out and filling it in with stuff from ME 2.

I'll still end up picking the game up for sure but its no longer a day 1 buy for me and more of a down the line when it becomes cheap.


Meh. That is EXACTLY what happened with DA: O, though people's collective memory seems rather short on that. A slow decline in our attention and anticipation until the game actually came out and was good despite our expectations.

i can guarantee dragon age 2 will sell like warm bread. this image speaks for itself:

Feels good man.

Your image says : "I love Dragon age", it doesn`t say "I love Dragon age 2".

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#2 Dantus12
Member since 2010 • 231 Posts

I see such services as prone to abuse. Imagine something like this in the hands of someone really big. Games being forced into a "target platform standard", are something that no console/PC gamer would want.

It would create uniformity a bring lots of limits to actual gameplay and control preferences in games. Since OnLive is independent, but there are competitors, like Gaikai the less succsefull one would probably end in the hands of someone big.While competion is good, in lots of cases concerning gaming it didnt bring innovation in gameplay but accsessibility, and loss of individuality.

The disapeared companies that are long gone and now are nothing more than 5 people, allowing the big owner to keep the IP, used to be part of the unique feel of games. Now lots of games are rushed, having a very short development cycle and suffering from repetition.

There are ideas evolving around such services, the target hardware being iPads, that are only one step from facebook, Bigpoint,and Playfish games.

On the other hand it`s user friendly and accsesible in lots of places so the benefits of it would be probably while being away from ones prefered platform.

The potential danger for consoles and general "hardcore", games would be probably related to the competition between the major players, again establishing forced exclusivity and service limitation instead of platform limitations. And a platform limitation of today is a far more individual thing.

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#3 Dantus12
Member since 2010 • 231 Posts

It`s in work. Will skip after Conviction, not even Jade Raymond will make me buy it.


Maybe a shift towards Chaos Theory would, but not sure now.

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#4 Dantus12
Member since 2010 • 231 Posts

Is there something they haven`t removed from this game but added?

No companion customisation.

No loyalty system.

Reduced amount of spells and skills.

Game is shorter.

Worlds are smaller.

Camera is less tactical.

Combat is hack and slash.

This is really a strange trend at Bioware.

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#5 Dantus12
Member since 2010 • 231 Posts


[QUOTE="dreman999"]"And i'm failing to see what was so hard about taking a few whopping minutes to sell off what you didnt need to the vendor on the Normandy?"


You ask the wrong person this question.(Played it 6 times.)

1.If you a overstocked with gear you have throw away any new gear you have at the time you go to your inventory screen.

2.For your mods, when clearing you inventory you have scroll slowly too the mod you want to delete, in which the game then takes you back to the start of the list.

3.Your mostly overstock with mod so you go to deal with it's messed up inventory screen for most of the game.

4.When selling your items you have to walk down to the elevator and then wait till it slowly takes you to the lower deck.

5.Then when your selling your thing you have to slowly pick and choose what your selling out of the mountain of things you have 1 at a time. And many tine you spend most of your time wondering if you need that current level of mod , if you'll need it later or if someone on you're team needs it.

6.The games you so much stuff it's like stuffing a gallon of pudding down a funnel all at once.

7.All the hours of inventor management is rendered mute once you get the best guns and the highest level hammerhead mod and explosive rounds.

8.You still getmountain of item well after getting the best items so you still have to clear out your inventory.

9.Most of the items you get in this game, you don't need.

10.If you don't want to throw away your new gear you have to rush back to your ship like you have to use the bath room baddly.

No matter how you cut it, the inventory system for ME1 is horrible. And BG2, an older game , has a way better inventory system than ME1.

That and everything is rendered mute with the inventory in ME2, or ME in general, due to having a ship with you alway to carry your things.


I'm not trying to cut anything,I'm saying that for me the inventory wasnt that big of a deal...and people blow it out of proportion.

it could've used streamlining but not removed completely

*sigh* dude If I say Mass Effect 2 "is the Best Arr PEE Gee Eva made" will you stop annoying me by obessively replying to every post I make when most of them arent even to you?.....you did this even in the GT5 thread... like you have crush on me or something.

what's next? are you gonna private message me later on to ask "what i'm wearing?":|

Yes, it was. When an 4 older games for the same company have a batter basic system then a newer game then something is wrong and their is a huge problem with the inventory system in ME1. I don't see a point for an Inventory screen in ME2 OR IN me in general. You have a ship to carry your things, before a mission you always equip the best gun, you don't even need it to switch your mods in ME2, you just press a button. I'm not saying an inventory system is bad in general, it need in FO3,NV,DA and Witcher where you carry every thing on your back and you have to go for a long distance to enen get to a place to put your stuff but in ME your ship is right there. Their is no need for it in ME.

Im maybe missunderstanding you but:

You had a ship to carry your things in ME to.

The inventory system exsists to be carried around?

There is no need for customisation and individualism in a RPG? The ability to ad variation to your replay is not related to the amount of influence you can have on your character by making him a different type of guy on each playtrough?

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#6 Dantus12
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It mostly depends on how I approach it. If a game has tactical requirements I will be ready, and if it`s a good game willing to invest time and effort.

The chore for me occurs when there is a frequent deja vu, the feeling that I already played something way to similar. Usually I take a break from it, but the last two-three years it`s happening more often.

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#7 Dantus12
Member since 2010 • 231 Posts

[QUOTE="texasgoldrush"][QUOTE="tomarlyn"] Yes Fallout 3 would be more complex and Mass Effect 2 would be more challenging for example. Whats your point? Mass Effect 1 was more complex with its inventory system, but it was also the worst inventory system I've ever used in any RPG period. It needed streamlining. The only thing I miss about the original game is the Mako and sense of exploration.tomarlyn

The Hammerhead made me forget about the Mako...I bet their will be an armored Hammerhead for ME3.

Hammerhead was cool but I didn't like having linear environments to use it in. There's nothing to ''explore'' in Mass Effect 2 like their was in the original, thats all I want back.

The Hammerhead wont be back probably, the ungodly amount of people complaining on the official boards how "clunky", and "inaccesssible" it is will probably, kill it, the same way the Mako and exploration where killed.

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#8 Dantus12
Member since 2010 • 231 Posts

People are arguing semantics. It is more important proving the poster above wrong, than adding something constructive.

ME2 drifted away to far from an RPG, the most common excuses are :"It ads to a character uniqueness", - about inventory removal, and the characters are more fleshed out.

The story suffered ,specially when not romancing the characters, Garrus has less dialogue lines than in ME, for example.

The common misconception about a character uniqueness is that a unique outfit makes a character unique- it doesn't.

Morrigan-the Witch of the Wilds,the apostate mage, does her outfit make her unique- yes.
Does She loose anything from her personality when being a Arcane Warrior wearing plate- no.

It`s the writing that makes a character unique,but the option to change her outfit adds to the role-play
in the word RPG.

The excuse that making a RPG accessible will bring the genre closer to new players, is for apologists. Investing time and effort in proper control optimization , and more important in a good tutorial would bring far more new players to the genre, then presenting them mechanics that are treating them like illiterate idiots.

On the shooter mechanics, a wast majority of people played better shooters.
The idea of entering a combat cell, and the knowledge that you can not leave, doesn't add anything.
The first thing one notices are covers: "Aha, combat

Someone yelling behind you :" And Action"!
Then the first wave of enemies,the second ,third, turn left ,right , stop . Press F to exit,be teleported out of the combat cell to prevent any type of exploring. I loved the game but the RPG was lacking and the shooter was lacking.
There are so many better RPG`s, and there are shooters, doing the mechanics way better, specially because there is a enemy that is worthy.

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#9 Dantus12
Member since 2010 • 231 Posts

It hopefully is`nt, ME 3 should become a full shooter to satisfy the peoples needs for a Bioware FPS, but they should acctualy stick to what they are good at-RPG`s in their other franchises.

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#10 Dantus12
Member since 2010 • 231 Posts

It`s becoming lucrative. EA acquired Playfish and implemented a dependency of their browser game for Dragon age 2. Looks like another way of implementing content keys, because a wast majority of gamers would never never play browser games.